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The modern road of china is being followed by the contradictions between resources and environment, the increasing expansions of population, and the sustainable development of economic. The environmental problem is an activity which involves in all aspects of the publics, it has its extensive nature both in time and space, and requires coordination from all parts of society. Whatever the draft and implementation of EP policies, the execution of environmental laws and regulations, or the improvement of people’s living environment they are, it will all demand the whole society’s co-participation to achieve it. Therefore, the transmission of EP ads are playing important roles in many parts such as the media of EP knowledge, the improvement of the public consciousness, the responsibilities of enterprises, and the promotion of society’s all-round development.
     This essay makes surveys about the history of the EP and its current situation, through the method of literature research, comparison research, case research, survey research, conducts deep thorough analysis and comparison to domestic and foreign EP backgrounds, features, and current situations, puts forward the basic theory of EP ads, and takes a deep insight into the main problems and causes of it, as well as sets forth constructive strategies to develop EP ads. This plays an active part in the research and practice of China’s EP theory as well as the propelling power to the transmission of EP ads. In order to develop EP ads, we not only demand guarantee of the system and policy and the restraint of laws, but also should apply environment laws and regulations and principles to coordinate people’s behaviour, guarantying coordinated development between people and environment with people’s self-consciousness from deep heart. Ads media should play role in the direction of public opinion, rousing the public’s consciousness of EP and leading them actively taking part in the protection. The enterprises should lead the major role in EP ads, this is not just simply due to the consideration of their long-run development, but to their social responsibilities, they should resume more heavy responsibilities in the EP ads transmission.
     The deep insight into the EP ads transmission will not only have certain theories meaning in it, but also have instructive and evaluative points of the effect that betters the transmission.
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