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     ①利用MTS岩石材料试验机对向家坡路堑边坡岩石在不同围压和不同含水量的变形、强度特征进行了试验研究,根据有围压的莫尔-库仑强度准则,依据最小二乘法,采用回归分析求解出了向家坡路堑边坡岩石试件的强度参数内摩擦角?和粘聚力C ;根据弹塑性力学理论,以弱风化砂岩为例,提出了能正确反映岩石三轴受力的抛物线-线弹性-Duncan双曲线-塑性软化-残余理想塑性五段式模型。
More and more highways mushroom with western development plan proceeding, some of them are cutting through mountainous areas and landslide occur frequently which possibly not only lead to the close of roads but also pose a serious threat to the security of the traffic. In view of that, the investigation into the instability mechanism underlying the landslip and the improvement of the safety of slopes erected at both sides of a highway are of significance.
     In the thesis, the Xiangjiapo landslide on the expressway of YuQian is taken as an example to evaluate the stability , study the instability mechanism and the establishment of the monitoring system of a road slope, in addition, a dynamical optimization treating system of road slopes is presented. The main results attained are as follow:
     ①Presents the test results of specimens under saturation, air-dried and drying conditions, respectively, on the MTS obtained from Xiangjiapo site to determine the mechanical properties of various rock masses constituting sliding body of Xiangjiapo, an Mohr circle was graphed according to values of the triaxial strain and confining stress, failure theory and strength parameters: c andφwere obtained through analyzing the curve fitting. Finally a constitutive model developed based on test data, which is characterized by an initial parabola, a next linear elasticity, a following Duncan model curve and a strain softening, the last perfect plasticity. In addition, the application of the model is also presented .
     ②Discusses the mechanism of rainfall triggering landslip in connection with the creeping characteristics of Xiangjiapo sliding mass. The failure of previous treatment of the slope mass creeping was analyzed and the stability of the slope by homogenizing the sliding body and the previous reinforcement was evaluated.
     ③Presuming that the slip surface is made up of elasto-brittle medium and strain-softening medium,a three-dimensional cusp model is formulated with simple law of mechanics; The relationship between slope-mass slide displacement and rainfall was analyzed by means of mathematic statistics. Based on the engineering example ,a cusp-catastrophic model of shallow landslide was established by means of nonlinear science catastrophe theory connected by engineering concrete example of xiangjiapo landslide, to reveal the sudden instability and failure mechanism of shallow landslide due to intensive rainfall.
     ④On the basis of geological features of Xiangjiapo cutting excavation slope, this paper presents a comprehensive monitoring scheme including surface and deep movement monitoring as well as underground water monitoring, aiming to forecast possible catastrophe. The field application shows this monitoring system is practicable;
     ⑤A model of exponential smoothing in combination with nonlinear regression is given and the application of the model to Xiangjiapo monitoring data is also presented. The nonlinearity of the mass creeping evolution is discussed by introducing the nonlinear time series techniques, based mainly on the reconstruction of the phase space, and the general nonlinear prediction principals is given.
     ⑥Based on the improvement of AHP by the optimal transfer matrix ,the weights were abtained , and the Extension Theory in combination with improved hierarchy estimate model was set up and applied in xiangjiapo landslide.
     ⑦Evaluated the stability of landslide by means of back analysis method and limit equilibrium method which under the considering gliding mass and prior period anti-slope project as soil-pile complexus ; The slide thrust was attained by transfer coefficient methods, which offered scientific gist for landslide reinforce.
     ⑧The comprehensive control thought“treating scheme optimization+optimization scheme analysis combined monitoring information feedback”had been brought forward in the paper; Firstly the paper pointed out the defects of AHP, the basic theory of FA HP was presented and a mathematical model of fuzzy analytic hierarchy process was built up ,then the building method of fuzzy complementary judgment matrix ,the formula of weight and the consistency check method of judgment matrix were given. Lastly the application in the scheme selection for xiangjiapo landslide treating had proved the validity of this method.
     ⑨According to the characteristic of express way landslide, both temporary protecting and perpetual comprehensive control scheme are made. Furthermore, an optimization and verification of the treatment plan based on the monitoring information feedback is also discussed.
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