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Libraries are treasuries of cultural works and knowledge. By storing information and making them available to the general public for free, libraries provide the access key to knowledge. They thus perform essential public interest functions, such as dissemination of knowledge and preservation of cultural heritage. On top of these functions, there is also a clear social mandate for libraries in the digital era to close the digital divide and to guarantee the rights to free and equal access to knowledge and information for the general public. While copyright laws seek to encourage creativity by granting exclusive rights to copyright owners, the same set of laws also strive to promote the progress of culture and to fulfill public interest goals. Hence, libraries rely on the limitations and exceptions clause in copyright laws to fulfill their public interest missions without risking copyright infringement.
     A renewed emphasis on library copyright exception arises in response to the evolving information society and Internet trends of the digital age. Countries have undertaken systematic review and amendment of their copyright exception rules to balance the competing values of private interest and public benefit. Relevant interenational agreements, national laws and their subsequent development thus constitute a topic of great research interest.
     This dissertation contains three parts: Introduction, Body and Conclusion. The main body is divided into six chapters.
     Chapter I: The Connection between Libraries and Copyright. This chapter starts with a premise that libraries are of public interest nature, and then proceeds to explain the pivotal role of copyright exceptions for libraries in copyright laws and the diversity of the limitation and exception regulations in different countries. Countries have entered the process of review and amendment of their copyright laws to varying extents in response to the challenges posed by the digital revolution. The advent of digital and Internet technologies has tipped the balance between public and private interests that we had inherited from the copyright laws of the time of print media. Therefore, reviewing the existing legal structure is a task of paramount importance, an undertaking to identify the new optimal balance between the competing values of public interest and public benefit.
     Chapter II: International Copyright Conventions and Relevant Agreements. Copyright protection is territorial in nature. However, the recent decades have witnessed increasing cross-border trade and cultural exchange. Intellectual property assets also travel between national boundaries as important and valuable goods. Thus, international conventions and multilateral agreements are pivotal in harmonizing and regulating mutual protection and enforcement of copyrights in signatory countries. The Mainland of China and Taiwan have both ratified several international treaties. This chapter examines the“three-step test”as required in the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works, the TRIPS agreement and several important international copyright treaties. The test will constitute a basic legal structure to which copyright exception rules for libraries align.
     Chapter III: Limitations on Reproduction Right for Libraries and Archieves under U.S. copyright law. Based on the legislative documents for the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, this chapter explores the legislative history of Section 108 and the interplay between this section and Section 107 (fair use). To make a thorough analysis of the obstensibly complex reulgations, this chapter specifically employs a systemised approach to understanding the laws. Also, this chapter examines The Section 108 Study Group Report, a commissioned study by the American Library of Congress and the Copyright Office to evaluate and identify inadequacies in the existing section 108 regulations.
     Chapter IV: Copyright Limitations and Exceptions for Libraries under Japan and South Korea laws. This chapter begins with a thorough study of the portion of the Japan Copyright Law dealing with limitations and exceptions for libraries, followed by a comprehensive overview of the 2009 copyright law amendment and its current practice relating to the preservation of digital library collection and webpage archives at the National Diet Library. Secondly, it is worth nothing that, inspite of the fact that South Korean copyright law had largely modeled after Japanese laws, South Korea have finished amending its copyright law to regulate digital reproduction and transmission before its Japanese counterpart embarked on such enterprise. In addition, the Korean statutory licensing scheme for certain uses of copyrighted material also invites great research interest. This chapter is devoted to these topics.
     Chapter V: Limitation and exceptions for Libraries under the Mainland of China and Taiwan laws. This chapter considers the requirements for copyright exceptions for libraries, scholarly and governmental opinions, and respective practices in the Mainland of China and Taiwan. In the mainland of China, Regulations on the Protection of the Right of Communication through InformationNetwork, enacted in 2006, allows libraries to provide in-library access to digital collections that meet certain requirements. This new copyright exception scheme is worthy of scholarly consideration. Finally, recommendations for regulating copyright limitations and exceptions for libraries in the Mainland of China are presented in this chapter.
     Chapter VI: Review and Amendment of Copyright Limitations and Exceptions for Libraries under China’s Taiwan law. This chapter builds on the studies outlined in the previous chapters and consults the legislative precedents from the U.S.A., Japan, South Korea, Australia, Germany, France and the United Kingdom. Approaching the copyright exception topic from six major issue areas, the chapter contains an overall examination of Article 48 of China’s Taiwan Copyright Law, and presents recommendations.
     This dissertation concludes by summing up findings given in each chapter and proposing amendments of regulations relating to copyright limitations and exceptions for libraries to fulfill the following goals: 1) commit to abide by the three-step test used in the international agreements and, where appropriate, incorporate the test into national laws; 2) update laws to produce the optimal dynamic balance of interests; 3) keep qualifying subjects, in particular libraries, sticking to their non-profit missions; 4) introduce“statutory licensing”where appropriate; and finally, 5) regulate copyright collective management organisations and related service groups.
1例如英国1911年著作权法对于英国本土及其海外殖民地或领土均有适用。因此英国著作权法对这些昔日殖民国家法规之制订及后续修改,自然产生明显之影响。例如英国著作权法中关于图书馆之例外规定通常以比较冗长之条款叙述允许之细节,此也是在该等昔日殖民国家法规上可见的特色,另外像澳洲、纽西兰、新加坡、中国香港等也有类似情形的法规。参见Kenneth Crews, Study on Copyright Limitations and Exceptions for Libraries and Archives,WIPO SCCR/17/2 (2008.08.26), at 25.
