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In the era of knowledge economy, knowledge resources become the basis of modern economy in the place of natural resources and capital resources. And knowledge management gradually turns into a strategic management of the organization, thus makes continuous promotion of its central competitiveness. Knowledge sharing is the central sector and plays critical role to knowledge management. However, in practice, the organization pays very high management cost in knowledge management activities, but receives little effects even doubts to knowledge sharing strategies. As a result, it is urgent to find solutions to those problems.
     After the proposal of knowledge management, managers universally think that information technology can automatically realize knowledge sharing. They put more emphasis on its material means with high cost to construct the stage of information technology and explore its development and storage; while pays less attention to the main stay of knowledge sharing and its environmental and cultural factors. This explains why knowledge sharing cannot succeed. This paper explores the behavioral characteristic of knowledge sharing based on the theory of chess playing in an experimental angle, and tries to put forward some incentive strategies of knowledge sharing concerning its principle factors.
     The major findings of this research are as follows:
     (1) The research of static and evolving game theory of knowledge sharing behavior indicates that when the organization wants to encourage its individual to share knowledge, some forms of reward are needed to ensure this incentive. The reward is mainly used to compensate the effort made by the individuals in the course of knowledge sharing and the cost after their knowledge shared openly. The degree of the reward is the vital factor affecting the result of the chess playing for the two parties. Through different forms of reward, the possibility and the proportion of the evolvement to the ideal mechanism of knowledge sharing can thus be improved.
     (2) Two layers of systematic structure affecting knowledge sharing behavior are constructed according to the Theory of Planned Behavior and the Theory of Social Exchange. The first structure consists of subjective standard, reward expectation, organization environment and conscious behavior control. And subjective standard includes fives sub-factors such as the degree of aims, self-identity of aims, altruism, team efficacy and leader model. Reward expectation consists of four such as salary, sense of achievement, self-growing and spiritual stimulus. Organization environment includes three:the culture of trust, the culture of fairness and the influence between individuals. Conscious behavior control falls into three:the current physical and mental state of the subject, the cognition of self ability and the experiences of knowledge sharing. The weight model of the factors influencing knowledge sharing is constructed based on such systematic structure analysis. The results show that among the fifteen factors, the first five are:the expectation of self-growing, the culture of trust, salary, the cognition of self ability and the expectation of spiritual stimulus.
     (3) By the analysis to the principal-agent model of knowledge sharing, it is revealed that only when the knowledge level of the faculty reaches to a certain degree, do the management have got the motivation to stimulate them to work hard and adopt knowledge sharing. This coefficient of the incentive keeps direct ratio with the faculty's knowledge level. That is to say, when the incentive coefficient increases, the motivation of knowledge sharing of the faculty increases as well. While the increase of the effort cost for knowledge communication will contuse the faculty's motivation. The optimum sharing coefficient for the knowledge learners and teachers plays as a half in knowledge communication, which means the more important role the faculty plays in knowledge sharing, the higher the sharing coefficient it will be. The benefit the faculty and the management shares holds a half of the total benefit. The more devotion the management gives for knowledge sharing, and the better environment the inner organization is, the easier it will become for the knowledge learners and the management in their knowledge communication and sharing.
     (4) According to the analysis on the theory of knowledge sharing behavior and the experimental study, and the characteristic of incentive theory and the knowledge based faculty, I put forward and analyze the comprehensive incentive model of knowledge sharing behavior. The incentive mechanism meeting individual's inner needs is the central link. The construction of the external reward showing fair and reasonable knowledge sharing is the basis to realize knowledge sharing. The cultivation of culture sharing and the corresponding organization system are the environment guarantee of knowledge sharing. To construct inner incentive strategy requires self-growing, respect, independence and sense of achievement of each individual. To construct the external incentive of material reward requires reasonable knowledge strategy based on the measure of devotion. To assess the devotion, seven quotas including knowledge sharing process and knowledge sharing result are: knowledge sharing attitude, knowledge sharing habit, knowledge sharing policy attention, knowledge sharing frequency, the quantity devoted to knowledge, the devotion for the team's achievement and individual innovation. To cultivate knowledge sharing culture, we should pay more attention to construct the cultural atmosphere of trust, fairness, benefit to others and cooperation which are closely related with knowledge sharing. To construct organizing mechanism is to change the layer structure into flat structure.
     Based on the above findings, this paper explores an experimental study combined with the knowledge sharing practice of a high-tech corporation. The results indicate that the comprehensive incentive strategies implemented to the knowledge based faculty can effectively improve the situation of knowledge sharing and the corporation's competitiveness.
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