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In the context of economic globalization, enterprises tend to centralizing develop inthe form of industrial cluster. In many developing countries the industrial clusters orcluster enterprises participate in global competition and seek upgrade opportunities byway of embedding themselves in the global value chain. Under the guidance of the policyof "market for technology", China's industrial sectors in the global value chain are alsotrying to quickly upgrade their technological level and industrial competitiveness throughinternational cooperation and technology introduction. However, it is difficult to exchangemarket for the core technology and cutting-edge technology, so many industrial clustersand enterprises are locked up in the low-end part of the value chain, which not only leadsto the low level of enterprise profits, but also easily leads to "immiserizing growth oflocal economy. Therefore, the low-locked is a key problem for industrial upgrading in thecontext of global value chain.
     From the perspective of knowledge accumulation and learning mechanism of clusterenterprises, this paper attempts to interpret the low-locked phenomenon in the global valuechain using the concept of learning disabilities. Firstly, on the basis of review of relevantliteratures at home and abroad this paper observes the status quo of research on industrialclusters' local learning and global learning. Secondly, this paper introducesknowledge-flow theory to analyze the characteristics of cluster knowledge flow and valuechain knowledge flow, and on this basis builds a knowledge flow-based learningmechanism for cluster enterprises in the global value chain, and combined with theoreticalanalysis and CES function-based mathematical derivation explains the mechanism howlow-end enterprises suffering from learning disabilities are locked up in the low-end partof value chain. Thirdly, this paper proposes government as an exogenous variable to breakthrough learning disabilities, and makes empirical analysis using the panel data of China'shigh-tech industries. Finally, around the core concept of learning disabilities, combinedwith analysis of a typical case of large aircraft industry, this paper puts forward agovernment-led strategy to break through Low-locked in the global value chain.
     Based on the above research, this paper draws the main conclusions as follows:
     (1) Cluster enterprises conduct learning and knowledge accumulation mainly byindependent innovation-based endogenous ways and clusters' local learning and valuechain learning-based exogenous ways. Industrial clusters' characteristics of geographicalproximity and cultural rooting are conducive to the conduct of local learning and thedissemination of tacit knowledge, while the learning of value chain is mainly to transmitexplicit knowledge, in which the greater spatial distance allows high-end enterprises in thevalue chain to have strong control over knowledge outflow.
     (2) Two learning disabilities of embedded dependence and knowledge barrier are theroot causes of the low-locked phenomenon in the global value chain. The former causescorporate learning dependent on exogenous ways, vulnerable to pin-down by leadingenterprises, while the independent innovation-based endogenous ways to knowledgeaccumulation gradually weaken or even disappear. The latter prejudices low-endenterprises from access to control of key industrial technology of leading enterprises.Under the dual impact of embedded dependence and knowledge barrier, enterprises cannotrealize knowledge accumulation required for upgrade, nor can they get rid of dependenceon the existing path of technological development, and thus fall into the low-lockedposition.
     (3) Government is an exogenous force to break through low-locked and a necessarycondition for industrial upgrading is solving the two learning disabilities of embeddeddependence and knowledge barrier. Government can take on the conversion cost incurredin path breakthrough and use large strategic projects to help enterprises on the verge ofcollapse achieve technology upgrades. The government's main purpose is to guideenterprises carrying out activities of independent innovation. The use of independentinnovation and learning across the value chain allows enterprises to reconstruct knowledgebase and get rid of the embedded dependence, so that enterprises take advantage of similartechnology development and knowledge acquisition-oriented reverse investment to bypassknowledge barriers and obtain the necessary knowledge for upgrade.
     (4) The case study of large aircraft industry provides a feasible path for China'scluster enterprises to breakthroughs of learning disabilities and low-locked: relying on independent innovation and value chain restructuring, enterprises while breaking throughlearning disabilities to continuously acquire knowledge occupy the strategic links of valuechain and seize chain governance.
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