    2例如在WIPO委托学者Kenneth Crews进行而于2008年发表之《图书馆与档案馆著作权限制及例外研究报告》中,在该没有图书馆例外规定之21国家中,多半是群聚在非洲、中东及中南美洲等三个地区。参见前注,页29-31。
    4 Melville B. Nimmer & David Nimmer, Nimmer on Copyright, Vol.2, LexisNexis Mathew Bender (2005.8),§8.03, P.8-34
    5 William F. Patry, Patry on Copyright, Volume 4, Thomson/West (2007), Chap.11
    19 Register of Copyright, Report of the Register of Copyright on the General Revision of the U.S. Copyright Law (1961),转引自冯晓青:《知识产权法利益平衡理论》,中国政法大学出版社,2006年,页93。
    20 Feist Publishers, Inc.v. Rural Telephone Service Co. Inc., 499 U.S. 340, 349 (1991).
    21 Computer Assocs. Int’l Inc. v. Altai Inc.,982 F. 2d 693,696 (2d Cir. 1992) ,转引自冯晓青:《知识产权法利益平衡理论》,中国政法大学出版社,2006年,页107。
    24 P. Bernt Hugenholtz ,‘Fierce Creatures. Copyright Exemptions: Towards Extinction?’, keynote speech, IFLA/IMPRIMATUR Conference, "Rights, Limitations and Exceptions: Striking a Proper Balance", Amsterdam, 30-31 October 1997. available at http://www.ivir.nl/staff/hugenholtz.html, last visited:2011.03.10.
    25 P. Bernt Hugenholtz, The Future of Copyright in a Digital Environment,Kluwer Law International,1996, at 94。转引自王清:《著作权限制制度比较研究》,人民出版社,2007年,页40。另参见〔意〕安娜?勒帕热:《数字环境下版权例外和限制概况》,《版权公报》2003年第1期,页4-5。
    31 Section 7 (Special exceptions as respects libraries and archives) of Copyright Act 1956 (UK).
    32 WIPO系依据1967年缔结之《建立世界知识产权组织公约》,于该公约1970年4月生效后而成立,1974年WIPO成为联合国的一个专门机构。目前WIPO共有184个成员国,http://www.wipo.int/members/en/,最后访问时间:2011年2月16日。
    40 Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works,Paris Act of July 24, 1971, as amended on September 28, 1979.
    42 WIPO, Guide to the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works (Paris Act, 1971), 9.9, p.56 (1978).
    43 See, Id.,9.9, at 56.
    44 See, Id., 9.7, at.55.
    45 Report on the work of Main Committee I, Records of the Intellectual Property Conference of Stockholm, 1967, at 1145.
    46 See, Id., 9.8,at.55-56.
    47 See, Id., 9.9-9.10,at.56.
    48 See, Id., 9.11-9.12,at.56.
    50参见:WIPO,刘波林译:罗马公约和录音制品公约指南(Guide to the Rome Convention(1961), International Convention for the Protection of Performers,Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations ),中国人民大学出版社,2002年8月,页47。
    51 See Id., 15.8-15.9,at.48.
    52 Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights,1994;TRIPS.
    53 Sam Ricketson, WIPO Study on Limitations and Exceptions of Copyright and Related Rights in the Digital Environment, WIPO SCCR/9/7(2003.04.05), at 55.
    54 See Id, at 47.
    55 WIPO Copyright Treaty,1996;WCT.
    57 Sam Ricketson, WIPO study on limitations and exceptions of copyright and related rights in thedigitsl environment, WIPO SCCR/9/7(2003.04.05), at 60.
    58 1996年通过WCT的外交会议议定声明,请叁阅http://www.wipo.int/treaties/zh/ip/wct/wct.htm,最后访问时间:2010/12/21。
    59 See Id.
    60 WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty,1996;WPPT.
    61 1996年通过WPPT的外交会议议定声明,叁见http://www.wipo.int/treaties/zh/ip/wppt/index.html,最后访问时间:2010/12/21。
    62 DIRECTIVE 2001/29/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 22 May 2001 on the harmonisation of certain aspects of copyright and related rights in the information society.
    64参见Official Journal of the European Communities L 167 of 22 June 2001。
    66 Article 5 (Exceptions and limitations):“2. Member States may provide for exceptions or limitations to the reproduction right provided for in Article 2 in the following cases:……(c) in respect of specific acts of reproduction made by publicly accessible libraries, educational establishments or museums, or by archives, which are not for direct or indirect economic or commercial advantage”, See Article 5. 2.(c) of Directive 2001/29/EC.
    67 Article 5 (Exceptions and limitations):“3. Member States may provide for exceptions or limitations to the rights provided for in Articles 2 and 3 in the following cases:……(n) use by communication or making available, for the purpose of research or private study, to individual members of the public by dedicated terminals on the premises of establishments referred to in paragraph 2(c) of works and other subject-matter notsubject to purchase or licensing terms which are contained in their collections”, See Article 5. 3(.n) of Directive 2001/29/EC.
    68 GREEN PAPER - Copyright in the Knowledge Economy,2008.07.16,参见http : //ec.europa.eu/internal_market/copyright/docs/copyright-infso/greenpaper_en.pdf ,最后访问时间:2011/02/21。
    69 See Id, at 7-8.
    70 See Id, at 9-10.
    71 communication on copyright in the knowledge economy,2009.10.19,参见http://ec.europa.eu/internal_market/copyright/docs/copyright-infso/20091019_532_en.pdf,最后访问时间:2011/02/21。
    72 Tunis Model Copyright Law,1976.
    73 Tunis Model Law on Copyright for Developing Countries, 1976, available at: http://portal.unesco.org/culture/en/files/31318/11866635053tunis_model_law_en-web.pdf/tunis_model_law_en-web.pdf,最后访问时间:2011/02/21。
    74原文为:“Notwithstanding Section 4, the following use of a copyrighted work, either in the original language or in translation, are permissible without the author’s consent:……(v)The reproduction, by photographic or similar process, by public libraries, non?commercial documentation centers, scientific institutions and educational establishments, of literary, artistic or scientific works which have already been lawfully made available to the public, provided that such reproduction and the number of copies made are limited to the needs of their activities, do no conflict with the normal exploitation of the work and do not unreasonably prejudice the legitimate interests of the author”, Section 7 (v) of Tunis Model Law, See Id, at 12.
