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Interaction, as a cooperative form of multinational companies and local advertising agency companies, appears with the trends of economy globalization and regional economic integration. In order to adapt the globalized marketing strategy of Multinational Corporation, the local advertising companies also have started the progress of internationalization. However, the two sides are not isolated from each other. The close relationship between them mainly lies in the consistency of local advertising agency company with the globalization strategy of Multinational Corporation. Through the interaction, the multinational corporation has reduced the risk of advertisement strategy effectively and maintained its uniformity of global advertisement strategy. Meanwhile, the advertisement company has consummated the global service network, maintained the important customer and developed the new customers in the overseas market. It brings mutual benefit, and so interaction becomes a common phenomenon between Multinational Corporation and local advertising agency company.
     The Japanese Advertisement agency Company contact with China early, and the Multinational corporation implements the positive advertisement strategy in the Chinese market, which in the initial reform and Opening-up period's. After 1997, as the influence of the Japanese Enterprise in China's venture advertisement strategy, the Japanese advertising agency companies is started to develop the Chinese customer. Compares with the Japanese Enterprise, the European and American Enterprise and the advertisement companies enters China market are more discrete at initial period, Multinational corporation's advertisement services through those in Hong Kong's subsidiary company development. But from 1991~1995, with the European and American Multinational corporation quickly invest in china, nearly all European and American Advertisement agency Companies has set up the Joint venture in China, then established it's superiority status in the Chinese market .
     After the Reform and Opening-up in China, especially after the entering of WTO, The market opens largely to the foreign capital, and the economical scale expands rapidly. Through the intense competitions of market for many years, there have been many enterprises with good prospect and strong competitive power. They have started their service in the international market, but the construction of the international brand is still the primary mission which they face. At the same time, the advertisement enterprise of native land in China expands gradually during the cooperation and the competition with the international advertisement company. A group of talented persons who are familiar with domestic international advertisement operation management appears in China. The management pattern of the native companies is connected with the international trail. They have met the requirement of internationalization initially. In order to adapt the globalization of Chinese enterprises and develop the industrial structure, the native advertisement companies must make good use of the opportunity and integrate the effective resources so as to enable the enterprises to participate in the competition of international market soon.
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