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     急性肾功能衰竭(Acute Reanal failure, ARF)是心脏外科围手术期最常见的严重并发症之一,有多种原因可诱发急性肾功能衰竭,如术前心功能不全导致的慢性肾损害,术中体外循环的损伤,术后顽固性低心排、低氧血症,以及相关药物的肾脏毒副作用等等。近年来随着心脏外科相关技术(如体外循环)的进步、手术方式的成熟以及围手术期处理的改善,急性肾功能衰竭的发生率有所降低。但是患者一旦发生ARF,其死亡率仍然非常高,如不及时处理,循环系统及其他系统将出现严重并发症。其中容量负荷的增加极容易诱发急性心功能衰竭,这也是ARF导致患者死亡最常见的原因之一。
     连续性肾脏替代治疗(continuous renal replacement therapy, CRRT)是目前处理心脏术后ARF最常用的治疗方式,它是以对流的原理清除体内大中及小分子物质、水分和电解质,根据原发病治疗的需要补充一部分置换液,通过超虑可以降低血中溶质的浓度,以及调控机体容量平衡。实际上,CRRT不仅仅是一组维护肾脏功能的医疗措施,它能通过超滤,灌流,吸附等一系列不断发展的技术,在调节体液电解质平衡的同时,清除各种代谢产物,毒物,药物和身体内产生的各种致病性生物分子(如趋化因子,细胞因子等等)。因此,目前很多学者称CRRT为连续性血液净化(Continus blood purification, CBP), CBP作为一类崭新的、跨学科的技术,研究工作还在不断的深入发展中。
     腹膜透析(peritoneal dialysis, PD)是肾功能衰竭的重要替代治疗方法,能有效清除体内多余水分,纠正电解质及酸碱平衡紊乱,清除体内毒性物质,且对循环功能影响小,适用于体外循环心脏直视术后由于低心排综合症、心脏骤停、体外循环等原因所致急性肾功能衰竭。心外科术后肾衰竭患者究竟CBP与PD哪一种方案更有效,对ARF预后更好,仍无明确理论依据及定论。
     山东大学齐鲁医院2005年8月~2010年5月心脏手术后因ARF接受CBP患者36例,接受PD患者21例,术前均无肾功能异常。前者采用经皮穿刺股静脉留置单针双腔导管建立血管通路,根据预后分为生存组(n=24)和死亡组(n=12),后者采用腹膜腔荷包缝合Tenckhoff透析管,根据预后分为生存组(n=13)和死亡组(n=8),对其临床资料进行回顾性分析比较,统计各组心脏术后ARF产生的时间,开始血液透析的时间,血液透析总共持续的时间,监护室入住的天数等等指标。并对所有患者治疗前进行APACHE III评分,并分别观察两组患者治疗前、治疗12、24、48和72h后肾功能(BUN、Cr)、心肌酶(AST、CPK、LDH)、左心室射血分数(LVEF)、心脏输出量(CO)、心脏指数(CI)的变化,以及平均动脉压(MAP)、心率(HR)、氧合指数(PaO2/FiO2)、血乳酸(Lac)、WBc和P1t等指标,观察治疗前及治疗期间的白细胞介素6(IL-6),白细胞介素10(IL-10),肿瘤坏死因子(TNF-α)等炎症因子的变化。
     2.在使用CBP及PD治疗之前,与生存组相比,死亡组CO、LDH (P<0.05)和CI、BUN、Cr、AST、CPK (P<0.01)均有统计学意义。两组患者心脏手术后发生ARF经过治疗,在48、72h时LVEF、CO、CI均有好转,CBP组更明显。在使用CBP72h后生存组LVEF值较使用CBP之前相比有明显提高(P<0.01)。两组CO、CI在经过治疗72h后均有显著提高(P<0.01), BUN及Cr在使用CBP及PD治疗后逐渐下降,其在CBP治疗24、48、72h后的测量值和术前相比均有统计学差异(P<0.01),两组相比,CBP改善更为显著。
     2. APACHRIII评分可作为CBP治疗时的重要参考因素。如果病人ARF发生的时间较短或有急性肾功能损伤,但是APACHRIII得分很高,我们应考虑尽快行CBP及PD治疗。如果患者病情轻,APACHRIII得分低,发生急性ARF或有急性肾功能损伤后,应积极给予相应处理后再酌情给予CBP治疗。
Objective:Acute renal failure (ARF) is a common and serious complication after cardiac surgery using cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB), a variety of reasons could induce ARF, such as pre-operative chronic kidney damage caused by cardiac dysfunction, CPB in the surgery, postoperative serious low cardiac output, hypoxemia, as well as drug side effects, and so on. In recent years,with CPB-related technology advanced, surgical handle and perioperative management improved, the incidence of ARF has been reduced, but if patients in the event of the ARF, the mortality rate is still high. Therefore, how to properly handle ARF after cardiopulmonary bypass still has a great significance.
