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The global economic crisis which caused by the virtual economy in the U.S has notcompletely end, the importance of the real economy attracts more and more people'sattention. China's central economic work conference proposed that we should firmlygrasp the solid for the development of the real economy in2011. The real economy isalways the foundation of the survival and development of human society.As animportant part of the real economy, the manufacturing is the central pillar of the country'scomprehensive national strength, it has a direct impact on the national economy of acountry.
     With the further development of the knowledge economy era and the rapid spread ofhigh-tech, the vagaries of the economic situation, the changing of social environment, thevalue of "people" becomes increasingly important in the economic and socialdevelopment. Decisive resources in sustained economic and social development hasoccurred fundamental change. Of course, natural resources, economic resources,technical resources is very important, But human resources has undoubtedly become thebackbone of the country's and corporations’ sustainable development. As the corecompetitiveness carrier in manufacturing enterprise, Employees’ contribution to theenterprise directly affects the increase of manufacturing corporation’s economic andsocial benefits. The more positive the staff, the more creative the staff play, the highervalue of the enterprise they will contribute to.
     From the positive psychology research paradigm, Explore the evaluation methods ofChina's manufacturing employees positive psychological level, motivate China'smanufacturing enterprise employees’ enthusiasm, culture manufacturing employees’positive individual personality, Build manufacturing enterprises’ positive organizingsystem, Strengthen manufacturing employees’ positive emotional experience, Thusmaking the manufacturing enterprise employees more willing to stay in business, andproactively contribute talent, this undoubtedly will have a very important role inpromoting the development of China's manufacturing enterprises.
     Through the methods of literature review, questionnaires, in-depth interviews, makeSite visits to China's manufacturing enterprises, to get real and reliable empirical data, conduct Statistical analysis according to it, Successfully disinter Positive individualpersonality structure dimensions, Positive organizational system structure dimension andPositive emotional experience structural dimension of manufacturing employees. Thishas a positive effect on the Promotion in the development of positive psychology. On thebasis of Positive individual personality structure dimensions, Positive organizationalsystem structure dimension and Positive emotional experience structural dimension ofmanufacturing employees, build positive psychological level evaluation model ofManufacturing employees. Conduct Extensive evaluation to the level of Positiveindividual personality, positive organizing system and Positive emotional experience ofmanufacturing employees. Successively develop baseline reference values ofmanufacturing employees’ positive psychological level. We can apply Manufacturingemployees’ positive psychological level evaluation model to China's manufacturingenterprises. And take relevant measures in accordance with the evaluation result, adjustrelated test items, factor, factor, which has direct influence on manufacturing employees’Positive individual personality, positive organizing system and Positive emotionalexperience, increase Manufacturing employees’ Positive psychological level, it hasprofound practical value to the development of China's manufacturing enterprises.
①Carlson, Neil and Heth, C. Donald. Psychology the Science of Behaviour[M]. Pearson Education Inc,2010:18
    ②Butler-Bowdon T. Fifty Psychology Classics[M]. Nicholas Brealey Publishing,2007:2
    ③M Seligman M E P. Authentic happiness: Using the new positive psychology to realize your potential for lastingfulfillment[M]. Simon and Schuster,2002
    ①Sears R R. LM Terman, pioneer in mental measurement[J]. Science,1957,125:978-979
