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Conversation is a primordial activity in social life. It is the important medium andmeans through which social members indulge in social activities、establish and maintaindirect social relationships、affirm or deny individual’s social identities and transmit、renew and modify individual’s cultural symbols. Through interactive conversation,social members share meanings、reach mutual understanding and continuity of behaviorso as to realize social harmony. Therefore, social scientists including anthropologists、sociologists、linguists and psychologists all treat the study of face-to-face interaction asan important strategic field for the understanding of human being’s social behavior. Theissues like the organizational sequence in participants’ interactions、the methods the twosides employ to reach mutual understanding and the functions that interactions have forconstructing social structure on bigger scales have all become kernel research topics.Founded in the1960s by the three sociologists of Sacks、Schegloff and Jefferson,Conversation Analysis(CA) is dedicated to finding out the underlying rules、proceduresand conventions beneath orderly and naturally-occurring interactions and theinterrelationships in between interactions and bigger social structures. CA believes thatinteraction is not to reflect social reality passively, but to construct social reality activelyand language itself is kind of social reality which is directly involved in social affairsand social structure. This microscopic perspective represents the standard approach inthe “qualitative revolution” in modern sociological research and in a certain degreerevolutionizes sociological way of thinking.
     CA has flourished in research achievement within half a century’s development. Itsmulti-disciplinary feature sets great standard for researchers to interpret theconnotations of its theorizing and methodology. At home, the introductions andcomment to CA are mainly carried out in the field of linguistics and few are thediscussions on the sociological foundations of CA and the interrelationship in betweenconversation and social structures. The present thesis is to do an academic summary andstandard introduction to the theoretical foundations、basic theoretical constructions、 applications and methodology of CA so as to avoid misinterpretation and set solid basisfor further academic work. According to this research target, the research adopts themethod of documentary interpretation supplemented by logic argumentation and casedescription so as to systematically analyze the development trend of CA、elaborate itstheoretical foundations and key findings、summarize its methodology and analyze itsapplications. The major research technologies include content analysis、interview、consultation and so on.
     First and foremost, the present research attempts to elaborate on the origin of CA ondiscipline and theory, which includes the concrete analysis of the inspiration andinfluences from the philosophical foundation of CA—constructiontivism and ordinarylanguage philosophy、the elaboration of the sociological foundation of CA including theinteractive order theory of Goffman and the interrelationship in between Garfinkel’sethnomethodology and CA and the turn-by-turn illustration of the multi-disciplinaryinfluences on CA, especially on Sacks himself including those from ethnography、linguistics and so on. The origin and development of CA and the representatives andtheir contributions at each stage are systematically analyzed in order to summarize thecomprehensive research and development trend of CA. Besides, the theoreticalbackground and theoretical construction of CA as a system of sociological theory areanalyzed and elaborated. CA adheres to the following theoretical principles:1.interactive constituents are context-bound and context-renewed;2.order is everywherein interaction;3.CA adopts the bottom-up method;4.CA pays attention to the study ofdeviant cases. The concrete research achievement is manifested in the two fields of“pure CA” and “applied CA”. The former includes the findings of the microscopicfeatures of interaction like adjacency pair、turn-taking、preference structure、repairstructure, etc and the relationship between these internal features of interaction and thecorresponding social action. It also includes the macroscopic features of interactionrepresented by the research on telephone conversation、 story-telling and theircorresponding social action. The latter refers to the pioneering work of CA oninstitutional talk and their social action including the exploration on the interactivefeatures of both formal and informal institutional interactions and their relationship withthe corresponding institutional context. Besides, other applications of CA including human-machine interaction、political speech and language teaching are also mentionedand introduced. Furthermore, the concrete research methodology of CA is summarized.CA practitioners prefer the technological means of recordings and videos in the hope ofvisualizing ordinary life practice and truly depicting them, which is called “back tothings themselves.” The research procedures of CA include:1.recording and collectingdata;2. partially or fully transcribing the data;3. analyzing the chosen script;4.makingresearch report. This perspective and method allows the research to become a scientificprocedure of being bottom-up rather than being “transcendental”、 highlyoperational、reliable and worthy of being tested and retested. Last, the contributions、shortcomings and future trend of CA are analyzed and commented. As a qualitativemethod, EM—CA in a certain degree transcends the traditional dilemma of dualism insociology and from the perspective of empirio—monism, it combines the binaryconcepts of individual and society、social structure and human interaction、macroscopictheory and microscopic action and sociological knowledge and commonsense reasoning,which enriches our knowledge of society and realizes the innovation of thinking mode.Therefore, despite the the facts that EM—CA has met with countless criticism since itsfounding, the standard theorizing has not been formed, the research topics are stilllimited and the methodology still needs to be regulated, it begins the innovation ofthinking mode in modern sociology. The uniqueness、richness and deep—foundednessof its theory starts new chapters for the mental revolution of post—modern sociologyand the multi-disciplinary feature shown in EM—CA in its development embodies itspotentiality as a research methodology。
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    ②Schegloff, E.A. Sequencing in conversational opening. American Anthropologist,1968(70):1079.