     The main measures to ARF are hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis and continuous blood purification (CBP). Because of its unique advantage, CBP is still the most important treatment of ARF, the effect of which has been confirmed by a large number of clinical trials. But how to know the best time to use CBP when occurrence of ARF after cardiopulmonary bypass still has no uniform conclusion, its impact on the body and the specific mechanism need further study.
     In this paper, the clinical use of the CBP and PD during ARF in cardiac surgery and the optimal time of clinical application of CBP treatment were investigated. We further analyzed the effects of CBP and PD treatment and specific mechanism involved.
     Methods:36patients with ARF after heart surgery from August2005to May2010in Qilu Hospital of Shandong University receiving continuous blood purification,while21patients with ARF receiving PD. All patients have no abnormal renal function before surgery. By percutaneous femoral vein indwelling double lumen catheter vascular access, All patients were divided into survival group (n=24) and death group (n=12)in CBP according to the prognosis,while13&8in PD ones. Clinical data were retrospectively analyzed, including ARF-occurence time after cardiac surgery, the number of days, the initiation of dialysis time, total duration times of hemodialysis, intensive care unit stay times and the APACHE III scores. And some important indicators including renal function (BUN, Cr), cardiac enzymes (AST, CPK and LDH), left ventricular ejection factor (LVEF), cardiac output (CO), cardiac index (CI), mean arterial pressure (MAP), heart rate (HR), oxygenation index (PaO2/FiO2), blood lactate (Lac), WBC (white blood cell) and PLt (platelet), were observed in all patients before and after12h,24h,48h and72h treatment. Changes of inflammatory factors including interleukin-6(IL-6), interleukin10(IL-10), tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-a) were also observed during hemodialysis.
     Results:1, A total of13patients after CBP treatment discharged, with utter recovery of renal function and normal urine output.8cases still died after CBP treatment during hospitalization (12cases in survival group and8cases in death group at48h;11cases in survival group and6cases in death group at72h), of which5cases died of multiple organ failure,2cases died of heart failure and1case died of infection.2, Before using CBP, compared with the survival group, the indicators including CO, LDH (P<0.05), CI, BUN, Cr, AST and CPK (P<0.01) has statistically significance in death group. LVEF, CO and CI form two groups of patients with ARF at48and72h after CBP were significantly improved after hemodialysis.72h later after hemodialysis, LVEF values in survival group significantly increased (P<0.01) and it was also in death group (P<0.05). Indicators of CO, CI in two groups at72hours after hemodialysis were both significantly increased (P<0.01), BUN and Cr were gradually decreased with the using of hemodialysis, compared to preoperative value, the measured value at24h,48h, and72h were significantly decreased after hemodialysis (P<0.01).3, Before treatment of hemodialysis, difference of indicator Lac (P<0.05) has statistically significance in the death group v.s. survival group, but the other has no significant differences.72h after hemodialysis, the MAP, HR was significantly improved in two groups (P<0.05), the level of Lac was remarkably reduced compared with the preoperation (P<0.01), respiratory function was also improved significantly, Pa02/Fi02was significantly increased (P<0.05) at24h after hemodialysis, and continue to increase at48h,72h after hemodialysis (P<0.01). Hemodialysis had no significant effect (P>0.05) on WBC and PLT. PLT in death group at72h treatment was decreased significantly compared with that of before hemodialysis (P<0.05) and it was also decreased significantly compared with that of in survival group at12h after treatment (P<0.05).
     4, The concentrations of IL-6, IL-8, TNF-alpha in blood have no significant difference before hemodialysis between two groups (P>0.05), but at72h after hemodialysis, IL-6, IL-8, TNF-alpha concentrations in death group were significantly higher than that of in survival group (P<0.05). And IL-6, IL-8and TNF-a concentrations were significantly decreased after hemodialysis in each group (P<0.05).
     Conclusion:CBP is an effective treatment for ARF following cardiac surgery. The earlier diagnosis of ARF after cardiac surgery and faster treatment measures to be implemented will greatly reducing the incidence of other complication, such as multiple organ dysfunction syndrome and mortality in patients.
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