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苏里格气田盒 8 段气藏是一个低压、低渗透、低丰度、大面积分布的岩性气藏,有效砂体为低渗透砂岩背景上的相对高渗单元,埋藏深度大、规模小、厚度薄、分布规律复杂,储层预测成为制约气田开发的关键技术问题之一。本文通过对苏里格气田沉积微相、成岩作用、测井解释、储层、加密井解剖、气层地球物理响应特征等的深入综合研究,对其有效储层的成因、主控因素和分布规律有了较为深入的认识,初步形成了一套有效储层预测的技术方法,并预测了有利储层分布区。取得了如下主要成果:
    1.认识到苏里格气田盒 8 段砂质辫状河沉积的各类砂岩中,只有粗砂岩和含砾粗砂岩相才能形成有效储层,而中、细砂岩为非储层。粗砂岩主要分布在心滩微相和部分河道充填微相的底部,中、细砂岩主要分布在河道充填微相中。在盒 8 段辫状河的多水道系统中划分出高能水道和低能水道两种水道类型,高能水道控制心滩沉积的主要分布。
    3.苏里格气田储层成因特征决定了砂岩大面积连片分布,但有效砂岩分布分散的、连续性和连通性差的分布特征。有效砂体规模小,宽度一般<800 米,呈孤立状或窄条带状分布在致密砂岩或泥岩中。
    4.苏里格气田气层厚度薄、埋藏深度大,限于地球物理的分辨率,预测难度很大。通过总结不同类型井的储层分布模型,研究其 AVO 响应特征,将地质模型与二维地震资料的 AVO 解释相结合,预测出相对富集区块,可作为气田建产的优选区块。
The He8 gas pool in Sulige gas field is a kind of wide spreaded lithologic gas pool with low pressure, low permeability and low reserve abundance. The effective sandstones are those relative high permeable units distributed among the low permeability background. Because of their deep buried depth, little size and thin thickness, prediction of effective sandstones proves a tough task for gas field development. Integrated studies were carried on in such aspects as sedimentary microfacies, diagenesis, log interpretation, relationship of lithofacies-petrophysics-log response-gas saturation, close well drilling and the seismic response of gas sandstones. Then deep understandings of the genesis and distribution of effective sandstones were gained. A new prediction method for effective sandstone distribution was put forwards, and favorable areas were predicted. The main achievements of this dissertation are followings:
    1. Only the coarse grained and conglomeratic sandstones in the braided channel sandy sediments can be effective sandstones, while the medium and fine grained sands would be invalid. The coarse grained sands are mostly distributed in the channel bars and the bottom of some channel filling sediments. The medium and fine grained sands are mostly distributed in the channel filling sediments. Two kinds of channels-high energy channel and low energy channel-were identified in the braided multi-channel system in the He8 intervals. The high energy channels control the distribution of main channel bars.
    2. The study of the genesis of effective sandstones illustrates that there is a close connection among sandstone grain size, sandstone ingredients and their petrophysics. Because of the depositional separation of different clast, the coarse sandstones are inclined to be relative high reservoir quality, with high content of hard quartzite clast and quartz grains, which favors the preservation of primary pores, the flowing of pore flows and occurrence of secondary pores. The medium and fine grained sandstones are inclined to be bad or invalid reservoir quality, with high content of soft lithic fragments, which leads to tight compaction, poor preservation of primary pores and poor development of secondary pores. So, it can be put forwards that depositional hydro-dynamics controls the sandstone structure and component, and then controls the diagenesis and pore evolution. Based on the relationship of sedimentary microfacies, lithofacies, diagenetic facies and petrophysics, the genetic and distributed models of the four kinds of sandstones in the He8 intervals were built up.
    3. The sandstones in Sulige gas field are wide spreaded, while the effective sandbodies are dispersively distributed with small size and poor continuousness and connectivity. The width of a single effective sandbody is almost less than 800 meter. The effective sandbodies are distributed in the tight sandstones and mudstones in shapes of isolated points or narrow strips. 4. Suffering from the deep buried depth, thin thickness and the limit of seismic resolution, the prediction of gas sandbody distribution is difficult. Through establishing geological models of different kinds of gas wells, and integrated studying of the geological models and their AVO response on the 2D lines, the favorable areas were picked up for recent development.
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