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Endangered South China Sea, Guangdong Province, which has the longest coastline of the provinces in China, is threatened by typhoons, tsunamis and other natural disasters seriously. Since 20ec50s, Guangdong coastal areas through Spontaneous and organized forestation, has initially formed the framework of the coastal shelterbelts system and effectively improved the local ecological environment. However, because it's found always give way to other economic activities in the highly developing regional economic environment, the construction of Guangdong coastal shelterbelts has made a slow progress. Until now, due to deficiency of the total quantity and quality, the system has not been able to withstand natural disasters effectively.
     To draw profound lessons from the Indian Ocean tsunami events, the central government and coastal provinces formulated the Phase II coastal shelterbelt system project planning (2006-2015) and enhanced the plan to the the strategic height of regional economic and social development in 2007.
     The paper takes Guangdong Coastal Protection Forest constructing history as the clue, clear the forest ecological construction in new period to achieve breakthrough on target location, system layout, building size and contents of fields at first, analysis that quantitative research functions and benefits of coastal protection forest scientifically and systematically, is important to enrich the research field and promote its construction management practice.
     Combining the Community of forest ecological projects and the particularity of coastal shelterbelt projects, the paper establishes a four-class comprehensive benefits evaluation index system, including the overall objectives level (1 index), the state level (3 indexes), the variation level (14 indexes) and the element level (21 indexes) by using frequency analysis, expert advice, hierarchical analysis and other methods. Based on the coastal shelterbelts Phase II construction plan of Guangdong Province, the paper studies the expecting ecological, economic and social benefits brought by the implementation of this project. The result is, by the time of the completion of Phase II project, it will achieve overall efficiency of (?)7.041539 billion/a, and the coefficient of investment will reach 1:13.25.
     In practice, the degree of effectiveness realization of coastal shelterbelts system depends on the corresponding quantity and quality level. Thus, the paper carries out a deep research on how to achieve the desired level of efficiency.
     Firstly, according to interference theory, the paper constructs a interference system which sets back to achieve effectiveness of Guangdong coastal protection forest. In view of the regional characteristics such as the densely populated coastal areas, economic concentration, the human disturbance is more profound. The paper analyses the driving mechanism of human disturbance on coastal shelterbelts in the perspective of institutional economics and deems that forest/wetland resources formated of coastal shelterbelt are provided with the public goods characteristics, public ownership structure of the existing arrangements, the construction management of the positive externalities have not been given compensation and the disruption of the negative external behavior have not been paid. Lack of effective forward and reverse incentive punishment, market failure, government failure and voluntary supply failure bring unfavorable number of coastal protection forest construction and quality level of the management and restrict the functionality benefits of play.
     The paper uses game theory to analyze each stakeholder's participation and interference actions in the process of the coastal shelterbelt construction and management and studies the formation mechanism of interference behavior and optimization strategy.
     Based on conclusion analysis, the paper presents a set of safeguard mechanism which can promote the comprehensive benefits of coastal shelterbelts system to play more effectively, including those with the incentive effects of compensation level and multi-input systems, stringent monitoring mechanism and other business strategies.
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