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Addressed in this dissertation is the stability analysis of switched neutral systems. Several relevant problems are discussed in detail,and a series of important results are obtained. As a whole, this dissertation is consisted of the following five aspects.
     Firstly, by using the method of Lyapunov-Krasovskii functionals combining the technique of matrix inequalities and theory of weighted matrices, the delay-dependent stability of neutral systems with distributed- and discrete-delays is studied, and some less conservative results are obtained; by decomposing time delays, the stability of neutral systems with mixed delays and neutral systems with distributed- and discrete-delays is studied, based on a new class of Lyapunov-Krasovskii functionals introduced in this dissertation, combining the technique of matrix inequalities and theory of weighted matrices,some much less conservative results are obtained. The examples are supplied to illustrate the effectiveness of the results presented in this chapter.
     Secondly, by applying the method of Lyapunov-Krasovskii functionals, combining the idea of weighted matrix and the method of equivalent system, the stability under some switched rules of a class of switched neutral system with discrete time-delay is studied, and some stability criteria are obtained; the stability and L2-gain of a class of switched neutral system with discrete delay are studied, and some sufficient conditions for exponential stability and L2-gain stability are acquired based on average dwell time; by applying the method of Lyapunov-Krasovskii functionals, combining the idea of weighted matrix,the stability under some switched rules of a class of switched neutral system with discrete and distributed-delays is studied, and some delay-dependent stability criteria under some switched rules are obtained.
     Thirdly, by applying the method of Lyapunov-Krasovskii functionals, combining the idea of weighted matrix, the stability of a class of switched neutral system with timevarying discrete delayis studied, and some sufficient conditions of exponential stability are reached based on average dwell time; by applying the method of Lyapunov-Krasovskii functionals, the stability of a class of switched neutral system with time-varying delay and nonlinear perturbation is studied, and some exponential stability conditions are obtained based on average dwell time.
     Fourthly, the methods of Lyapunov-Krasovskii functionals and Lyapunov-Krasovskii functions combining Razumikhinthe method are used to study the stability of a class of switched nonlinear neutral systems, and some sufficient conditions of stability are obtained.
     Finally, the method of Lyapunov-Krasovskii functionals is used to study the stability of a class of impulsive switched neutral systems, and some stability criteria are obtained in term of matrix inequalities.
     All the stability criteria are expressed in terms of linear matrix inequalities(LMIs), and they can realized in Matlab using the kit of LMIs.
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