    75 See Id.
    76 Sam Ricketson, The Three-Step Test, Deemed Quantities, Libraries and Closed Exceptions (Strawberry Hills, Australia: Centre for Copyright Studies, 2002). At 108-113.
    77 WTO Panel on United States-Section 110(5) of the US Copyright Act: Report of the Panel, WT/DS/160/R, June 15, 2000.
    78参见Nic Garnett着,何建志译,《自动化权利管理系统与著作权限制及例外规定》(Automated Rights Management Systems and Copyright Limitations and Exceptions),页8,WIPO SCCR/14/5,台湾智慧财产局印行。
    79 P. Bernt Hugenholtz and Ruth L. Okediji, Conceiving an International Instrument on Limitations and Exceptions to Copyright: Final Report (Amsterdam: Institute for Information Law, 2008), at 25.
    81德国约格.莱因伯特(Jorg Reinbothe)与西尔克.冯.莱温斯基(Silke von Lewinski)着,万勇、相靖译:《WIPO因特网条约评注》,中国人民大学出版社,2008年1月,页166。
    82 Sam Ricketson, WIPO study on limitations and exceptions of copyright and related rights in thedigitsl environment, WIPO SCCR/9/7(2003.04.05), at 75-76.
    83 Copyright Act of 1976,Public Law No. 94-553, enacted Oct. 19, 1976, 90 Stat. 2541, with effect from January 1, 1978.
    84美国《著作权法》第107条合理使用原则,系源自英国习惯法上之公平利用(fair dealing)原则,于1841年由美国本土联邦法官Joseph story在Folsom v. Marsh案中首次加以引用后,其后即一再为美国法学界及实务界所引申、阐述,而成为美国著作权法上占有重要地位之一项论理法则(rule of reason)。参见黄怡腾:《著作权法上合理使用原则之研究》,政治大学法律研究所博士论文,1996年7月,第202页。
    85“The bill endorses the purpose and general scope of the judicial doctrine of fair use, but there is no disposition to freeze the doctrine in the statute, especially during a period of rapid technological change. Beyond a very broad statutory explanation of what fair use is and some of the criteria applicable to it, their courts must be free to adapt the doctrine to particular situations on a case-by-case basis. Section 107 is intended to restate the present judicial doctrine of fair use, not to change, narrow, or enlarge it in any way.”,参见H.R. Rep. NO.94-1476, at 66。
    90 Williams & Wilkins Co. v. United States, 172 U.S.P.Q. 670 (Ct. Cl. 1972), rev’d, 487 F.2d 1345 (Ct. Cl.1973), aff’d by an equally divided court, 420 U.S. 376 (1975).
    93 See id.
    94此BORGE VARMER报告与君子协一样,均聚焦于为研究与学术目的之复制,其认为此复制对于研究者是必须的,因为以图书馆有限之藏书量,如仅凭借书无法为其利用人提供服务。至于保存目的之复制,比起研究目的之复制,较不急迫,且认为只要无法从出版商处取得出版物,则保存复制就该是合法的,透过馆际互借而复制也一样合法。在报告中他提出了四个可能的方案:第一,考虑制订一个允许私人复制的条目;第二,考虑制订一个关于何种图书馆可适用、何种著作可被复制、以及可为何种目的复制等详细规定的条目;第三,考虑制订一个使非营利机构可复制并提供仅作为研究、学习及有关像维持图书馆馆藏或为他图书馆之目的之条目,并以行政规章为详细条件规范;第四,考虑在图书馆与著作权人间成立新的自愿性协议。Borge Varmer, Copyright Office of the Library of Congress, Study no. 15: Photoduplication of Copyrighted Material by Libraries, at 55 (1959), reprinted in 86th Cong., Copyright Law Revision: Studies Prepared for the Subcomm. on Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights of the Comm. on the Judiciary, United States Senate: Studies 14-16, at 49 (committee print 1960) .参考自Mary Rasenberger and Chris Weston, Overview of the Libraries and Archives Exception in the Copyright Act: Background, History, and Meaning,11-12(2005).权标示,图书馆应在影印本上附有警示提醒该资料可能受到著作权法保护。REPORT OF THE REGISTER OF COPYRIGHTS ON THE GENERAL REVISION OF THE U.S. COPYRIGHT LAW (1961) .参见Mary Rasenberger and Chris Weston, Overview of the Libraries and Archives Exception in the Copyright Act: Background, History, and Meaning,12-13(2005).
    96著作权局1961年立法建议报告公布后,各界反映复杂。而出版商界主要是要求对于整本出版物之复制应增设实施前应确认该出版物已无法自出版商处取得之条件。著作权局在其后1963年提出之图书馆复制条目草案即据此等意见而做了修改。参见Supplementary Report of the Register of Copyrights on the General Revision of the U.S. Copyright Law: 1965 Revision Bill 26 (1965)。
    97“at the present time the practices, techniques, and devices for reproducing visual images and sound and for‘storing’and‘retrieving’information are in such a stage of rapid evolution that any specific statutory provision would be likely to prove inadequate, if not unfair or dangerous, in the not too distant future.”, See id., at 26.
    98详细内容可参见Mary Rasenberger and Chris Weston, Overview of the Libraries and Archives Exception in the Copyright Act: Background, History, and Meaning,14-15(2005).
    99 Williams & Wilkins, 487 F.2d, at 1378 (Ct. Cl.1973) (quoting trial judge’s opinion).
    100 Id . at 1353.
    101 Id . at 1354.
    102 420 U.S. 376 (1975). aff’d by an equally divided court,此种情形,该案判决将不具有判决先例价值,只是维持该个案中原审判决结果。
    103该草案已经有1976年法第108条(a)(b)(c)(f)(g)各项轮廓,并说明第108条给予图书馆的复制权利,是在既有合理使用原则之外另外赋予的。请参S. 543, 91st Cong.§108 (Committee Print, Dec. 10, 1969).以及S. REP. NO. 91-1219, at 5-6 (1970).
