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As a physical space to accommodate a variety of production and creative activity, and exchange a variety of material and energy, urban land provides the space and platform for social and human development. Meanwhile, the energy saving and (?)rbon reducing of the urban is of great significance on the global climate and environment. Therefore, as a combination of both them stated above, the low-carbon using of urban land will be the new hot spot of the study on the urban science and environmental science.
     The low-carbon using of urban land is an open, complex systemic problem, directly related to economy, society, resource, environment and many other fields in the content, and related to production, construction, life and many other factors on the subject. To promote the development of low-carbon city, the study firstly need to emphasize on the qualitative analysis, quantitative research and modeling calculation on the factors of carbon emission. And then, it has to focus on appropriate measures to reduce carbon emission, and ultimately to provide a theoretical basis and practical support both on improving the resourceful'and environmental issues and on achieving the target on the energy saving and carbon reducing.
     This article introduces the low-carbon economy into the study field of the urban land using, and constructcs a conceptual system model which is based on the depth analysis of the basic connotation of low-carbon using of urban land. Furthermore, it successively launchs the in-depth analysis on the system from the level on the external status description, internal static measurement and dynamic coordination control, and takes the Nanjing city of Jiangsu province as an example to the corresponding empirical research.
     In terms of constructing the conceptual system model, the low-carbon using of urban land is mainly reflected in the control of the overall carbon source, the control of carbon emission on the kinds of construction land and the enhancement of carbon-sinking capacity of the urban terrestrial ecosystems. Among them, the second level is the key factor which is related to this article on the main landing point. From the systematic point of view, the system stated above may have been broken down into four levels which include target layer, subsystem layer, element layer and variable layer according to the grade of the components.
     In order to initially grasp the basic situation, this article firstly develops the corresponding external description, which is based on the measurement of the carbon emission, the carbon sinking and the net carbon emission of urban land using. Secondly, the collaborative interaction analysis on the element layer is implemented from the inter-associated point of view. To the third, it carries out the decoupling analysis between the urban carbon emission and the urban economic development from the exter-associated point of view. The empirical study on the city of Nanjing finds that the adjustment of administrative divisions has a greater impact on the external performance. In 1996 to 2007, the total carbon emission is far greater than the carbon sinking in terrestrial ecosystems volume and the gap between the two factors is widened step by step. Moreover, the interaction between the elements is obvious, and from 1996 to 2007, when the total decoupling index between the total economic growth and the total carbon emission is 0.45, the GDP elasticity of carbon emission is 0.27. which manifests a relatively decoupled state.
     Viewed as a complex system behavior, the low-carbon using of urban land should be comprehensively carried on the measure of internal static situation, which aims at finding out the key factors constraining and impeding in healthy development of the system in order to optimize the urban land-use. By creating an internal static measurement indicator system, the solution to this plan is to click on the time-series analysis on the barriers degree of the variable layer and the region-layout analysis on the development level from the perspective within static measurement. The empirical study finds that in general the low-carbon using of urban land in Nanjing city has a trend toward the right direction gradually in spite of the setbacks repeated, when the transporting land and the industrial land have the rather greater effect on contributing to the development. Furthermore, in 2007 the most important barrier is the indicator of the carbon reducing coefficient of transporting land. Then, when Nanjing city has the leading positon in Jiangsu province, the developed cities in south show the reality of the lowest level. Between the Group, Zhenjiang City has the smallest difficulty on jumping and Suzhou City has the largest one, when Nantong City has the smallest possibility on declining and Suqian City has the largest one.
     For the continuous monitoring on the development trend and the more effectively improving on the level of decision-making, it is need to implement the dynamic coordination analysis. Considering the complexity, this article learns from the multi-level hierarchical coordinated control theory to carry on the analysis, which includes the step of taking the dynamic early warning as the fundamental basis to build low-carbon using controller on one hand and the step of taking the managemental means, systemic means and programmed means as the three-dimensional perspective to build low-carbon using coordinator on the other hand. The empirical study shows that if Naning city will continue to maintain the current status from 2010 to 2020, the comprehensive warning condition of the carbon-source subsystem will has the transition from mild to huge, and the order of the size of the future threats will be arranged as the transporting land, the industrial land, the commercial-office land and the residential land. In terms of creating the specific control strategies, it is need to consider the empirical analysis of Nanjing city stated above. By following the basic ideas of the multi-level hierarchical coordinated control, this article puts forward the strong-operated and well-targeted strategies from the view of management, system and procedure, which specifically include the optimization of the existing land structure, the rational planning for the future pattern on land using, the scientific creation of the management mechanism, the optimization of the industrial structure, the actively adjustment on the energy system, the exertion of the fundamental role of the market mechanism, and the actively promoting of the consumption concepts.
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