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From the aspect of sociology, this thesis gives the definition and essential meaning of social capital with the combination of the achievements of the overseas and domestic researchers. It also indicates the concept and research meaning of social capital in the character of China from the point of view of Chinese culture.
    Based on the theory, this thesis creates a new concept in the field of education, which is called "Social Capital of Student". It sums up the meaning. In order to know more about the relationship between the social capital of student and student achievement, some questionnaires are designed, which are divided into "Middle School" and "University". During the investigation, they are made to do some personal interviews in an effort to have the meaningful cases. After that, these datum of the questionnaires are analyzed so as to come to a right conclusion about the bi-directional relationship between the social capital of student and student achievement.
    This thesis is divided into four parts:
    In the first part, it gives the definition and essential meaning of social capital with the combination of the achievements of the overseas and domestic researchers and shows the uses of social capital in various kinds of fields.
    In the second part, it indicates the concept and research meaning of
    social capital from the point of view of Chinese culture and gives the examples of social capital in China.
    In the third part, it does some investigation in the range of students in Shanghai (mainly middle school and universities). Based on the datum of questionnaires, it analyses the bi-directional relationship between the social capital of student and student achievement.
    In the last part is the conclusion. It gives out the advice and ways, which helps to improve student achievement by the reinforcements of the social capital of student.
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