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随着计算机技术的迅猛发展,采用新型存储管理和高性能互联技术设计与构建数以千计节点的高效存储系统已成为可能。但如何在同样硬件配置下,发挥软件更高并行性,以解决随着存储需求的增长导致出现的系统性能瓶颈和扩展性问题始终是个难题。当前与大规模存储集群配套的是可扩展并行文件系统,如GPFS、PVFS、Ceph、Lustre和PanFS等,而且全球Top 500超级计算的存储方案基本上采用的都是上述这些系统。因此重点研究了高效并行文件系统的架构及其实现方法,为使所设计的并行文件系统更好地支持高性能计算,由并行文件系统与应用的接口层入手,还研究了:通过扩展接口语义来优化系统性能,以满足高性能计算的I/O需求;通过感知布局优化并行作业I/O的访问模式以更好适应数据密集型可扩展计算;并行文件系统对新型并行计算的支持方法;并行文件系统中冗余编码并行化问题等。
     分析并行计算框架MapReduce中的I/O模式发现,传统并行计算框架存在着中间数据拷贝和通信代价过高的缺点。分析了传统分布式文件系统和本文实现的并行文件系统CapFS在支持并行计算框架的异同和优劣,提出了扩展CapFS参数化布局的I/O感知接口实现MapReduce计算的框架模型"MapReduce over CapFS"。I/O基准测试和实际数据密集型应用验证了该模型利用存储节点计算资源进行数据处理可有效降低中间数据规模和减少计算节点同存储系统之间的数据传输量。此外,计算密集、I/O密集与计算和I/O都密集的三类应用测试结果还表明该模式尤其对包含I/O密集的应用可提供更高的系统加速比。
With the rapid development of information technology, recent advances in storage sys-tem technologies and high performance interconnects have made possible in the last years to build, more and more potent storage system that server thousands of nodes. However, software parallelism that can be more effectively exploited by the current hardware is the key issue for the emerging bottlenecks and system scalability due to the enhanced storage requirement. Currently, the majority of storage systems of clusters are managed by kinds of scalable parallel file systems such as, for example, GPFS, PVFS, Ceph, Lustre and PanFS etc. And those storage solutions have mostly been adopted by the list of World's Top 500 Supercomputers. So this dissertation mainly focuses on the architecture and realization methodology of a highly efficient parallel file system. As the aim of supporting high perfor-mance computing(HPC) well, next steps research includes interface semantics extension for the optimized performance to meet I/O requirement of HPC, then layout-aware approaches for optimizing parallel jobs'I/O pattern to adapt with data intensive scalable computing, cases study on the coupled problem on parallel file system and computing framework, and issues on redundancy coding in paralle file system etc.
     The design and implementation of a massive object-based parallel file system, named CapFS, bring several characters towards the proposed prototype. It has customized data distribution strategies, remote direct data access capability based upon object-based stor-age(OSD) protocol and power of persistent data management in transaction. In detail, the proposed nested-RAID scheme, as the uniformed model and algorithm of data layout, pro-vides a way to enable client-driven layout computation and maintains a consistent notion of a filc's layout that provides POSIX semantics without restricting concurrent access to the file. Given the flat namespace service and scalable attribute management in OSD profile, a kind of mini database manager in kernel combined with local file system was proposed to take care of highly efficient object-based access and persistence management, and be fit for the differential service between objects in variable size and well-structured attributes. The machanism of OSD over RPC offers clients direct object-based storage access towards the available and shared-everything OSDs, also supports protocol negotiation among multiple storage transfer semantics mismatch. The tunnable parameters and testing results of the whole system both verified the effect and good scalability.
     So much evidence and analysis that the traditional POSIX interface can not afford to support HPC parallel applications whose I/O access pattern often consist of acesses to a large number of small, non-contiguous pieces of data. Those parallel applications lead to interleaved file access patterns with high interprocesses spatial lacality at the I/O nodes and high metadata throughput. Extensions are needed so that high-concurrency and high-performance computing applications running on top of the rapid prototyping parallel file system could perform well. So four types of interface extensions were presented to make storage I/O semantics match the upper applications. There arc shared file descriptor for con-current I/O, non-contiguous I/O oriented optimization, lazy and bulk metadata operations and layout control based on keeping POSIX semantics. Those subset of POSIX I/O inter-faces were deployed on the clusterd and high-speed interconnected file system. In addition, experimental results on a set of micro-benchmarks confirm that the extentions to the popular interface greatly improve scalability and performance than traditional methods.
     From bottom-up perspective, and takes the popular parallel computing framework as example. It can be easily found that the drawback of serious mediate data copy and commu-nication cost are caused by the semantics mismatch between exsiting I/O model and parallel computing framework. Compared with the difference between traditional distributed file system, the proposed layout parameterized by I/O-aware information helps to implement MapReduce computing framework over CapFS. I/O benchmarks and real application test-ing demenstrates such kind of parallel computation could execute upon the above parallel file system, in which the parallel I/O with several optimized and locality-aware functional-ities could be more feasible and flexible to the requirement of shipping code to data than Hadoop distributed file system. Among the three kinds of applications including computa-tion intensive, I/O intensive and both intensive, the proposed scheme could improve much more speed-up ratio for I/O intensive applications.
     For another, towards top-down perspective, a kind of erasure code was implemented by the parallel computing framework to provide better reliability and availability. This solution enables asynchronous compression of initially triplicated data down to RAID-class redun-dancy overheads, and those algorithms implementation based on MapReduce framework. Based on the algorithm, CapFS has implemented a redundant data management framework, which supports redundancy in different level including inter- and extra files, multiple user groups and devices level. Quite contrary to most exsiting solutions, in which the parity data is created in client side and transported in bind from clients to servers, vice the versa. The proposed redundancy method suggests an asynchronous way and totally transparent to clients'runtime, parity computation and loss recovery could be also recognized as parallel processing procedures. The experimental results come from metadata trace of Yahoo clus-ters, and demonstrated the efficiency of proposed algorithm and framework respectively.
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