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Based on economical globalization and accelerated modernization of agriculture in China, this paper analyzes the development strategies and the relationship between agricultural mechanization and competitive capabilities of Chinese agriculture in international markets; the necessity of farm mechanization in the international competitive environments. This paper also suggested the mechanization development directions and technical courses, and the policies to promote agricultural mechanization development, which provide a reference for decision making and strategic planning for related governmental departments.
    After a systematic evaluation of the existed researches, it is stated in this paper that the agricultural international competitiveness requires "higher efficiency of agriculture". This paper partitions the factors affecting the agricultural international competitiveness into competitive abilities (internal factor) and competitive environments (external factor). It is believed that the agricultural production elements are the key factors, which influences the agricultural international competitiveness. From the perspective of promoting the competitive ability and creating a appropriate competitive environment, this paper discussed the principles, technical courses and development strategies for improving agricultural international competitiveness and for the development of agricultural mechanization in the new era. Qualitative and quantitative techniques were used in the analysis to indicate that in the transition period from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture, agricultural mechanization is the ke
    y factor influencing the agricultural international competitiveness. The level of agricultural mechanization is the core to form agricultural international competitiveness, which determines the strength or weakness of agricultural international competitiveness. China should be on a new course of industrialization and mechanization that can boost agricultural international competitiveness, focus on diversity, comprehensiveness and high efficiency. China should take the advantages of the agricultural industrialization and urbanization to promote the sustainable development of agriculture, readjustment of agricultural structures and harmonious development of regional economy. Also, China should choose a combinatorial agricultural mechanization strategy that combines the technique progresses and labor resources.
    The theory of economic development was introduced into the research of agricultural mechanization. It is stated that the process of agricultural mechanization is a process of technique progress and metabolism. An investment in the mechanization will result in an internal increment. Then the agricultural competitiveness will be increased by the favorable feedback effect. An evaluation index system of agricultural international competitiveness was advanced that takes the resources as the basis, ability as the core, and environments as the conditions. This system was used to try to classify and to evaluate the international competitiveness of agriculture in 20 strong agricultural countries. This validated the feasibility of the evaluation index system. Agricultural mechanization is the core affecting
    China's agricultural international competitiveness. In accordance with the realization of the national goal of economic development in 2002 and the enhancement of agricultural international competitiveness, quantitative prediction was made for agricultural mechanization. Suggestions were proposed on the promoting policies, innovative organization, administrative system and operational mechanism for the development of agricultural mechanization.
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