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     本文使用J-SIM软件包建模进行仿真实验,验证了所提方案的可行性和效率。结果显示:(1)由于使用快速提交技术和并行日志写入,事务响应时间从50ms降低到21ms;(2)使用并行恢复算法,站点失败的恢复时间从65 s降低到28秒;(3)查询事务的吞吐量比模糊检查点高67%左右,而更新事务的吞吐量比模糊检查点高7.8%左右; (4)在80%更新事务的密集场景中,版本管理的空间开销在11%左右。(5)实验测试的恢复过程中的4个(1/4)时间段,系统平均吞吐量分别为90.2Ktps、98.3Ktps、104.5Ktps、107.7Ktps,事务的平均响应时间分别为273ms、32.3ms、9.2ms、5.32ms。
The dissertation focuses on fast committing protocol and higly efficient recovery schems for parallel main memory database on clusters, including: fast transaction committing protocol and logging, checkpointing, and recovery of the parallel main memory database.
     The dissertation has enhanced traditional one phase committing protocol, and propose using parallel log writing to fully utilize the IO bandwidth to accelerate transaction committing, thus avoided log accumulation in update intensive applications. Traditional two phase locking leads to lock conficts between read only transations and update transactions, which lowers down system throughput. A novel transaction schedule protocol is proposed in this dissertation, transient versioning is combined with locking to support non blocking reading, and avoid conflicts between reader and writers.
     The consitent checkpointing is implemented on multi versiong, thus space overhead is necessary. Since multi versioning is done on tuple level, and version sharing is used, the overhead is reduced. At present, the capacity of main memory is getting larger and larger, the cost is reasonable, because the efficiency of transaction processing and checkpointing is improved.
     A partition based parallel recovery algorithm is proposed to provide system availability during recovery. During recovery, recovery of individual sites is independent, parallelism of three types, namely parallelism between partition, parallelism between log disks, and parallelism between data and log, are exploited to speedup recovery, the total recovery time is cut down.
     The author has used the J-SIM software package to build a simulation system and conducted a seria of experiments, the feasibility and efficiency of the scheme proposed in this dissertation are verified. Experiment results show that: (1) Transaction response time is cut down owing to parallel log writing, from 50ms to 21 ms when log disk number is 8. (2) Total recovery time of the failure site is reduced from 65s to 28s. (3) The scheme achives higher performance than fuzzy checkpointing when the system is performing checkpointing. Query throughput of the scheme improves by about 67 percent over fuzzy checkpointing, and update transaction throughput improves by about 7.8 percent over fuzzy checkpointing. (4) The space overhead is around 11 percent in update intensive senarios, the overhead is acceptable. (5) The final experiment is conducted to measure system throughput and transaction response times during recovery.during four quarters of the recovery, system throughputs are 90.2Ktps、98.3Ktps、104.5Ktps、107.7Ktps, and avarage transaction response time are 273ms、32.3ms、9.2ms、5.32ms respectively.Experimnets results have verified the effetiveness and efficiency of the proposed scheme.
     The dissertation includes 49 digrams, and 5 tables, and refers to 121 papers.
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