    104 Williams & Wilkins, 487 F.2d, at 1380 (Ct. Cl.1973) (quoting trial judge’s opinion).
    105 Copyright Law Revision: Hearings Before the Subcomm. on Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights of the Comm. on the Judiciary, United States Senate, on S. 1361. 93rd Cong. 90 (1973).
    106 S. REP. NO. 93-983, at 13, 121-123 (1974).
    107 H.R. REP. NO. 94-1476, at 78 (1976).
    108著作权局依此分别曾于1983及1988年提出报告。而此著作权局应提出报告义务条文,其后于1991修法讨论时,认为在已提出两份大报告后,结论认为为研究者、学者及利用人影印未对著作权人权益产生不利影响,故1976年所制订之第108条乃运作顺利(working fine),经过12年的经验已不需要再有第三份报告。因此即于1992年之著作权法修正案(Copyright Amendments Act of 1992)中予以删除(即Pub. L. 102-307, title III,§301, June 26, 1992, 106 Stat. 272)。理由可参见S. REP. NO. 102-194, 102d Cong., 1st Sess. at 7 (1991).
    115“the position of the libraries that this language permits a librarian who has first made copies pursuant to section 108 to then make one or more additional copies under the fair use provisions of section 107”,See testimony at January 19, 1980, Chicago hearing, 1983 Register’s Library Reproduction Report , Appendix II at 37-38, 142, 178-179(1983).
    116 1983 Register’s Library Reproduction Report , at 97 (1983).
    117 Id, at 98.
    118“Although lt Would be preferable to delete section 108(f)(4) from the statute, as it serves only to give rise to the erroneous interpretation of section 107 as a‘spillover’provision after section 108 limits have been reached”,William F. Patry , Patry on Copyright, Volume 4§11:4, 11-28,11-29 (2007).
    119 Richard Anderson Photography v. Brown, 852 F.2d 114,119 (4th Cir. 1988).
    120“Finally, the Committee wants to make clear that, just as when section 108 of the Copyright Act was first enacted, the term‘libraries’and‘archives’as used and described in this provision still refer to such institutions only in the conventional sense of entities that are established as, and conduct their operations through, physical premises in which collections of information may be used by researchers and other members of the public. Although online interactive digital networks have since given birth to online digital‘libraries’and‘archives’that exist only in the virtual (rather than physical) sense on websites, bulletin boards and homepages across the Internet, it is not the Committee’s intent that section 108 as revised apply to such collections of information. The ease with which such sites are established online literally allows anyone to create his or her own digital‘libraries’and‘archives.’The extension of the application of section 108 to all such sites would be tantamount to creating an exception to the exclusive rights of copyright holders that would permit any person who has an online website, bulletin board or a homepage to freely reproduce and distribute copyrighted works. Such an exemption would swallow the general rule and severely impair the copyright owners’right and ability to commercially exploit their copyrighted works. Consequently, the Committee intends that references to‘the premises of the library or archives’in amended sections 108 (b)(2) and (c)(2) mean only physical premises.”See S. Rep. NO. 105-190(THE DIGITAL MILLENNIUM COPYRIGHT ACT OF 1998), at 62.
    121“The limitation of section 108 to reproduction and distribution by libraries and archives“without any purpose of direct or indirect commercial advantage”is intended to preclude a library or archives in a profit-making organization from providing photocopies of copyrighted materials to employees engaged in furtherance of the organization’s commercial enterprise, unless such copying qualifies as a fair use, or the organization has obtained the necessary copyright licenses. A commercial organization should purchase the number of copies of a work that it requires, or obtain the consent of the copyright owner to the making of the photocopies.”See S.Rep.No.94-473,at 67 (1975).
    122“There is a direct interrelationship between this problem and the prohibitions against‘multiple’and ‘systematic’photocopying in section 108(g) (1) and (2). Under section 108, a library in a profitmaking organization would not be authorized to: (a) use a single subscription or copy to supply its employees with multiple copies of material relevant to their work; or (b) use a single subscription or copy to supply its employees, on request, with single copies of material relevant to their work, where the arrangement is ‘systematic’in the sense of deliberately substituting photocopying for subscription or purchase; or (c) use‘interlibrary loan’arrangements for obtaining photocopies in such aggregate quantities as to substitute for subscriptions or purchase of material needed by employees in their work.”See H.R.Report No.94-1476, at 75(1976).
    123“Isolated, spontaneous making of single photocopies by a library in a for-profit organization, without any systematic effort to substitute photocopying for subscriptions or purchases, would be covered by section 108, even though the copies are furnished to the employees of the organization for use in their work. Similarly, for-profit libraries could participate in interlibrary arrangements for exchange of photocopies, as long as the reproduction or distribution was not‘systematic.’These activities, by themselves, would ordinarily not be considered‘for direct or indirect commercial advantage,’since the‘advantage’referred to in this clause must attach to the immediate commercial motivation behind the reproduction or distribution itself, rather than to the ultimate profit-making motivation behind the enterprise in which the library is located. On the other hand, section 108 would not excuse reproduction or distribution if there were a commercial motive behind the actual making or distributing of the copies, if multiple copies were made or distributed, or if the photocopying activities were‘systematic’in the sense that their aim was to substitute for subscriptions or purchases.”See Id.
    125 Section 108 Study Group Report,at 34.
    126“contrary to section 108(a)(1), Texaco’s copying was done for profit in order to assist its scientists in their profit-motivated research.”American Geophysical Union v. Texaco Inc,802 F. Supp. 27-28 (S.D.N.Y.1992),cited in William F. Patry , Patry on Copyright, Volume 4§11:7, 11-33 (2007).
    127“TV News Clips analogizes itself to a newspaper clipping service or an archive, both of which qualify for an exemption apart from the fair use doctrine. The statute defines an archive with some precision, and TV News Clips does not match the description.”Pacific & Southern Co. v. Duncan, 744 F.2d 1490 (11th Cir. 1984),reh'g denied en banc, 749 F.2d 733(11th Cir. 1984), cert. denied, 471 U.S. 1004 (1985).