    ①Hutchby, I.&Wooffitt R. Conversation Analysis: Principles, Practices and Applications. Cambridge: Polity,1998:98.
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    ①Karl Raimund Popper, The Logic of Scientific Discovery. London: Routledge.1935:25.
    ②Garfinkel, H, Studies in ethnomethodology. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall,1967; Garfinkel, H,Ethnomethodology’s Program: Working Out Durkheim’s Aphorism. Edited and Introduced by Anne Rawls. Lanham,MD: Rowman&Littlefield,2002.
    ③Have, Paul ten, Understanding qualitative research and ethnomethodology. London etc. Sage Publications,2004.
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    ③Sacks, H. Lectures on conversation.2vols. edited by Gail Jefferson; with an introduction by Emanuel A. Schegloff.Oxford: Basil Blackwell,1992:329.
    ⑤Goffman, E. Stigma: Notes on the management of spoiled identity. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall.
    ②Goffman, E. Forms of talk, Oxford: Blackwell:1981:48—50.
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    ④Goffman, E. Forms of talk. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press,1981.
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    ①转译自David Silverman, Havey Saxks—Social Science and Conversation Analysis, Oxford: Policy Press.1998a:35.
    ①Heritage, J. Garfinkel and Ethnomethodology. Cambridge: Polity Press.1984a:203-205.
    ②转引自Silverman, D.Harvey Sacks: Social Science and Conversation Analysis. Oxford: Policy Press:1998a:36.
    ①有关这一点具体的讨论,可以参见Heritage, J. Garfinkel and Ethnomethodology. Cambridge: Polity Press.1984a:23-28.
    ②Sacks, H..“Notes on methodology”. In: Atkinson, J.M.&Heritage, J.(eds) Structures of Social Action: Studies inConversation Analysis, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.1984a:20.
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    ①限于篇幅,本文在此不再赘述,具体参见Suchman,1987; Edwards and Potter1992; Hutchby and Woffitt1998;
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    ①Goodenough, W. H. Componential Analysis and the Study of Meaning, Languages,1956(32):195—216.
    ①Sacks, H. Lectures on conversation. I. edited by Gail Jefferson; with an introduction by Emanuel A. Schegloff.Oxford: Basil Blackwell,1992.:647.
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    ②Paul ten Have, Doing Conversation Analysis: A Practiced Guide. London: Sage Publication:8.
    ①Schegloff, Emanuel A., Harvey Sacks, Opening up closings, Semiotica,1973(8):289-327.
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    ①Heath, C.C.&Luff, P.K. Technology in Action. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,2000; Luff, P.K.,Hindmarsh, J.&Heath C.C.(eds). Workplace Studies: Recovering Work Practice and Informing Systems Design.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,2000b.
    ①Atkinson, J. Maxwell Our masters’ voices: the language and body language of politics. London: Methuen,1984a; Atkinson, J. Maxwell Public speaking and audience responses: some techniques forinviting audienceapplause.//J. Maxwell Atkinson, John Heritage, eds. Structures of SocialAction: Studies in Conversation Analysis.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1984b:370-407.
    ②Heritage, John, David Greatbatch, Generating applause: a study of rhetoric and response at party politicalconferences, American Journal of Sociology1986(92):110-57.
    ①Firth, Alan, Johannes Wagner, On discourse, communication and (some) fundamental concepts in second languageacquisition research, The Modern Language Journal,1997(81),3:285-300; Firth, Alan, Johannes Wagner, SLAproperty: no trespassing! A response,The Modern Language Journal1998:82.
    ②Markee, N. Conversation Analysis. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.2000:165.
    ③Gardner.H, Social and cognitive conpetencies in learning:which is whichi?I//Hutchby and Moran.Ellis, Childrenand Social Competence: Arenas of Action. London: Falmer Press.1997:115-33.
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    ①Heritage, John, A change-of-state token and aspects of its sequential placement.//Atkinson, J. Maxwell, JohnHeritage, eds. Structures of Social Action: Studies in Conversation Analysis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1984:299-345.
    ②在谈话分析内部,语境问题是最有争议的话题之一,理论与术语不一而足。我们在这里对语境采用了较为宽泛的理解。有兴趣的读者可以参阅Duranti and Goodwin (1992)以及Sarangi and Roberts (1999)。
    ③Heritage, J., A change-of-state token and aspects of its sequential placement.//Atkinson, J. Maxwell, John Heritage,eds. Structures of Social Action: Studies in Conversation Analysis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1984b:
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    ②有关他观(etic)与自观(emic)的区别可参见Cherles Goodwin,1984。
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    ①Ford, Cecilia E., Sandra A. Thompson, Interactional units in conversation: syntactic, intonational, and pragmaticresources for the management of turns.//Ochs, E., Emanuel A. Schegloff, S.A. Thompson, eds., Interaction andGrammar. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1996:171.
