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     另一方面,我们研究了Lorentz空间型(?)(c)中的满足一定曲率条件的类空超曲面,刻画了Lorentz空间型中具有两个互异主曲率的常r阶平均曲率类空超曲面的一些特征,得到了一些刚性结果.特别我们完全分类了反de Sitter空间中具有两个互异主曲率的常平均曲率的类空超曲面,解决了Cao和Wei提出的一个公开问题.
In this paper,we study some problems on geometry of submanifolds in pseudo-Riemannian space forms. We give some characteristics and classifications of proper hyper-surfaces in pseudo-Riemannian space forms. In particular, some interesting characteristics of r-minimal hypersurfaces are obtained.
     On the one hand,using the method of moving frames and L_r operator, we investigate hypersurfaces x : M_s~n→(?) (c) immersed into a pseudo-Riemannian space form (?) (c) satisfying certain conditions on L_r operator:
     1. Proper hypersurfaces in a pseudo-Riemannian space form (?) (c) ((?) R_v~(n+p) or R_(v+1)~(n+p)),whose position vector x satisfy L_rx = Rx + b,where L_r is the linearized operator of the (r + l)-th mean curvature H_(r+1) of hypersurfaces for a fixed r = 0,…,n-1, R∈R~((n+1)×(n+1)) or R~((n+2)×(n+2)) is a constant matrix,according to c = 0 or c≠0,respectively; and b∈R_v~(n+p) or R_(v+1)~(n+p) is a constant vector. If M_s~n satisfy one of the following properties:(1) c = 0, (2) c≠0,b = (?) and H_r is a constant, (3) c≠0, b = (?) and R is self-adjoint, then M_s~n are r-minimal (i.e. H_(r+1) = 0) or isoparametric. In particular, we locally classify such spacelike hypersurfaces which are not r-minimal.
     2. Proper hypersurfaces M~n in a pseudo-Riemannian space form (?) (c) satisfying certain equation on the mean curvature vector (?) of M~n in pseudo-Riemannian space form (?) (c). We give some new characteristics of r-minimal hypersurfaces.
     3. Complete spacelike hypersurface immersed into a Lorentzian space form (?) (c) satisfying equationφ=λψfor some real number A, whereφ= andψ= <(?),a>, for some fixed nonzero vector a∈R_1~(n+1),R_1~(n+2) or R_2~(n+2),according to c = 0, c = 1 or c = -1,respectively.We prove that if M~n has constant mean curvature, then M~n is either a totally umbilical hypersurface or a hyperbolic cylinder.
     In adition. using L_r operator,we discuss stability of spacelike hypersurfaces with constant 2th mean curvature in a Lorentz manifolds.
     On the other hand, we investigate spacelike hypersurfaces with constant rth mean curvature and two distinct principal curvatures in a Lorentz space forms (?) (c). We obtain some characteristics and rigity results of spacelike hypersurfaces in Lorentz space forms. In particular,we classify completely constant mean curvature spacelike hypersur- faces with two distinct principal curvatures in an anti-de Sitter space H_1~(n+1)(c) and solve a open problem presented by Cao and Wei.
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