    ②Terman L M. The discovery and encouragement of exceptional talent[J]. American psychologist,1954,9(6):221
    ③Jung C G. Memories, dreams[J]. Reflections,1963,84
    ④May R, Rogers C R, Greening T C, et al. American politics and humanistic psychology[M]. Saybrook PublishingCompany,1984
    ⑤Jahoda M. Current concepts of positive mental health[J]. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine,1959,1(10):565
    ⑥Seligman M E P. Learned helplessness[J]. Annual review of medicine,1972,23(1):407-412
    ⑦Seligman M E P. Positive psychology, positive prevention, and positive therapy[J]. Handbook of positivepsychology,2002,2:3-12
    ①Seligman M E P, Csikszentmihalyi M. Positive psychology: An introduction[M]. American PsychologicalAssociation,2000
    ②Seligman E P. Building human strength: psychology’s forgotten mission [J]. APA monitor,1998,29:12-18
    ③Seligman M E P, Csikszentmihalyi M. Positive psychology: An introduction[M]. American PsychologicalAssociation,2000
    ④Seligman M E P, Steen T A, Park N, et al. Positive psychology progress: empirical validation of interventions[J].American psychologist,2005,60(5):410
    ⑤Seligman M E P, Csikszentmihalyi M. Positive psychology: An introduction[M]. American PsychologicalAssociation,2000
    ①Carr A. Positive psychology: The science of happiness and human strengths[M]. Routledge,2011
    ②Sheldon K M, King L. Why positive psychology is necessary[J]. American psychologist,2001,56(3):216
    ③Snyder C R, Lopez S J, Shorey H S, et al. Hope theory, measurements, and applications to school psychology[J].School Psychology Quarterly,2003,18(2):122
    ④Kahneman D. Maps of bounded rationality: Psychology for behavioral economics[J]. American economic review,2003:1449-1475
    ②Schultz D, Schultz S.A history of modern psychology[M].Cengage Learning,2011
    ①Kahneman D, Tversky.A prospect theory: an analysis of decisions under risk [J].Econometrica,1979,47:313-327
    ①Freud S. Beyond the pleasure principle[M]. Broadview Press,2011
    ②Loehlin J C, McCrae R R, Costa Jr P T, et al. Heritabilities of common and measure-specific components of the BigFive personality factors[J]. Journal of Research in Personality,1998,32(4):431-453
    ④Maslow A H. A theory of human motivation[J]. Psychological review,1943,50(4):370
    ⑥Peterson C, Seligman M E P. The Values in Action (VIA) classification of strengths[J]. A life worth living:Contributions to positive psychology,2006:29-48
    ⑦Lee Duckworth A, Steen T A, Seligman M E P. Positive psychology in clinical practice[J]. Annu. Rev. Clin.Psychol.,2005,1:629-651
    ①Seligman M E P. Authentic happiness: Using the new positive psychology to realize your potential for lastingfulfillment[M]. Simon and Schuster,2002
    ②Seligman M E P. Positive psychology, positive prevention, and positive therapy[J]. Handbook of positivepsychology,2002,2:3-12
    ③Peterson C, Semmel A, von Baeyer C, et al. The attributional style questionnaire[J]. Cognitive therapy and research,1982,6(3):287-299
    ④Eisenberg A E, Baron J, Seligman M E P. Individual differences in risk aversion and anxiety[J]. PsychologicalBulletin,1998,87:245-251
    ⑤Seligman M E P, Ernst R M, Gillham J, et al. Positive education: Positive psychology and classroominterventions[J]. Oxford review of education,2009,35(3):293-311
    ⑦Carr A. Positive psychology: The science of happiness and human strengths[M]. Routledge,2011
    ⑧Peterson C, Seligman M E P. The Values in Action (VIA) classification of strengths[J]. A life worth living:Contributions to positive psychology,2006:29-48
    ①Peterson C, Park N. Classification and measurement of character strengths: Implications for practice[J]. Positivepsychology in practice,2004:433-446
    ①Luthans F, Youssef C M. Human, Social, and Now Positive Psychological Capital Management: Investing in Peoplefor Competitive Advantage[J]. Organizational dynamics,2004,33(2):143-160
    ②Stajkovic A D, Luthans F. Self-efficacy and work-related performance: A meta-analysis[J]. Psychological bulletin,1998,124(2):240
    ③Peterson S J, Luthans F. The positive impact and development of hopeful leaders[J]. Leadership&OrganizationDevelopment Journal,2003,24(1):26-31
