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Coalbed methane (in short as CBM) is the strategic alternative energy in 21~(st) century. Its exploitation is highly emphasized all over the world. As the special geological conditions in China, the theory of storage and transport of CBM which is to fit Chinese situation has been not established until now. And the existed theories are not clear and definite in the mechanism and rule. So new experiment method to test the theories is needed at urgent. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging (NMRI) as an advanced non-damaged measurement technique provides a new research way. From the new experimental view, novelly the NMRI technique was introduced into the research of storage and transport of CBM. The coherent theories were studied and the NMRI experiments were real-time and visually measured. The mechanism of storage and transport of CBM was disclosed. The theory of storage and transport of CBM was expanded and tested. According to the research of theory and experiment, the effective technical measures to improve the output of CBM will be found. The research has important practical application significance and theoretical value. The main research contents as followings:
    1. Based on the predecessor's achievement, the mechanism of generation, storage and transport of CBM and interact laws of the relative factors were expounded. The three mastering functions stages (effective stress, matrix shrinkage and slippage effect) in the process of CBM exploitation were presented;
    2. The triaxial osmoscope made up of non-magnetic polycarbonate material was designed and developed. The home-made osmoscope has neotype utility patent in China and the confining pressure, axial pressure and pore pressure can be changed at the same time. It is to say that the osmoscope can realize the three-dimensional stress state;
    3. Using the home-made osmoscope, the experiments of characteristics of desorption and seepage of CBM were made. Through the experiments, the new
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