    128 Melville B. Nimmer & David Nimmer, Nimmer on Copyrigh , Vol.2,§8.03〔A〕〔1〕, 8-35, LexisNexis Matthew Bender (2005.08).
    129 H.R.Report No.94-1476, at 77(1976).
    131“About the 108 Study Group”, available at http://www.section108.gov/study.html,, last visited:2011/01/01.
    132《Section 108 Study Group Report》,at 31-33.
    133 See Id. Executive Summary iv、34-38.
    134 See Id. Executive Summary iv、39-42.
    135 See Id. Executive Summary xii.
    136有关Google图书搜寻,可参阅:http://books.google.com/intl/zh-TW/googlebooks/agreement/index.html#1, last visited:2011/02/01.
    137 Oxford University-Google Digitization Progamme: FAQs,available at: http://www.bodley.ox.ac.uk/google/ ,last visited:2011/02/01.
    138洪盛毅:《从GOOGLE与美国THE MCGRAW-HILL等五大书商之著作权诉讼分析GOOGLE图书馆计画与合理使用之法律疑义》台湾地区经济部《智慧财产权月刊》第121期,2009年1月,第83页。
    139 Author’s Guild, Author’s Guild v. Google, Inc., No. 05 CV 8136 (S.D.N.Y. Sept. 20, 2005), available at http://fl1.findlaw.com/news.findlaw.com/hdocs/docs/google/aggoog92005cmp.pdf,last visited:2011/02/01. McGraw Hill Co., McGraw Hill Co. v. Google, Inc., No. 05 CV 8881 (S.D.N.Y. Oct. 19, 2005), available at http://fl1.findlaw.com/news.findlaw.com/hdocs/docs/google/mcggoog101905cmp.pdf,last visited:2011/02/01.
    140和解协议可参阅http://books.google.com/booksrightsholders/agreement-contents.html ,last visited:2011/02/01.另可参阅陈家骏、冯震宇:《网络著作权最新发展趋势分析》,台湾地区经济部智慧财产局委托研究案,2010年1月4日,第71-75页。
    141 Kate M . Manuel, The Google Library Project: Is Digitization for Purposes of Online Indexing Fair Use Under Copyright Law? Congressional Research Service, 2009.02.05, available at http://assets.opencrs.com/rpts/R40194_20090205.pdf , last visited:2011/02/01.
    142 H.R.Rep.No. 94-1476, at 75 (1976).
    143 Pub. L. 105-304, title IV,§404, Oct. 28, 1998, 112 Stat. 2889.
    144“Under this exemption, for example, a repository could make photocopies of manuscripts by microfilm or electrostatic process, but could not reproduce the work in“machine-readable”language for storage in an information system.”See H.R.Rep.No. 94-1476, at 75 (1976).
    145“The legislative history to that section makes clear that, when this language was enacted more than twenty years ago, Congress intended to permit the copy to be made by microfilm or electrostatic photocopying process, but not in a computerized form i.e.,‘in machine readable language for storage in an information system’.’’See S. REP. NO. 105-190, at 61(1998).
    146“The amendment to subsection (b) permits a library or archive to make (for itself or another library or archive
    147“In the view of the Committee, this proviso is necessary to ensure that the amendment strikes the appropriate balance, permitting the use of digital technology by libraries and archives while guarding against the potential harm to the copyright owner’s market from patrons obtaining unlimited access to digital copies from any location.’’See S. REP. NO. 105-190, at 61-62(1998).
    148 See Id, at 62.
    149“an archival collection of original manuscripts, papers, and the like, most of which are unpublished, and for which a rigorous preservation regime serves the needs of archives and scholars without affecting the interests of the owner of copyright, if any, in the copied works”, See 1983 Register’s Library Reproduction Report , at 105 (1983).
    150 See Id.
    151 Mary Rasenberger and Chris Weston, Overview of the Libraries and Archives Exception in the Copyright Act: Background, History, and Meaning, 25(2005).
    152“Under this language, if the needed machine or device can only be purchased in secondhand stores, it should not be considered‘‘reasonably available.’’See S. REP. NO. 105-190, at 62(1998).
    153“The scope and nature of a reasonable investigation to determine that an unused replacement cannot be obtained will vary according to the circumstances of a particular situation. It will always require recourse to commonly-known trade sources in the United States, and in the normal situation also to the publisher or other copyright owner (if such owner can be located at the address listed in the copyright registration), or an authorized reproducing service.’’See H.R. REP. NO. 94-1476, at 75-76.(1976).
    154 Melville B. Nimmer & David Nimmer, Nimmer on Copyright, Vol.2,§8.03〔E〕〔1〕〔b〕, 8-43 LexisNexis Matthew Bender(2005.08).
    155 Carol Simpson, Copyright for School: A Practical Guide, 4th Edition, Linworth Books,2005, p.144
    156 See Mary Rasenberger & Chris Weston, Overview of the Libraries and Archives Exception in the Copyright Act:Background, History, and Meaning, 27(2005).
    157 Melville B. Nimmer & David Nimmer, Nimmer on Copyright, Vol.2,§8.03〔E〕〔1〕〔b〕, 8-43, LexisNexis Matthew Bender(2005.08).
    158“Copies made under the authority of subsection (c) will clearly be transferred to another library’s collection when their purpose is to replace a lost or stolen copy of which the“victim”library does not have a duplicate of its own available for copying. In addition, if a library’s copy of a published work is so badly damaged or deteriorated that a readable copy can not be made from it, then it may be lawful to transfer a replacement in the form of a photocopy to that library’s collection, provided, of course, that a reasonable effort fails to unearth an unused copy at a fair price.”, See 1983 Register’s Library Reproduction Report , at 114 (1983).
    159 Melville B. Nimmer & David Nimmer, Nimmer on Copyright, Vol.2,§8.03〔E〕〔1〕〔c〕, 8-44, LexisNexis Matthew Bender(2005.08).