    ④Luthans F, Avolio B J, Walumbwa F O, et al. The psychological capital of Chinese workers: Exploring therelationship with performance[J]. Management and Organization Review,2005,1(2):249-271
    ⑤Larson M, Luthans F. Potential added value of psychological capital in predicting work attitudes[J]. Journal ofleadership&organizational studies,2006,13(2):75-92
    ⑥Luthans F, Youssef C M. Emerging positive organizational behavior[J]. Journal of management,2007,33(3):321-349
    ⑦Luthans F, Norman S M, Avolio B J, et al. The mediating role of psychological capital in the supportiveorganizational climate—employee performance relationship[J]. Journal of organizational Behavior,2008,29(2):219-238
    ⑧Avey J B, Luthans F, Jensen S M. Psychological capital: A positive resource for combating employee stress andturnover[J]. Human Resource Management,2009,48(5):677-693
    ⑨Avey J B, Luthans F, Youssef C M. The additive value of positive psychological capital in predicting work attitudesand behaviors[J]. Journal of Management,2010,36(2):430-452
    ①Koontz H.The management theory jungle[J].Academy of Management Journal,1961,4(3):174-188
    ②Spreitzer G M, Sonenshein S. Toward the construct definition of positive deviance[J]. American BehavioralScientist,2004,47(6):828-847
    ③Robbins S P. Organization Theory: Structures, Designs, And Applications,3/e[M]. Pearson Education India,1990
    ④Luthans F. The need for and meaning of positive organizational behavior[J]. Journal of Organizational Behavior,2002,23(6):695-706
    ⑤Goleman D. Emotional intelligence[M]. Random House LLC,2006
    ⑥Luthans F, Luthans K W, Luthans B C. Positive psychological capital: Beyond human and social capital[J]. BusinessHorizons,2004,47(1):45-50
    ③Huselid M A. The impact of human resource management practices on turnover, productivity, and corporatefinancial performance[J]. Academy of management journal,1995,38(3):635-672
    ④Brown S P, Lam S K. A meta-analysis of relationships linking employee satisfaction to customer responses[J].Journal of Retailing,2008,84(3):243-255
    ⑤Harley B. Employee responses to high performance work system practices: An analysis of the AWIRS95data[J].The Journal of Industrial Relations,2002,44(3):418-434
    ④Argyris C. The individual and organization: An empirical test[J]. Administrative Science Quarterly,1959:145-167
    ⑤Levinson H. Reciprocation: The relationship between man and organization[J]. Administrative science quarterly,1965,9(4)
    ⑥Schein E H, Schein E. Career dynamics: Matching individual and organizational needs[M]. Reading, MA:Addison-Wesley,1978
    ⑦Robinson S L, Rousseau D M. Violating the psychological contract: Not the exception but the norm[J]. Journal oforganizational behavior,1994,15(3):245-259
    ①Goleman D, Boyatzis R. Social intelligence and the biology of leadership[J]. Harvard Business Review,2008,86(9):74-81
    ②Carmeli A. The relationship between emotional intelligence and work attitudes, behavior and outcomes: Anexamination among senior managers[J]. Journal of managerial Psychology,2003,18(8):788-813
    ③Schachter S, Singer J E. Comments on the Maslach and Marshall-Zimbardo experiments[J].1979.:989
    ④Izard C E. The psychology of emotions[M]. Springer,1991
    ⑤Blumenthal A L. A reappraisal of Wilhelm Wundt[J]. American Psychologist,1975,30(11):1081
    ⑥Ekman P. An argument for basic emotions[J]. Cognition&Emotion,1992,6(3-4):169-200
    ⑦Robbins S P. Organization Theory: Structures, Designs, And Applications,3/e[M]. Pearson Education India,1990
    ⑧Tiberius V. Well‐Being: Psychological Research for Philosophers[J]. Philosophy Compass,2006,1(5):493-505
    ①Salovey P, Mayer J D. Emotional intelligence[J]. Imagination, cognition and personality,1989,9(3):185-211
    ②Schneider S L. In search of realistic optimism: Meaning, knowledge, and warm fuzziness[J]. American Psychologist,2001,56(3):250
    ③Fredrickson B L. The role of positive emotions in positive psychology: The broaden-and-build theory of positiveemotions[J]. American psychologist,2001,56(3):218
    ④Fredrickson B L. What good are positive emotions?[J]. Review of general psychology,1998,2(3):300
