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Literature retrieval and investigations indicated that the education of 0-3 year old low young children appeared some new trends, which has mainly emerged in the form of diversification. "With the small class studying "the phenomenon demonstrates the social needs for the infant children education, and there has been huge potential fresh resources in the kindergarten education. Infant teachers, however, can’t meet the current developing demands of the infant education because of a series of problems. The most prominent ones are: the quantity of teachers is insufficient, the quality of the teachers is somewhat low, the teachers’professional levels are not high .
     "Education guidance program for the Kindergarten (draft)" is the guiding ideology which carries out the construction of the kindergarten teacher troops. So we should rest on the overall goal and requests in the program to carry out the teachers’construction, we should rest on the "Program"—"with the demands of kindergarten education " to stipulate the knowledge structure of teacher, we should rest on the "Program"—"activities of the organization and implementation of kindergarten education requirements," to locate the teacher role ,and rest on the "program "—the kindergarten education evaluation criteria, to update teachers’education concepts. Kindergarten teacher education is the practical foundation which performs the construction of the teacher troops. The kindergarten low young children's education is not only at an early stage but also vary greatly in urban and rural areas, the levels of education are also different, software and hardware construction is lacking in corresponding criterion. The low young children's education is not balanced in regional development, besides, corresponding normative standards are destitute etc. So we should learn experience and practice from neighboring provinces which do better in infant Children teachers’construction. Such as Beijing "early education", Shanghai early education standards.
     The implementation of standards should be prepared and put into use in the process of developing the construction of kindergarten teachers. The standards are supposed to obey infants’mental and physical development. At the same time, the differences between infant children and ordinary children should also be considered .In addition, teacher ethical concerns , cultural accomplishment ,specialized theory knowledge and skill ,study and development ability five aspects contents are supposed to be concerned. Therefore we should build a pluralistic kindergarten teacher training model -- construct diversified infant children’s education teacher training system ,establish official infant children’s education resource center, found the masses academic organization for infant children, set up the "Garden of the curriculum" as the main mechanism for training, expand diversified channels for kindergarten teachers at the secondary school teacher training institutions -- early education professionals, to unite the development with the labor department to nurture the infant professional qualifications authentication , establish an open-access system for the young children teachers to enter. Governments at all levels should increase and strengthen the input、support and the supervision to the building of the pre-school teachers, that is to say, expand the regulations in the Teaching Universities and Normal Schools that pre—school education majors can attend school freely, improve pre-school professional levels, intensify the supervision of the teachers in private care centers. Pre–school teachers should be brought into independent administrative titles and compiled a series of titles for the hire and dismissal of the teachers.
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