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This research based on the climatic data of 142 weather stations in Hebei province provided by China Meteorological Administration (CMA) for 30 years (1979~2008 years), according to the characteristic of Hebei climate and the growing behavior of grapevine, based on the analysis of thermal index and moisture index, using the Frost-free period, the dryness index in growing period (Apr.~Sep.) and the precipitation in maturing period (Aug.~Sep.) as the viticulture zoning indices and the active accumulated temperature from (Apr.~Sep.) as the grapevine variety zoning index,then made the drafting by ARCGIS software.
     1 The result of the climatic zoning of viticulture in Hebei province
     Based on the daily climatic data of 142 cities and counties in Hebei province, using Excel software calculated the frost-free period, the dryness index in growing period and the precipitation in the mature season. According to the result, Hebei province was subdivided into 9 climate areas and made the drafting by ARCGIS software.
     Ⅰ: Huaian, Wanquan
     Ⅱ: Luanpin
     Ⅲ: Chengde, Chengde Xian
     Ⅳ: Zhangjiakou, Huailai, Zhuolu
     Ⅴ: Quyang, Xinle, Zhao Xian, Boxiang, Ningjin, Neiqiu, SheXian, Zhuozhou, Gaobeidian, Guan,Yongqing, Xushui, Anxin, Wangdu, Dacheng, Hejian, LiXian, Suning, Yanshan, Haixing, Pingxiang, Mengcun, Wuqiang, JingXian, Nanpi, Linxi
     Ⅵ: Luannan, Lulong, Qinhuangdao, YiXiancounty, Dachang, Langfang, Sanhe, Xianghe, LuanXian, Fengrun, Fengnan, Tangshan, Leting, Changli, Funing
     Ⅶ: Lingshou, Xingtang, Jinzhou, Zhengding, Tang Xian, Jinjing, Pingshan, Dingzhou, Shijiazhuang, Wuji, Linzhang, Shahe, Luancheng, Gaoyi, Yuanshi, Lincheng, Longrao, Zanhuang, Xingtai, Julu, Renxian, Wuan, Nanhe,Handan, Quzhou, Fengfeng, Yongnan, WeiXian, CiXian, Guangping, Feixiang, Chengan, Rongcheng, Bazhou, Baoding, Anguo, Raoyang, Shenzhou, Anping, Renqiu, QingXian,Changzhou, XianXian, Potou, Shenze, Huanghua, Guangzong, Xinhe, XiongXian, Jize, Hengshui, Wuyi, Jizhou, Nangong, Gucheng, Zaoqiang, Fucheng, Dongguang, Wuqiang, WeiXian, Daming, Guantao, QiuXian
     Ⅷ: Mancheng, Tanghai, Shunping
     Ⅸ: Gaocheng, Xinji, Qinghe
     Based on the results of the climatic zoning of viticulture in Hebei province .According to the suitable viticulture areas in Hebei province, calculated active accumulated temperature from (Apr.~Sep.). Hebei province was subdivided into 5 areas.The result was as follows:
     ⅠT he active accumulated temperature from (Apr.~Sep.) was 3000~3270℃:including Huaian, Wanquan, Luanpin, which was suitable to plant Gewurztraminer, Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, limberger etc.
     ⅡT he active accumulated temperature from (Apr.~Sep.) was 3271~3550℃: including Zhangjiakou, Huailai, Zhuolu, which was suitable to plant Chardonnay, Italian Riesling, Ugni Blanc, sylvaner, Cabernet Franc, Merlot, sangiovese etc.
     ⅢT he active accumulated temperature from (Apr.~Sep.) was 3551~3820℃:including Huailai, Chengde Xian, Luannan, Qinhuangdao, Funing, Changli,Tanghai which was suitable to plant Ugni Blanc, Cabernet Franc,Merlot,Cabernet Sauvignon, Shiraha,Carignane, SAPERAVI, Longan etc.
     ⅣT he active accumulated temperature from (Apr.~ Sep.) was 3821~4130℃,including Gaocheng, Xinji ,Qinghe, Quyang, Langfang,Baoding,Hengshui, Mancheng ect.,which was suitable to plant Ugni Blanc, Cabernet Franc,Merlot,Cabernet Sauvignon, Shiraha, Carignan, SAPERAVI etc.
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