    ⑤Fredrickson B L, Branigan C. Positive emotions broaden the scope of attention and thought‐action repertoires[J].Cognition&Emotion,2005,19(3):313-332
    ⑥Wadlinger H A, Isaacowitz D M. Positive mood broadens visual attention to positive stimuli[J]. Motivation andEmotion,2006,30(1):87-99
    ⑦Johnson K J, Fredrickson B L.“We All Look the Same to Me” Positive Emotions Eliminate the Own-Race Bias inFace Recognition[J]. Psychological Science,2005,16(11):875-881
    ⑧Miley W M, Spinella M. Correlations among measures of executive function and positive psychological attributes incollege students[J]. The Journal of general psychology,2006,133(2):175-182
    ⑨Isen A M. Positive affect facilitates thinking and problem solving[C]//Feelings and emotions: The Amsterdamsymposium.2004:263-281
    ⑩Hill E L. Evaluating the theory of executive dysfunction in autism[J]. Developmental review,2004,24(2):189-233
    11Myers D G, Diener E. Who is happy?[J]. Psychological science,1995,6(1):10-19
    ①Csikszentmihalyi M, Hunter J. Happiness in everyday life: The uses of experience sampling[J]. Journal of HappinessStudies,2003,4(2):185-199
    ④Kunzmann U, Little T D, Smith J. Is age-related stability of subjective well-being a paradox? Cross-sectional andlongitudinal evidence from the Berlin Aging Study[J]. Psychology and aging,2000,15(3):511
    ⑥Amdur R L, Larsen R, Liberzon I. Emotional processing in combat-related posttraumatic stress disorder: Acomparison with traumatized and normal controls[J]. Journal of anxiety disorders,2000,14(3):219-238
    ⑦Shirom A. Feeling vigorous at work? The construct of vigor and the study of positive affect in organizations[J].Research in occupational stress and well-being,2003,3:135-164
    ⑥Waterman A S. Two conceptions of happiness: Contrasts of personal expressiveness (eudaimonia) and hedonicenjoyment[J]. Journal of personality and social psychology,1993,64(4):678
    ⑦Seligman M E P. Authentic happiness: Using the new positive psychology to realize your potential for lastingfulfillment[M]. Simon and Schuster,2002
    ⑧Seligman M E P. Positive psychology, positive prevention, and positive therapy[J]. Handbook of positive psychology,2002,2:3-12
    ①Park N, Peterson C, Ruch W. Orientations to happiness and life satisfaction in twenty-seven nations[J]. The Journalof Positive Psychology,2009,4(4):273-279
    ②员工分类方法及其分类管理[EB/OL]. http://money.163.com/10/0505/17/65UIN39F00253G87.html
    [1] Amdur R L, Larsen R, Liberzon I. Emotional processing in combat-relatedposttraumatic stress disorder: A comparison with traumatized and normal controls[J].Journal of anxiety disorders,2000,14(3):219-238
    [2] Argyris C. The individual and organization: An empirical test[J]. AdministrativeScience Quarterly,1959:145-167
    [3] Avey J B, Luthans F, Jensen S M. Psychological capital: A positive resource forcombating employee stress and turnover[J]. Human Resource Management,2009,48(5):677-693
    [4] Avey J B, Luthans F, Youssef C M. The additive value of positive psychologicalcapital in predicting work attitudes and behaviors[J]. Journal of Management,2010,36(2):430-452
    [5] Blumenthal A L. A reappraisal of Wilhelm Wundt[J]. American Psychologist,1975,30(11):1081
    [6] Brown S P, Lam S K. A meta-analysis of relationships linking employee satisfactionto customer responses[J]. Journal of Retailing,2008,84(3):243-255
    [7] Butler-Bowdon T. Fifty Psychology Classics[M]. Nicholas Brealey Publishing,2007:2
    [8] Carlson, Neil and Heth, C. Donald. Psychology the Science of Behaviour[M].Pearson Education Inc,2010:18
    [9] Carmeli A. The relationship between emotional intelligence and work attitudes,behavior and outcomes: An examination among senior managers[J]. Journal ofmanagerial Psychology,2003,18(8):788-813
    [10]Carr A. Positive psychology: The science of happiness and human strengths[M].Routledge,2011
    [11]Csikszentmihalyi M, Hunter J. Happiness in everyday life: The uses of experiencesampling[J]. Journal of Happiness Studies,2003,4(2):185-199
    [12]Eisenberg A E, Baron J, Seligman M E P. Individual differences in risk aversion andanxiety[J]. Psychological Bulletin,1998,87:245-251
