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    并双方公司的主要资源、资产、业务流程和业务,以达到新合并公司的战略目标。 整合计划确定后,应尽早与员工进行沟通。
     企业文化是指企业成员的共同价值观体系,对企业能否成功具有重要的影响。 要选择恰当的企业文化整合战略,加强沟通,制定一套政策支持这种新文化。要重视社会性要素管理的整合,建立员工间的紧密的工作关系和人际关系。
     现代企业的竞争实质是人才的竞争,人才是企业的重要资源, 所以,并购后要有针对性地采取挽留和激励措施。 在组织结构调整中,要重点做好董事会和高级管理团队的整合工作。在人员精简中,应注意工作方法,尽量采取柔和的裁减手段,妥善安置被裁减人员。
    并购为员工提供了发展机会,但是也带来了风险。雇员非常关注并购后的报酬问题 。另外,并购后采取什么工资报酬制度,对新公司来说是一个十分敏感的焦点问题。这些问题都需要新公司的领导通过报酬方面的整合予以解决。报酬整合的目的是要建立起一套充满激励机制的报酬体系,使优秀人才愿意留在公司并发挥最大的作用。
    企业并购后,员工处于不稳定时期。为使并购双方的员工能更好地发挥作用, 新公司的领导层,应充分考虑并购后员工的心态和行为动机,在激励理论的基础上,建立起有效的激励机制。并购后整合比较成功的一些公司通常采取股票期权制、以绩效为基础的奖金激励、职位晋升、情感激励等激励措施
The HR integration are very important to the success of merger & acquisition(henceforth M&A) of enterprises. On the basis of existed theories , combining with some cases analysises, this thesis has elaborated five aspects of HR integration.
    I Integration Plan and Communication
    Before starting the integration, the company should make an integration plan that conforms to the company's long term strategy. The plan should include when and how to merge the major resources, assets,and businesses of the two companies. After the integration plan defined, the management should communicate about the plan with the employees as soon as possible.
    II The Integration of Corporate Culture
    The corporate culture is the common value system of one company members, and has an important effect to the success of the company.
    The managements of the new company should choose appropriate culture integration strategy, have more communications with employees, and make policies that support the new culture.
    III The Integration of Structure
    The experienced management and technicians are the major resources of one company, so the top management of the new
    company should do best to retain such important employees after the merger. The emphasises of structure integration are the Board of Directors and senior management. When laying off employees, make sure to do the work kindly and have a good severance policy.
    IV The Integration of Compensation
    The M&A will bring both opportunities and risks for the employees. The employees are much concerned about the compensation system. Besides, the compensation system is also very sensitive to the leadership of the new company.All these concerns and problems need to be solved through the integration of compensation. The aim of compensation integration is to set up a compensation system with motivation.
    V The Establishment of Motivation System
    After the merger, the employees are usually in a state of worries. To make the employees play a more positive role, the leadership of the new company should set up an effective incentive system on the basis of incentive theories. Stock options, promotion, bonus etc. ,have been proved to be very effective motivation measures.
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