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本试验提取禽呼肠孤病毒内蒙古、天津地区分离株(B-98、C-98、G-98、T-98株)病毒总RNA。参考GenBank中禽呼肠孤病毒S3、S4基因序列设计2对引物。应用RT-PCR技术特异性地扩增病毒的S3、S4基因。将纯化的目的DNA与PMD19-T载体连接,转化到DH5α感受态细胞中,应用蓝白斑法筛选阳性重组质粒,然后用PCR法鉴定重组质粒,将鉴定的阳性重组菌送生物工程公司测定S3、S4基因序列,应用计算机软件将测定序列与参考序列进行比较。结果表明测定的S3基因节段长1202bp,均包含完整的开放性阅读框(Open Reading Frame,ORF),位于31~1134 bp;S4基因节段长1109bp,包含完整的开放性阅读框(ORF),位于2~1105 bp。禽呼肠孤病毒B-98、C-98、G-98和T-98的S3基因序列已成功登录GenBank,登录号分别为EF030498、EF030496、EF030497、EF030499。四个分离株的S3基因与禽呼肠孤病毒S1133、176和鸡源番鸭呼肠孤病毒YJL的同源性很高在99.2%~100%之间;与禽呼肠孤病毒138的同源性较高在87.0%~87.3%之间;与番鸭呼肠孤病毒S14和89026的同源性较低在60.0%~64.1%之间;与哺乳动物呼肠孤病毒3和纳尔逊海湾病毒的同源性很低分别为3.8%和19.2%。四个分离株的S4基因与禽呼肠孤病毒S1133、176和鸡源番鸭呼肠孤病毒YJL的同源性很高在98.8%~99.6%之间;与禽呼肠孤病毒138和番鸭呼肠孤病毒S14和89026的同源性较高在76.4%~81.2%之间;与哺乳动物呼肠孤病毒3和纳尔逊海湾病毒的同源性很低分别为6.5%~6.6%和53.9%~56.2%。S3和S4基因系统发生树分析表明,均与禽呼肠孤病毒S1133、176和鸡源番鸭呼肠孤病毒YJL的遗传进化关系最近,分属同一进化分支。天津、内蒙古分离株的σB蛋白和σNS蛋白结构分析表明,它们均为亲水蛋白,等电点在6.27~7.10之间。天津、内蒙古分离株σB蛋白和σNS蛋白抗原位点与禽呼肠孤病毒S1133、176和鸡源番鸭呼肠孤病毒YJL相同。综上所述,禽呼肠孤病毒内蒙古、天津地区分离株S3和S4基因的抗原位点分析结果与同源性、系统发生树结果相互一致,与禽呼肠孤病毒S1133、176和鸡源番鸭呼肠孤病毒YJL的同源性最高,分属同一进化分支,且抗原位点相同。
The total RNA of Avian reovirus(ARV) isolated in inner Mongolia and Tianjin was extracted. According to the published S3 and S4 gene sequence of ARVs strains in GenBank,two pairs of primer were synthesized.The S3 and S4 gene of virus were amplificated with specific primers by RT-PCR and then cloned into PMD19-T plasmids and then sequenced. Each of the acquired sequences S3 gene was 1,202 bp,and contained one ORF(31-1,134 bp).Each of the acquired sequences S4 gene was 1,109 bp,and contained one ORF(2-1,105 bp). the accession nommber of ARV B-98、C-98、G-98、T-98 was EF030498、EF030496、EF030497、EF030499, respectively in GenBank.Comparision of nucleotide and amino acid sequences showed that high homology between ARVs.The homology of S3 gene was about 99.2%~100%,compared the four isolated ARV strains with ARV S1133、ARV 176、DRV YJL .The homology of S3 gene was about 87.0%~87.3%,compared the four isolated ARV strains with ARV 138. The homology of S3 gene was about 60.0%~64.1%,compared the four isolated ARV strains with DRV S14、DRV 89026.The low homology of S3 gene was 3.8% and 19.2%,respectively,compared the four isolated ARV strains with MRV 3 and NBV.The homology of S4 gene was about 98.8%~99.6%,compared the four isolated ARV strains with ARV S1133、ARV 176、DRV YJL .The homology of S4 gene was about 76.4%~81.2%,compared the four isolated ARV strains with ARV 138、DRV S14 and DRV 89026. The low homology of S4 gene was 6.5%~6.6% and 53.9%~56.2%, respectively, compared the four isolated ARV strains with MRV 3 and NBV.The results of phylogenetic tress indicated that the S3 and S4 gene of the four isolated ARV strains were close distant from ARV S1133、ARV 176 and DRV YJL.The Structural analysis ofσB protein andσNS protein indicated that they were hydropathicity protein,and isoelectric point were 6.27~7.10. The antigen site ofσB protein andσNS protein of four ARV isolates were similar with ARV S1133、ARV 176 and DRV YJL.The analysis results of homology、phylogenetic tress and antigen site were identical.
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