    [13]Ekman P. An argument for basic emotions[J]. Cognition&Emotion,1992,6(3-4):169-200
    [14]Fredrickson B L, Branigan C. Positive emotions broaden the scope of attention andthought‐action repertoires[J]. Cognition&Emotion,2005,19(3):313-332
    [15]Fredrickson B L. The role of positive emotions in positive psychology: Thebroaden-and-build theory of positive emotions[J]. American psychologist,2001,56(3):218
    [16]Fredrickson B L. What good are positive emotions?[J]. Review of generalpsychology,1998,2(3):300
    [17]Freud S. Beyond the pleasure principle[M]. Broadview Press,2011
    [18]Goleman D, Boyatzis R. Social intelligence and the biology of leadership[J].Harvard Business Review,2008,86(9):74-81
    [19]Goleman D. Emotional intelligence[M]. Random House LLC,2006
    [20]Harley B. Employee responses to high performance work system practices: Ananalysis of the AWIRS95data[J]. The Journal of Industrial Relations,2002,44(3):418-434
    [21]Hill E L. Evaluating the theory of executive dysfunction in autism[J].Developmental review,2004,24(2):189-233
    [22]Huselid M A. The impact of human resource management practices on turnover,productivity, and corporate financial performance[J]. Academy of managementjournal,1995,38(3):635-672
    [23]Isen A M. Positive affect facilitates thinking and problem solving[C]//Feelings andemotions: The Amsterdam symposium.2004:263-281
    [24]Izard C E. The psychology of emotions[M]. Springer,1991.
    [25]Jahoda M. Current concepts of positive mental health[J]. Journal of Occupationaland Environmental Medicine,1959,1(10):565
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    [29]Kahneman D. Maps of bounded rationality: Psychology for behavioral economics[J].American economic review,2003:1449-1475
    [30]Koontz H. The management theory jungle[J]. Academy of Management Journal,1961,4(3):174-188
    [31]Kunzmann U, Little T D, Smith J. Is age-related stability of subjective well-being aparadox? Cross-sectional and longitudinal evidence from the Berlin Aging Study[J].Psychology and aging,2000,15(3):511
    [32]Larson M, Luthans F. Potential added value of psychological capital in predictingwork attitudes[J]. Journal of leadership&organizational studies,2006,13(2):75-92
    [33]Lee Duckworth A, Steen T A, Seligman M E P. Positive psychology in clinicalpractice[J]. Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol.,2005,1:629-651
    [34]Levinson H. Reciprocation: The relationship between man and organization[J].Administrative science quarterly,1965,9(4)
    [35]Loehlin J C, McCrae R R, Costa Jr P T, et al. Heritabilities of common andmeasure-specific components of the Big Five personality factors[J]. Journal ofResearch in Personality,1998,32(4):431-453
    [36]Luthans F, Avolio B J, Walumbwa F O, et al. The psychological capital of Chineseworkers: Exploring the relationship with performance[J]. Management andOrganization Review,2005,1(2):249-271
    [37]Luthans F, Luthans K W, Luthans B C. Positive psychological capital: Beyondhuman and social capital[J]. Business Horizons,2004,47(1):45-50
    [38]Luthans F, Norman S M, Avolio B J, et al. The mediating role of psychologicalcapital in the supportive organizational climate—employee performancerelationship[J]. Journal of organizational Behavior,2008,29(2):219-238
    [39]Luthans F, Youssef C M. Emerging positive organizational behavior[J]. Journal ofmanagement,2007,33(3):321-349
    [40]Luthans F, Youssef C M. Human, Social, and Now Positive Psychological CapitalManagement: Investing in People for Competitive Advantage[J]. Organizationaldynamics,2004,33(2):143-160
    [41]Luthans F. The need for and meaning of positive organizational behavior[J]. Journalof Organizational Behavior,2002,23(6):695-706
    [42]M Seligman M E P. Authentic happiness: Using the new positive psychology torealize your potential for lasting fulfillment[M]. Simon and Schuster,2002
    [43]Maslow A H. A theory of human motivation[J]. Psychological review,1943,50(4):370
    [44]May R, Rogers C R, Greening T C, et al. American politics and humanisticpsychology[M]. Saybrook Publishing Company,1984
    [45]Miley W M, Spinella M. Correlations among measures of executive function andpositive psychological attributes in college students[J]. The Journal of generalpsychology,2006,133(2):175-182