    ②Heritage, J., A change-of-state token and aspects of its sequential placement.//Atkinson, J. Maxwell, JohnHeritage, eds. Structures of Social Action: Studies in Conversation Analysis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1984b:265.
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    ①Schegloff, E. A., Jefferson, G.&Sacks,H. The preference for self-correction in the organization of repair inconversation’, Language,1977(53):363.
    ①Schegloff, E. A., Jefferson, G.,&Sacks, H., The preference for self-correction in the organization of repair inconversation, Language,1977(53):373.
    ③Hutchby, I., Wooffitt, R., Conversation analysis: Principles, practices and applications. Cambridge: Polity Press
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    ②Schegloff, E. A., The routine as achievement’, Human Studies1986(9):132.
    ③Schegloff, E. A.&Sacks, H. Opening up closings, Semiotica,1973(8):291.
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    ②具体内容请参见Drew and Heritage,1992:19-53.
    ③Heritage, John, David Greatbatch, On the institutional character of institutional talk: the case of news interviews.//Deirdre Boden, Don H. Zimmerman, eds. Talk and social structure: studies in ethnomethodology and conversationanalysis. Cambridge: Polity Press,1991:93-137.
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    ⑤Clayman, S.E., Displaying neutrality in television news interviews, Social Problems1988(35):474-92;Heritage,J.,Analyzing news interviews: aspects of the production of talk for an overhearing audience.//T.A. van Dijk,ed.Handbook of discourse analysis. London: Academic Press. Vol.3,1985b:95-117;Heritage, J.&Greatbatch, D.,Onthe institutional character of institutional talk: the case of news interviews.//Boden D.&Zimmerman, D.H.(eds) Talkand social structure: studies in ethnomethodology and conversation analysis, Cambridge: Polity Press,1991:93-137.
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    ②Boden, D., The business of talk: organizations in action. Cambridge: Polity Press,1994a.
    ③Per kyl, A., AIDS Counselling: Institutional Interaction and Clinical Practice. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1995.
    ④Hutchby, I., Confrontation talk: Arguments, Asymmetries, and power on talk radio. Mahwah, N.J.: LawrenceErlbaum,1996b.
    ⑤Wilson, T.P., Social structure and the sequential organization of interaction.//D. Boden&D.H. Zimmerman, eds.Talk and social structure: studies in ethnomethodology and conversation analysis. Cambridge: Polity Press,1991:22-43
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    ②Frankel, R., Talking in interviews: a dispreference for patient-initiated questions in physician-patientencounters.//George Psathas, ed. Interactional Competence. Washington:University Press of America,1990:231-62.Have, Paul ten, A doctor’s body work: an exploratory exercise.//A. Marcarino, ed.,Analisi della conversatione eprospettive di recerca inetnometodologia. Urbino: Editioni QuattroVenti,1997:207-18.
    ①Greatbatch, D., On the management of disagreement between news interviewers'.//Drew, P., J. Heritage, eds. Talkat work: interaction in institutional settings. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1992:268-301.
    ①Have, P. ten, The consultation as a genre.//IB. Torode, ed. Text and Talk as Social Practice. Dordrecht/Providence,R.I.: Foris Publications,1989:115-35.
    ①Sacks, H., Lectures on conversation. Vol2. Edited by Gail Jefferson with introductions by Emanuel A. Schegloff.Oxford: Basil Blackwell,1992:26.
    ②Have, Paul ten, Doing conversation analysis: a practical guide.. London, etc.: Sage Publications,1999:48.
    ③Sacks, H., Lectures on conversation. Vol2. Edited by Gail Jefferson with introductions by Emanuel A. Schegloff.Oxford: Basil Blackwell,1992:419.
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    ②Sacks, H., Lectures on conversation. Vol2. Edited by Gail Jefferson with introductions by Emanuel A. Schegloff.Oxford: Basil Blackwell,1992:420.
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    ①Heritage, J.&Atkinson, J.M., Introduction.//Atkinson, J.M.&Heritage, J.(eds) Structures of Social Action:Studies in Conversation Analysis, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1984:1-15.
    ①参见Goodwin, C., Conversational organization: interaction between speakers and hearers. New York: AcademicPress,1981; Goodwin, C., Seeing in depth, Social Studies of Science1995(25):237-74; Heath, C.,Embarrassmentand interactional organization,//Paul Drew, Anthony Wootton, eds., Erving Goffman: exploring the interaction order.Cambridge: Polity Press,1988.136-60.
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    ③Button, G., Answers as interactional products: two sequential practices used ininterviews, Social PsychologyQuarterly,1987(50):174.
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