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Nowadays, the internet resources are separately distributed in different peers. How to index, locate and access these data resource quickly and efficiently is a concerned issue. And with the development of computer networks and performances, the one-hop routing mechanism which maintains the global state of all peers shows great advantages in resources discovery and location, so it attracts more and more attention and study.
     According to analysis of current one-hop routing mechanisms, we find that the dissemination topology for updating messages and the system maintenance overhead is the mainly referred aspect. But there are still lots of problems which have not been resolved or even concerned. Based on current one-hop routing optimization methods, we address several critical problems. The contribution of this dissertation includes:
     1. Proposed an algorithm that improves the topology dissemination performance by using the idle resources in peers. This algorithm improves the dissemination topology for one-hop mechanism, makes peers building dissemination trees based on peers'real-time network environments and resources dynamically. With these enhancements, the algorithm improves the dissemination performance of updating messages and achieves loading balance in different peers.
     2. Analyzed the topology dissemination errors in one-hop routing mechanisms and further proposed a topology errors detection and recovery schema. We analyzed the characteristics of the system errors and proposed the errors detection method for the tree topology. The simulation shows that the schema can identify and fix topology errors, and also reduces the system maintenance overhead.
     3. Each peer in one-hop routing mechanisms has to maintain a big routing table, making it unsuitable for large networks due to the upsurge of the traffic maintenance with inflation of network scale. To fill this gap, we proposed a message-merging mechanism to reduce the maintenance consumption. We studied the messages dissemination structure and introduced the traffic reduction schema by merging the same route messages into one. Furthermore, the approach is evaluated in the simulation and the result shows good experimental performance.
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