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     在Ti-Si体系中掺杂金属组元Cu不仅可以降低反应的开始温度,使反应更容易进行,而且还可以细化晶粒,提高致密性,进而有利于改善材料的性能。简而言之,通过掺杂第三金属组元Cu来改善Ti_5Si_3的组织和性能具有重要意义。然而,目前对于Cu-Ti-Si体系燃烧合成(Combustion Synthesis,简称CS)反应路径及其反应产物的研究较少。因此,本文基于绝热燃烧温度计算,研究了Cu含量和反应物粒度对Cu-Ti-Si体系CS反应路径的影响规律以及动力学因素(Cu含量、配比和粒度)对该体系CS反应产物的相组成和组织形貌的影响。此外,还利用(Combustion Synthesis plus Quick Press,简称CS/QP)方法制备了具有较高致密性的原位Ti_5Si_3和TiB2增强Cu基复合材料,并初步探讨了复合材料的微观组织和力学性能。本文的主要研究结果如下:
     (1) Cu-Si和Cu-Ti-Si液相的形成降低了反应的开始温度;Cu-Ti-Si体系的反应路径为:首先Cu和Si通过固固扩散反应形成Cu3Si;随着温度的升高,Cu3Si和Si在共晶温度附近(~802oC)发生反应,形成Cu-Si液相;随后Ti扩散到二元液相中形成Cu-Ti-Si三元液相;随着Ti和Si的不断溶解,大量的Ti_5Si_3通过溶解-反应-析出机制从饱和液相中析出;反应路径归纳为:Cu_((s))+Ti_((s))+Si_((s))→Cu_3Si_((s))+Ti_((s))+Si_((s))→(Cu–Si)(l)+Ti_((s))→(Cu–Ti–Si)_((l))→Cu_((l))+Ti_5Si_3_((s))。
     (2) Ti和Si粒度对反应路径有较大影响:Ti_([15])Si_([15])Cu_([45])(下标为反应物尺寸,μm)体系中,在~795oC时,细Ti粉较容易扩散到Cu-Si液相中形成Cu-Ti-Si三元液相,随后在液相的辅助下,β-Ti和Si在~917oC反应形成了大量的Ti_5Si_3;在Ti[150]Si[15]Cu[45]体系中,粗Ti较难扩散到Cu-Si液相中,阻碍了三元液相的形成,因此使反应推迟到~948oC;对于Ti_([15])Si_([150])Cu_([45]0体系,粗Si粉阻碍了Cu-Si液相的形成;相反,Cu-Ti在~960oC更容易形成共晶液相。Si扩散到Cu-Ti液相中形成Cu-Ti-Si液相,最后Ti_5Si_3从三元饱和液相中析出。
     (4)通过CS/QP法能够制备出较高致密性的高体积分数原位Ti_5Si_3、TiB2和Ti_5Si_3+TiB_2颗粒增强Cu基复合材料,孔隙率分别为1.1%、5.0%和1.7%;Ti_5Si_3/Cu、TiB2/Cu和(Ti_5Si_3+TiB_2)/Cu复合材料的最大强度σUCS(屈服强度,σ0.2)分别为1040(686)、1262(1009)和1234(876) MPa,最大断裂应变εf分别为13.6、5.9和5.5%。
Recently, high-melting intermetallic compounds have attracted considerable attentionbecause of their potential applications in many fields including aviation, aerospace, military,and so on. Among various intermetallics, titanium silicide (Ti_5Si_3) has been regarded as oneof the most promising high temperature structure materials on account of its high meltingtemperature, low density and excellent thermal stability. However, due to its complexhexagonal structure (D88), Ti_5Si_3shows very low fracture toughness, which severely limitsits application. Hence, the major challenge in applying Ti_5Si_3is to reduce its brittleness orimprove the fracture toughness.
     More recently, researchers have conducted a sequence of work including doping thethird element in Ti-Si system to improve the mechanical properties of Ti_5Si_3. First-principlescalculation indicates that some alloying elements, such as Nb, V or Cr can increase bulkmodulus or reduce shear modulus of Ti_5Si_3, which could improve the ductility of Ti_5Si_3effectively. Experimental results suggest that doped metal elements, such as Fe, Ni and Alcan form binary or ternary eutectic liquids with Ti or Si in the Ti-Si system, whichparticipates in the reaction process or even changes the reaction pathway. As a result, metalelements serve as bonding agents distributing in boundaries of Ti_5Si_3grains after the reaction,thereby contributing to improving the performance of Ti_5Si_3materials.