    160 S. REP. NO. 105-190, at 2-3(1998).
    161”to accommodate the reality of the computerized library by allowing the preparation of three copies of works in digital form, with no more than one copy in use at any time (while the others are archived)”, The Report of The Working Group on Intellectual Property Right , at 227, available at http://www.uspto.gov/web/offices/com/doc/ipnii/rec.pdf,last visited:2011/02/15.
    162 Carol C. Henderson, Am. Library Ass’n, Library Preservation: Changes Incorporatedin H.R. 2281, The Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 (PL105-304) ,1998.11.12,available at http://www.arl.org/bm~doc/preservation.pdf last visited:2011/02/15.
    163 S. REP. NO. 105-190, at 61(1998).
    164 Kenneth D. Crews, Copyright Law For Librarians and Educators, American Library Association, 2006, P.76.
    165 James S. Heller, The Librarian’s Copyright Companion, William S. Hein & Co., Inc. 2004, P.72.
    166 Carol Simpson, Copyright for School: A Practical Guide, 4th Edition, Linworth Books,2005, p.144
    167 1976年国会立法报告中于第107条部分曾提到,对于1942年之前所制作之电影的后续拷贝保存,是急切的。因为除了很多仅存的一份影片拷贝已被有意地毁坏外,那些留下来的影片,由于以硝酸盐为原料基础之胶卷会无法避免地随时间而分解,所以也都处于瓦解之立即危险中。因此,国会图书馆、美国影片协会及其他组织为抢救与保存此等对美国文化生活具有无可取代贡献之影片所付出之努力值得喝采,且此基于档案保存目的而制作复制物,无疑地系属于合理使用适用之范围。可参阅H.R. REP. NO. 94-1476, at 73(1976).
    169 See id. at 131.
    170 See id.
    171“‘Publication’is the distribution of copies or phonorecords of a work to the public by sale or other transfer ofownership, or by rental, lease, or lending. The offering to distribute copies or phonorecords to a group of persons for purposes of further distribution, public performance, or public display, constitutes publication. A public performance or display of a work does not of itself constitute publication.”See 17 U.S.C.§101.
    172构成发行(publication)之散布(distribution)所转让者,本应为有形物质的复制物。但由于在司法案例中,例如在Napster案中,大多数的Napster使用者利用该服务而下载并上传受保护之音乐,法院认为Napster使用者侵害至少两个著作权:§106(1)所定的复制权及§106(3)所定的散布权,亦即上传档案名称至搜寻目录让他人复制的Napster使用者,侵犯了原告的散布权,而下载含有受保护音乐档案之Napster使用者则侵犯原告的复制权(A & M Records, Inc. v. Napster, Inc., 239 F.3d 1004, 1014 (9th Cir. 2001))。换言之,法院对于未经授权而将他人音乐录音等作品透过网络传输散播,如果已让公众可透过下载电子档方式取得可制作有形复制物之能力,即认定已侵害著作权人之散布权(distribution right)。因此,学者认为,依此判决看法,则如果是经过著作权人授权而以允许公众可以下载电子档案或者印出复制物之方式透过网络散播其作品,此种情形依法院上述判决见解既已该当“散布”,则可能可以解释为该作品为“已发行”。可参见Section 108 Study Group Report,2008.03,at 48, http://www.section108.gov/index.html, last visited:2011/01/01.
    173 International Study on the Impact of Copyright Law on Digital Preservation-- A joint report of, The Library of Congress National DIIPP(USA), The Joint Information Systems Committee(UK), The Open Access to Knowledge (OAK) Law Project(Australia), and The SURFfoundation (Netherlands), 2008.07, at120.
    174 See id. at 126。但是依据《联邦行政法规汇编第37篇》(Title 37, Code of Federal Regulations)第202.19
    175 See id. at 128-129.
    176 See id. at 119.
    179 Section 108 Study Group Report,2008.03,at 53-54,http://www.section108.gov/index.html, last visited:2011/01/01.
    180 See id. at 52、54.
    181 See id. at 52、57.
    182 See id. at 63.
    184 Section 108 Study Group Report,at 63.
    185 See id. at 61.
    186 See id.
    187 See id. at 65-66.
    189 See Section 108 Study Group Report,at 71-72.
    190 See Id,Executive Summary, viii、80-87.
    193 See Id. Executive Summary xiii.
    194然而,Nimmer on Copyrigh一书作者认为此(f)(3)项之规定是奇怪的,因为本来新闻性视听著作就不在第108条(i)项本文之限制著作种类之中,换言之,对于本来就未被限制不得复制之新闻性视听著作而言,(f)(3)项再从反面规定不得限制云云,从字面上看是无意义的。Melville B. Nimmer & David Nimmer, Nimmer on Copyrigh , Vol.2,§8.03〔F〕, 8-57, LexisNexis Matthew Bender (2005.08).
    195 H.R. REP. NO. 94-1476, at 77(1976).
    196 See Section 108 Study Group Report,Executive Summary, ix、89-90.
    198 Paul Goldstein, Goldstein on Copyright, 3rd Edition, Vol.2,§7.2.2, 7:72, Aspen Publishers (2008).
    199即Pub. L. 105-298, title I,§104, Oct. 27, 1998, 112 Stat. 2829.
    200依据美国《著作权法》第106条第(4)目规定,除第107条至第122条之规定外,文学、音乐、戏剧、舞蹈、哑剧、电影及其他视听作品之著作权人享有“公开演出(perform publicly)”之专属权利。另依第101条,所谓“演出(perform)”其定义为:对一作品直接或藉任何装置或方法进行朗诵、表现、演奏、跳舞或表演,或以任何顺序连续性显示电影或其他视听著作之影像或使其所伴随之声音发声。因此,在美国著作权法下之“演出”范围甚广,可包括直接表演或藉任何装置、方法演出,例如直接的演唱或表演、以广播将该表演予以传送(无论系同步传送或透过CD播放传送)、其他广播业者或有线业者之再播送等;并包括对于电影或其他视听著作之放映。而该任何装置或方法,包含各种可复制、扩大声音或影像之设备、传送装置、电子检索系统或其他任何技术与系统。可参见H.R. REP. NO. 94-1476, at 63(1976).
