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The development of economy all over the world lead to the improvement of human living standard, the increase of disposable incomes, the impulse of learning interests and the variety of relaxation, which undoubtedly brought vitality to the tourism industry. Along with the pace of the I.T. industry, the tourism industry flourishes into one of the most promising and largest scale industries in the 21st century, and in China, a developing county in rapid growth, tourism industry is also one of the backbone industries in economical development.
     From 1997 to 2005, the accumulative outbound tourists of Chinese reached 142,000,000 person-times, in the year 2005, the total outbound tourists were 31,026,300 person-times, which increase by 7.5% compared with that of 2004. Actually, early as 2002, China have became one of the countries whose tourism markets have the fastest developing pace、the strongest potentials and the most powerful influences. The achievements and prospects of Chinese tourism attracted eyes from the world. However, compared with the development of the outbound tourism of developed countries, China is still in the primary phase of outbound tourism market, and is left far behind regarding the total outbound tourists、outbound consuming level and consuming structure.
     The circumstances of our tourism market urge us to learn about outbound tourism and to carry out necessary market survey and study to make sense of the intentions and motivations of Chinese outbound tourists.
     Tourism motivation is one of the important psychological factors that affect tourists’behavior and psychological effects. Facing the increasing needs of Chinese tourists, motivation is unquestionably an essential concept to explain the tourists’needs. The study of tourists’behavior and motivation can reveal the patterns and traits of tourists’behavior and provide instructions for the development and the plan of tourism industry.
     This article targeted Chinese citizens who have intentions of outbound tourism and took the previous study results developed by Zhang Qiuhan in Hong Kong as reference to compose tests for motivation of out bound tourism. Through exploratory factor analysis、confirmatory factor analysis and measure- identical equal tests, the tests were edited and then applied to formal test, which lead to the conclusions as follows:
     (1) The outbound tourism motivation of citizens in Jilin province consists of six factors: social network factor、relaxation factor、seeking excitement factor、destination traits factor、personal preference factor and comfort and convenience factor. The theory model fit in with the six-factor anticipation.
     (2) The theory model was structure to be indentically equal across groups and it can be applied to both northern and southern outbound tourists.
     (3) The T test and Covariance analysis, the conclusion was reached: the variations among gender, age, education, occupation and monthly income are significant an all the factors but the social network.
     (4) The performance of tourism motivation can be predicted by social status, but it will be adjusted by lifestyle.
     The study is in the hope of being helpful in providing theoretical supports and necessary references for the development of Chinese tourism industry, and in enhancing proper cognitions of tourists’behavior to consume purposely and rationally; in the macroscopic view, it is expected to make some contributions to the government, for the benefits of economical construction and citizens cultural construction, to establish tourism policies and principles and company plan that fit in with Chinese conditions.
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