    [46]Myers D G, Diener E. Who is happy?[J]. Psychological science,1995,6(1):10-19
    [47]Park N, Peterson C, Ruch W. Orientations to happiness and life satisfaction intwenty-seven nations[J]. The Journal of Positive Psychology,2009,4(4):273-279
    [48]Peterson C, Park N. Classification and measurement of character strengths:Implications for practice[J]. Positive psychology in practice,2004:433-446
    [49]Peterson C, Seligman M E P. The Values in Action (VIA) classification ofstrengths[J]. A life worth living: Contributions to positive psychology,2006:29-48
    [50]Peterson C, Semmel A, von Baeyer C, et al. The attributional style questionnaire[J].Cognitive therapy and research,1982,6(3):287-299
    [51]Peterson S J, Luthans F. The positive impact and development of hopeful leaders[J].Leadership&Organization Development Journal,2003,24(1):26-31
    [52]Robbins S P. Organization Theory: Structures, Designs, And Applications,3/e[M].Pearson Education India,1990
    [53]Robinson S L, Rousseau D M. Violating the psychological contract: Not theexception but the norm[J]. Journal of organizational behavior,1994,15(3):245-259
    [54]Salovey P, Mayer J D. Emotional intelligence[J]. Imagination, cognition andpersonality,1989,9(3):185-211
    [55]Schachter S, Singer J E. Comments on the Maslach and Marshall-Zimbardoexperiments[J].1979.:989
    [56]Schein E H, Schein E. Career dynamics: Matching individual and organizationalneeds[M]. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley,1978
    [57]Schneider S L. In search of realistic optimism: Meaning, knowledge, and warmfuzziness[J]. American Psychologist,2001,56(3):250
    [58]Schultz D, Schultz S. A history of modern psychology[M]. Cengage Learning,2011
    [59]Sears R R. LM Terman, pioneer in mental measurement[J]. Science,1957,125:978-979
    [60]Seligman E P. Building human strength: psychology’s forgotten mission [J]. APAmonitor,1998,29:12-18
    [61]Seligman M E P, Csikszentmihalyi M. Positive psychology: An introduction[M].American Psychological Association,2000
    [62]Seligman M E P, Ernst R M, Gillham J, et al. Positive education: Positivepsychology and classroom interventions[J]. Oxford review of education,2009,35(3):293-311
    [63]Seligman M E P, Steen T A, Park N, et al. Positive psychology progress: empiricalvalidation of interventions[J]. American psychologist,2005,60(5):410
    [64]Seligman M E P. Authentic happiness: Using the new positive psychology to realizeyour potential for lasting fulfillment[M]. Simon and Schuster,2002
    [65]Seligman M E P. Learned helplessness[J]. Annual review of medicine,1972,23(1):407-412
    [66]Seligman M E P. Positive psychology, positive prevention, and positive therapy[J].Handbook of positive psychology,2002,2:3-12
    [67]Sheldon K M, King L. Why positive psychology is necessary[J]. Americanpsychologist,2001,56(3):216
    [68]Shirom A. Feeling vigorous at work? The construct of vigor and the study of positiveaffect in organizations[J]. Research in occupational stress and well-being,2003,3:135-164
    [69]Snyder C R, Lopez S J, Shorey H S, et al. Hope theory, measurements, andapplications to school psychology[J]. School Psychology Quarterly,2003,18(2):122
    [70]Spreitzer G M, Sonenshein S. Toward the construct definition of positive deviance[J].American Behavioral Scientist,2004,47(6):828-847
    [71]Stajkovic A D, Luthans F. Self-efficacy and work-related performance: Ameta-analysis[J]. Psychological bulletin,1998,124(2):240
    [72]Terman L M. The discovery and encouragement of exceptional talent[J]. Americanpsychologist,1954,9(6):221
    [73]Tiberius V. Well‐Being: Psychological Research for Philosophers[J]. PhilosophyCompass,2006,1(5):493-505
    [74]Wadlinger H A, Isaacowitz D M. Positive mood broadens visual attention to positivestimuli[J]. Motivation and Emotion,2006,30(1):87-99
    [75]Waterman A S. Two conceptions of happiness: Contrasts of personal expressiveness(eudaimonia) and hedonic enjoyment[J]. Journal of personality and socialpsychology,1993,64(4):678

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