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在ACDM模型的年龄问题的研究中,为了避免Ω_m和H_0的值的选择依赖,我们将它们当作参数,在数据拟合中求得其最佳拟合值,从而考察ACDM模型是否满足古老星体的年龄限制。我们的研究表明,拟合182个SNIa数据、CMB和BAO观测和9个哈勃数据H(z),宇宙现在的年龄满足球状星团的年龄(14Gyr)的限制,但是在很高置信区域里不能满足红移为z=3.91,年龄为2-3 Gyr的APM08279+5255的年龄限制
With a 2-3 Gyr-old quasar APM08279+5255 at z=3.91,the age problem in the ACDM model is reexamined in a consistent way free of any systematic errors in measured values ofΩ_m and H_0.TheΛCDM model accommodates the total age(14 Gyr) of the Universe estimated from old globular clusters,but cannot accommodate this old quasar APM08279+5255 at high confidence level constrained from SNIa,CMB, BAO and H(z) observations.
     Studying the purely kinetic k-essence models in which the Lagrangian contains only a kinetic factor and does not depend explicitly on the field itself,we obtain a theoretical constraint.Under this theoretical constraint,we discuss the phantom-like generalized tachyon field,and find that this kind of generalized tachyon field will not result in a big rip,but will be singular in the past,unless it behaves like the cosmological constant.
     We consider constraints on Chaplygin-like generalized tachyon field models from latest observational data(including 182 gold SNIa data,the shift parameter,and the acoustic scale).We obtain the best-fit values of the parameters and study the evolution of the field and the linear growth of field density fluctuations.By applying model-comparison statistics and test with independent H(z) data,we find the Chaplygin-like generalized tachyon field dark energy scenario is favored over theΛCDM model,and theΛCDM model is favored over the Chaplygin-like generalized tachyon field unified dark matter by the combined data.
     Based on the generalized uncertainty principle,Salecker-Wigner inequalities are generalized.When applied to black holes,they give a modified black hole lifetime and the relation between the entropy and the horizon of the black hole.We also discussed the spacetime uncertainty resulted from Salecker-Wigner inequalities.
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