    201此《孤儿作品保存法》(Preservation of Orphan Works Act)乃属于2005年通过之《家庭娱乐与著作权法》(The Family Entertainment and Copyright Act of 2005)内之其中一个子法,即Pub. L. 109–9, title IV,§402, enacted Apr. 27, 2005, 119 Stat. 227.
    202 H.R. REP. NO. 94-1476, at 78(1976).
    203 See Section 108 Study Group Report,Executive Summary, xi.
    204“The copy or phonorecord may be made by the library where the user makes his request or by another library pursuant to an interlibrary loan.”See H.R. REP. NO. 94-1476, at 76(1976).
    205 Melville B. Nimmer & David Nimmer, Nimmer on Copyrigh , Vol.2,§8.03〔E〕〔2〕〔b〕, 8-47, LexisNexis Matthew Bender (2005.08).
    208 See id.
    209“For example, if a college professor instructs his class to read an article from a copyrighted journal, the school library would not be permitted, under subsection (g), to reproduce copies of the article for the members of the class.”See S. REP. NO. 94-473, at 70 (1975).
    210 Melville B. Nimmer & David Nimmer, Nimmer on Copyright, Vol.2,§8.03〔E〕〔2〕〔f〕, 8-50, LexisNexis Matthew Bender(2005.08).
    211 S. REP. NO. 94-473, at 70 (1975).
    212 See 1983 REGISTER’S REPORT, at 139.
    213 See id.
    214 Pub. L. 93-573, title II,§201-208, Dec.31, 1974, 88 Stat. 1873.
    215请参阅H. R. Conference Report. NO. 94-1733 at 72-74(1976)。另亦可参阅CONTU于1978年向国会提出之最终报告,《CONTU Guidelines on Photocopying under Interlibrary Loan Arrangements》, Final Report of the National Commission on New Technological Uses of Copyrighted Works, July 31,1978, Library ofCongress, Washington, 1979, at 54-55, available at http://digital-law-online.info/CONTU/contu24.html,last visited:2011/02/15.
    216 See Id.
    217 H. R. Conference Report. NO. 94-1733 at 71-73(1976).
    218但因为数字档案传输之散布,同时会涉及复制行为,而美国《著作权法》第109条(a)款第一次销售原则仅适用于单纯散布行为,因此,此种情形并无该第109条(a)款之适用。请参见Melville B. Nimmer & David Nimmer, Nimmer on Copyright, Vol.2,§8.12〔D〕, 8-178.17、8-180-183.以及The Register of Copyrights, DMCA Section 104 Report (2001), at 78-80, available at http://www.copyright.gov/reports/ studies/dmca/sec-104-report-vol-1.pdf.,last visited:2011/02/15.
    219 International Study on the Impact of Copyright Law on Digital Preservation -- A joint report of, The Library ofCongress National DIIPP(USA), The Joint Information Systems Committee(UK), The Open Access to Knowledge (OAK) Law Project(Australia), and The SURFfoundation (Netherlands),2008.07,at 119, available at http://www.digitalpreservation.gov/library/resources/pubs/docs/digital_preservation_final_report2008.pdf,last visited:2011/02/15.
    220 See Section 108 Study Group Report,at 96-97.
    221 See Id. at 100.
    222 AALL Guidelines on the Fair Use of Copyrighted Works by Law Libraries,2.1.2 Electronic Copies of Printed Works,available at http://www.aallnet.org/about/policy_fair.asp,last visited: 2011/2/12.
    223 See Section 108 Study Group Report,at 101.
    224 See Id. at 102.
    225 See Id. at 101-102.
    226 See Id. at 102.
    227 See Id.
    228 See Id. at 103.
    229按现在实际的运作情形,ILL居间处理很可能仅发生在前面的要部分,即利用人透过他当地图书馆(请求馆)提出要求,但最后面提供复制物部分,则可能是提供馆直接对该利用人完成,只要请求馆被通知他已经依CONTU指引被计算了次数。请参阅See Id. at 104.
    252参见东京地方裁判所1995年4月28日多摩市立图书馆事件,判时1531号129页(二审办决为高等裁判所1995年11月8日平成7年(行コ) 63号判決)。此判决另有一个值得重视之论点,即该判决认为《著作权法》第31条为著作财产权限制规定,而作为对于著作权人专有复制权之例外规定,图书馆仅能在一定范围内对著作进行复制,但非谓图书馆利用者得主张其对图书馆藏书享有一部复制权。
    256 2006年1月1日由社団法人日本图書館協会、国公私立大学图書館協力委員会及全国公共图書館協議会發佈之《複製物の写り込みに関するガイドライン》,可參見http://wwwsoc.nii.ac.jp/anul/index.html,最后访问时间:2011年1月18日。
    305“公众送信”下面,其中“同时传播”,可再分为“放送”(无线广播)和“有线放送”(有线广播);“自动公众送信”为应公众要求而自动进行传输(网络互动式传播),且另有前阶段行为称为“送信可能化(即相当于WCT和WPPT之making available,或可称为向公众提供)”。而“其他公众送信”则系指接受公众申请而手动(非自动)进行送信之情形,例如用传真或电子邮件等。可參見日本文化廳長官官房著作權課:《著作权テキスト》,平成22年(2010年),第15页。张懿云、陈锦全:《著作权法公开传送之再播送研究》,台湾智慧财产局,2009年3月,第84-85页。
    317参见《インターネット情報の収集、?妞蜷_始します》,《国立国会図書館月報》589号, 2010年4月,第32頁。
    318韩国现行《著作权法》乃2009年7月31日所修正(法律第9785号),其法条英文版本可参见http://elaw.klri.re.kr/eng/search/search_total.do。本文作者系依据该网站之英文版条文翻译成中文。韩文版可参阅http://www.law.go.kr/LSW/lsSc.do?menuId=0&p1=&query=%EC%A0%80%EC%9E%91%EA%B6%8C% EB%B2%95&x=18&y=18#liBgcolor0,最后访问时间:2010.12.12。
    323 2009年3月25日修正之韩国《图书馆法》(法律第9528号)第20条之2规定,系翻译自日本白井京:前揭文所附日文条文。请参见日本國立國會圖書館《外国の立法》NO.242,2009.12季刊版,第98頁。
    327 2009年3月25日修正之韩国《著作权法》(法律第9529号)第31条第(8)项规定,请参见本节一、。
    340 H.R.Report No.94-1476, at 74,”a purely commercial enterprise could not establish a collection of copyrighted works, call itself a library or archive, and engage in for profit reproduction and distribution of photocopies.