     Some studies suggest that Cu doping in Ti-Si system can not only decrease the reactiontemperature of combustion synthesis (CS), promoting the rate of reaction, but also refineTi_5Si_3particulates, improving the density. In short, it is of considerable significance to studythe influence of Cu doping on the improvement of Ti_5Si_3properties. However, less researcheffort has been carried out on the CS reaction pathway and products of Cu-Ti-Si system.Consequently, in the present study, based on the calculation of the adiabatic combustiontemperature, influences of Cu addition as well as Ti and Si particle sizes on the CS reaction pathway of Cu-Ti-Si system are investigated. Besides, particular attention is also paid to theinfluence of dynamic factors, such as Cu content, ratio of reactants and particle sizes, on thephase compositions and microstructures of CS reaction products of Cu-Ti-Si systems. Inaddition, the study also fabricated in situ Ti_5Si_3and TiB2reinforced Cu matrix compositeswith high densification by combustion synthesis plus quick press (CS/QP) process andinvestigated the microstructures and mechanical properties of composites. Results of the
     present studies are as follows:
     (1) The formation of Cu-Si and Cu-Ti-Si liquids is significantly reducing the reactiononset temperatue; the reaction pathway of Cu-Ti-Si system during CS could be described as:the Cu3Si was formed initially via solid state diffusion reaction between Cu and Si particles;with the temperature increasing, Cu-Si eutectic liquid was formed at about802oC betweenCu3Si and Si; and then Ti diffused into the surrounding Cu-Si liquid and led to the formationof Cu-Ti-Si ternary liquid; meanwhile, once the liquid reached a saturation stage with [Ti]and [Si] in the course of continuous dissolution, plenty of Ti_5Si_3could be developed from theliquids by a solution–reaction–precipitation mechanism. The reaction pathway of Cu-Ti-Sisystem is: Cu_((s))+Ti_((s))+Si_((s))→Cu3Si_((s))+Ti_((s))+Si_((s))→(Cu–Si)(l)+Ti_((s))→(Cu–Ti–Si)(l)→Cu(l)+Ti_5Si_3_((s)).
     (2) The Ti and Si particle sizes have a great influence on the reaction pathway inCu-Ti-Si system: for Ti_([15])Si_([15])Cu_([45])system, fine Ti particle easily dissolves into Cu-Sibinary liquid to form Cu-Ti-Si ternary liquid at~795oC, which further participates intothe reaction of β-Ti and Si to yield abundant Ti_5Si_3particulates at~917oC; ForTi[150]Si[15]Cu[45]system, however, it is relatively difficult for coarse Ti particles to reactwith the Cu-Si liquid to form the ternary liquid and, thereby delaying the formation ofTi_5Si_3to~948oC; for Ti_([15])Si_([150])Cu_([45])system, coarse Si particle results in the formationof insufficient Cu-Si liquid initially, while Cu-Ti liquid forms at~960oC instead, whichfurther reacts with coarse Si to form the Cu-Ti-Si liquid, and the Ti_5Si_3are precipitated outof the ternary liquid.
     (3) When Cu content increases over the range of10-50wt.%, products only consistof Ti_5Si_3and Cu phases. while the average size of Ti_5Si_3decreases significantly from~15 to~2μm and the morphology of Ti_5Si_3transforms from the long strip to thecobblestone–like shape with a relatively smooth surface. Besides, the volume of productsexpanded and followed by shrink with the increasing of Cu content and the expansion ratereached the highest value of14.7%when Cu content was20wt.%. The Cu atoms can takeplace of Ti sites in Ti_5Si_3lattices. The sizes of Cu and Ti powders had little influence onthe type, size and morphology of reaction products, and Ti_5Si_3exhibited cobblestone–likeshape or polygon shape. However, the size of Si powder had a great effect on themorphology of Ti_5Si_3. The polygon-like shape of Ti_5Si_3changed from smooth surface topolyporous surface with the size of Si increasing from15to150μm.
     (4) In situ high volume fraction Ti_5Si_3, TiB_2and Ti_5Si_3+TiB_2particulates reinforcedCu matrix composites with high densification could be successfully fabricated by CS/QPmethod. The porosities of the three composites were1.1,5.0and1.7%, respecitively.Average values of σUCS(σ0.2) and εffor Ti_5Si_3, TiB_2and Ti_5Si_3+TiB_2reinforced coppercomposites were1040(686),1262(1009) and1234(876) MPa, as well as13.6,5.9and5.5%, respectively.
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