黄鼬东北亚种(Mustela sibirica sibirca)被毛热力学特性及影响因素研究
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哺乳动物具有完善的热量调节机制,通过生理性调节促进产热和散热的动态平衡,从而实现动物维持相对恒定的体温。哺乳动物的被毛不仅形成了动物与外界环境的相对分界,且在动物的热量平衡中发挥了重要作用,为动物更广泛的适应环境变化提供保障。黄鼬(Mustela sibirica)适应能力强,广泛的分布于不同的地理环境,即使同一地理种群也能适应多种生境类型。黄鼬被毛结构复杂,形态多样,栖息于不同生境类型的生态型之间被毛特征具有明显的分化,这为通过被毛的形态结构特征来研究动物适应进化提供了理想的素材。被毛的热力学特性是动物被毛在热量传递过程中的固有属性,被毛的不同形态特征势必表现出热力学特性的差异。本研究的目的就是通过测定不同生态因子作用下被毛的热物性,比较不同生态型被毛热力学特性,建立被毛形态特征与热力学特性的关系,为进一步揭示被毛对动物热量调节的作用提供了依据。
     本文以张广才岭-松嫩平原分布的黄鼬东北亚种(M.s.sibirca)的森林生态型、丘陵生态型、平原生态型的夏冬季被毛为研究对象,对三种生态型皮板厚度、毛颜色、毛长度、毛细度、毛密度、毛髓质发达程度等形态指标进行比较研究,通过自行构建的稳态过程热物性测试平台,测定三种黄鼬生态型被毛在不同温度、风速、湿度作用下的热流密度和传热系数,通过SPSS17.0for windows统计软件进行分析,得到以下结果:
Mammals have a perfect thermoregulation mechanism, they maintain body temperature by physiologically adjusting the balance of heat production and dissipation. The pelage is a critical surface between the body and environment, which plays an important role in thermal balance and provide morphological strategies for adapting to circumstances variety. Siberian weasel have (Mustela sibirica) a strong adaptability, widely distribute in different geographical environment, and even the same geographical population can adapt to various habitat types. The pelage morphological structure of weasel is complicated and high diversity,the characteristics of pelage of weasels from different habitat type show obvious differentiation, which provide a ideal object for researching adaptive evolution of animal by the morphological structure and characteristics of pelage. Thermal property of fur is an inherent attribute in heat transfer process, so different morphological characteristics certainly will show different thermal property. Therefore, to find the relation between pelage characteristic and fur thermal property.The thermal property of fur influenced by different ecological factors were measured, thermal property of fur of different ecotype were compared. These provide evidence for the further research in influence of fur on thermoregulation.
     In this research, summer fur and winter hair of forest ecotype, hill ecotype and plain ecotype of Siberian weasel (M.s.sibirca) distributed between Zhangguangcai Moutains and Songnen Plains were chosen. The hair colour, hair length, hair diameter, hair density, and medulla index of hairs of there ecotypes were studied. The thermal flux and overall heat transfer coefficient of fur from three ecotypes were measured under different air temperature, wind speed, relative air humidity by testing platform based on heat transfer property of pelage builted by ourselves. All data were analyzed by SPSS, and the results are as following:
     1. For forest ecotype, the hair color of summer fur is chocolate and that of winter fur is dark orange; for plain ecotype, color of winter fur is peru. The vertical Anatomical surface of pelage showed obvious color layering, which could be related to absorb the radiant heat from the sun and improve the heat-insulating property of the fur.
     2. There are significant differences in skin thickness and hair density among the three ecotypes, of which the forest ecotype is the highest, plain ecotype is the lowest, hill ecotype is medium.
     3. For forest ecotype, skin thickness of summer fur is significantly higher than that of winter fur morphological characteristic such as hair density, hair length, medulla width and medulla index of gurd hair
     4. The dimorphism is significant for fur morphological characteristic. For all ecotypes, the skin thickness, hair density, hair length, hair diameter, and medulla index all showed significant difference between male and female.
     5. Among three ecotypes, the fur overall heat transfer coefficient and thermal flux of forest ecotype is the lowest, and that of plain ecotypes is the highest. Regression analysis showed that hair density,hair length and medulla index of guard hair is the main factors that influences the heat transfer property.
     6. Ambient air temperature has a significant impact on fur thermal flux. The thermal flux of plain ecotype is the highest, that of hill ecotype is medium, that of forest ecotype is the lowest, and the difference between each other is highly significant. The air temperature has highly significant impact on fur thermal flux between summer and winter, and between male and female. Air temperature showed no significant impact on fur overall heat transfer coefficient.
     7. The fur thermal flux increased significantly with the increase of wind speed. The heat transferred from hair to environment increased by1.72times when wind speed increased from0m·s to5m·s. Under the impact of gradient wind speed, fur thermal flux of plain ecotype is the highest, that of hill ecotype is medium, that of forest is the lowest, and fur thermal flux between each ecotype is significantly different. The impact of wind speed on fur is significant between seasons and between genders.
     8. Wind direction has no significant impact on fur thermal flux in male weasel, but significant in female. Wind direction has no significant impact on overall heat transfer coefficient in both sexes.
     9. Air relative humidity has no significant impact on fur thermal flux and overall heat transfer coefficient, of which increased significantly when the fur was wetting. The hair significantly promoted the evaporation of water.
     Base on the analysis above, we can conclude that:
     1. Among three ecotypes, the heat-insulating property of fur of forest ecotype is the highest, and the impact of ecological factors on heat transfer property is the minimum; followed by hill ecotype and plain ecotype.
     2. The thermal property of fur from three ecotypes showed distribution of vertical zonality that forest ecosystem transit to plain ecosystem gradually.
     3. The fur thermodynamic property of weasel explains the biological significance of different morphological characteristics, reflects the response of fur characteristics to different ecological factors changes, and incarnates the adaptability that the morphology and function of animal fur highly unify.
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