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For decades, the population structure of Taiwan has been gradually evolving into a stage dominated by elderly population as a result of prosperous economic growth, advances in medical science and technology, improvement of national living standards, changes in the social form, and the shift of family structure from extended family to nuclear family. The speed of population aging in Taiwan keeps increasing; in1993, Taiwan officially became an aged society as defined by WHO. The subsequent medical and economic problems concerning the care of elderly population can no longer be overlooked. The demand for the long-term care of senior citizens suffering from chronic disease(s) or physical or mental dysfunction or degradation is increasing day by day while the traditional caring function of the family is declining gradually, thus the family can no longer play its role as a care provider satisfactorily. As a result, the demand for the long-term care of senior citizens will become an increasingly serious social problem in the future with the acceleration of population aging.
     In this study, an investigation on long-term care insurance was carried out among Taichung citizens to find out their acknowledgement and purchase intention of long-term care insurance for the reference of insurers in life insurance industry providing long-term care insurance and governments planning policies on long-term care insurance. The study also aims to remind people of the crisis of long-term care and urge them to plan a high quality and dignified life for their elderly days while they are still young. The most important conclusions of this study are as follows:
     Firstly, for consumers, the significant difference exists between the expectation of old-age life and age、marriage and occupation factors. Meanwhilst, the significant difference also exists between life style and the expectation of old-age life.
     Secondly, for consumers, the significant difference exists between the willingness to buy long-term care insurance and age、marriage and education factors. Meanwhilst, generally speaking, the significant difference also exists between life style and the willingness to buy long-term care insurance.
     Thirdly, the significant difference exists between the perception of long-term care insurance and the willingness to buy long-term care insurance. The significant difference also exists between the perception of long-term care insurance and the willingness to buy long-term care insurance、the expectation of old-age life.
     In addition, the four innovation points for this study are as follows:
     Firstly, this study adopts psychological theory of risk rather than traditional theory of risk because of multi-dimensions of risk.Meanwhist, this study adopts a public risk management perspective rather than traditional perspective to explain necessary for government-based long-term care insurance.
     Secondly, the extent of perceived risk rather than real/actual risk makes insurance buy. Accordingly, the questionnaire design of this study in term of perceptions of risk and insurance. This perspective of design differs from traditional perspective.
     Thirdly, from a theoretical perspective, there is no significant difference existing between the perception and willingness to buy, however, the significant difference exists between them in terms of results of this study.
     Fourthly, risk theory of post-positivism based is mentioned in this study. Although this study does not adopt that theory, risk theory of post-positivism based is very appropriate for explaining the public policy issues and social conflict phenomena in public risk management.
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