    343参见郑成思:“‘数字图书馆’还是‘数字公司’”一文,载于北大法律信息网http ://cdn851.todayisp.net :7751/article.chinalawinfo.com/Article_Detail.asp?ArticleID=32229 ,最后访问时间:2010/12/21。
    386 See S. REP. NO. 105-190(THE DIGITAL MILLENNIUM COPYRIGHT ACT OF 1998), at 62.
    415参见台湾地区立法院1992年5月1日第89会期第21次院会纪录及1992年5月19日第26次院会纪录,刊于台湾地区立法院秘书处编印:法律案专辑第152辑《著作权法修正案》(下), 1993年2月,页442及592。
    420 Australian Copyright Council:“Libraries: introduction to copyright”information sheet G049v12,2009.03,P.1,参见http://www.copyright.org.au/find-an-answer/browse-by-what-you-do/librarians-archivists/ ,最后造访日期:2011年1月10日。
    424参见2008年12月26日台湾地区经济部智慧财产局著作权审议及调解委员会97年第8次会议,章忠信委员、罗明通委员、陈锦全委员等之发言,请参http://www.tipo.gov.tw/ch/Download_DownloadPage.aspx?path=2999& Language=1& UID=9&ClsID=96&ClsTwoID=196&ClsThreeID=0。最后访问日期:2011年1月10日。
    447 Sam Ricketson, WIPO study on limitations and exceptions of copyright and related rights in thedigitsl environment, WIPO SCCR/9/7(2003.04.05), at 68-69.
    450 H.R. Rep. NO.94-1476, at 74.
    452参见严裕钦:《司法机关就著作权法合理使用四款法定判断基准审查原则之探讨》一文,载智慧财产权月刊, 116期,97年8月。
    454“All four of these factors must be considered, notwithstanding the temptation to label some aspect of each as presumptively dispositive.”Melville B. Nimmer and David Nimmer, Nimmer on Copyright, Vol. 4, 13-161 (2005.8).
    457 Pierre N. Leval, Toward A Fair Use Standard, 103 Harvard Law Review 1126-1130 (1990); William F. Patry, The Fair Use Privilege in Copyright Law 363 n.14 (1985).
    458 Patry, Id, at 74, 379.
    461周晓琪译:John Gantz, Jack B. Rochester,《Pirates of the Digital Millennium,数字时代盗版无罪?》,法律出版社2008年1月,页99。
    464参见Kenneth Crews, Study on Copyright Limitations and Exceptions for Libraries and Archives,WIPO SCCR/17/2 (2008.08.26), at 8.
    472 H.R. Rep. NO.94-1476, at 74.
    477 Paul Goldstein, Copyright: Principles, Law and Practice, VolumeⅡ,§12.1.1, 12:6-12:7, (2010).另可参见黄怡腾:《著作权法上合理使用原则之研究》,政治大学法律研究所博士论文,1996年7月,第96-97页。
    478 House Reporter, 66.
    482“For the purposes of this Act, a library shall not be taken to be established or conducted for profit by reason only that the library is owned by a person carrying on business for profit.”See Copyright Act 1968 Ac(tNo. 63 of 1968 as amended),Article 18,available at: http://www.comlaw.gov.au/Details/C2010C00476, last visited :2011/02/02.
    483 See Article 3 of The Copyright (Librarians and Archivists) (Copying of Copyright Material) Regulations 1989—Statutory Instruments No. 1212. , available at: http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/1989/1212/regulation/3/made, last visited :2011/02/02.
    484依美国1976年国会报告,营利组织企业所设置之图书馆,并不当然被排除在著作权法第108条适用之外,只要其在符合并遵守著作权法第108条各项规定下从事,仍有该条之适用,可参见1976年H.R.Report No.94-1476, at 74-75;Conf. Rep. No.1733, 94th Cong., 2d Sess.
    493 Tim Padfield, Copyright for archivists and users of archives, 2nd Edition, Facet publishing, London, 2004, p.120.
    494 See Id ,at.120-121.
    495 See Id ,at.120.
    496澳洲著作权法全文(No. 63 of 1968 as amended)可参见http://www.comlaw.gov.au/Details/C2010C00476, last visited :2011/02/02.
    522请参2008年12月26日台湾地区经济部智慧财产局著作权审议及调解委员会2008年第8次会议,章忠信、罗明通与陈锦全等委员之发言,http://www.tipo.gov.tw/ch/Download_DownloadPage.aspx?path=2999& Language=1&UID=9&ClsID=96&Cls TwoID=196&ClsThreeID=0。
    528参见日本文化厅2010年《著作権テキスト》,第15页,http://www.bunka.go.jp/chosakuken/text/pdf/ chosaku_text_100628.pdf,last visited on 2011/02/22。另亦可参照张懿云、陈锦全:《著作权法公开播送之再播送研究期末报告》,台湾智慧财产局,2009年3月,第84-85页。
    535 Sam Ricketson, The Three-Step Test, Deemed Quantities, Libraries and Closed Exceptions (Strawberry Hills, Australia: Centre for Copyright Studies, 2002) at 110-113
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