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计算机出现于20世纪40年代,尽管其发展尚处于萌芽阶段,但现在我们所熟悉的一些计算机词汇在那时已开始产生,比如模拟和数码,比特、数据和存储器, 语言和程序,以及穿孔卡片和输入。 50年代,计算机开始从大学实验室走到商务机构中去,我们开始谈论人工智能、信息工业及数据处理。激活程序、调制解调器、在线、即时、打印、随机存取存储器及FORTRAN语言等词汇进入英语中。60年代见证了计算机科学词汇的巨大发展, 随着计算机知识的传播,我们的生活的各个方面在一点点地计算机化, 我们认识到了字节、芯片、光标、鼠标、数据库及软件的重要意义,我们可以格式化计算机或找到其访问路径,我们开始精通于各种编程语言。闲暇之时,我们开始有了网络游戏。70 年代, 计算机继续向人们生活的中心进军,并带来大量的新词语, 软盘和硬盘, 微处理器和视窗, 以及可怕的病毒. 人们开始拥有微机或文字处理器来打印劳动成果,从点阵打印机到菊花轮打印机,再到后来的激光打印机。我们可以通过以太网进行交流,并且刚刚听说到网络犯罪及数据保护的必要。八十年代,电脑空间开始占据人们日常生活空间的一部分, 计算机技术的飞跃,大大丰富了英语语言。只有一部分上了年纪的少数人是计算机盲以外,大部分人都能轻松应付启动、下载和以及拖、拉等操作,这十年还见证了因特网和信息高速公路、电子邮件、域名以及网络新闻组的开始。90年代,网迷们开始因特网上的冲浪,在畅游中你要有自己的网站或主页。你可能希望避免碰到垃圾邮件或邮箱炸弹,但最大的恐惧是千年虫。
    后给它们赋予科技意义,所以计算机词汇具有通俗的特点,例如:Menu (菜单) ,path(路径), bank (数据库)。
    计算机技术是隐喻性的思维在科学中的实践,而隐喻性的语言是隐喻性思维的表层显示。所以计算机英语是隐喻性的,大量的隐喻性单词存在于计算机英语词汇中,比如:virus (病毒), Windows(视窗),和sleep mode (休眠模式)
    绝大部分中文计算机词汇是从英语中翻译而来。所以我们应该用恰当的翻译方法把计算机英语词汇翻译成中文。这些翻译方法有多样,主要有直译法,意译法,直译意译结合法,完全音译法,半音译法,以及汉语加英文字母法。能表达意义的音译法是最完美的,因为这样的例子很少而且是可遇而不可求的,比如,hacker 翻译为“黑客”。
    现象叫做不可译性。在计算机英语词汇翻译中另外一个比较常见的想象是一词多译,比如 Internet 被翻译为“国际互联网”, “英特网”, “因特网”, “国际电脑网络”。
    计算机互联网技术的发展造就了一个不同的社会 —— 网络虚拟空间, 并创造了一种新的以计算机为媒介的交流方式。互联网并不仅仅是科研人员们的专利,而且还成了人们聊天和讨论工作及爱好的流行方式。
    文字游戏在电子邮件信息,网络即时聊天以及新闻组了找到了新的用武之地。我们通过因特网所写的以及所读的有相当一部分所以文字游戏,它包括符号,数字,字母和幽默性语言的使用。计算机爱好者们创造出很多外人所不能理解的语言, 例如:U2 表示yo
The advent of computer was in the 1940s. Its development was only in its embryonic phrase, but already many now-familiar elements of computational terminology were falling into place,: analogue and digital; bit, data and memory; language and program; punchcard and imput. In the 1950s, computers were starting to move out of university laboratories into commercial establishments. Artificial intelligence, information technology, and data processing had their beginnings and terms like bootstrap and modem, on line and real time, print-out and RAM and FORTRAN entered English. The 1960s saw the greatest lexical advances in computer science. As computeracy spread and one by one various aspects of our lives became computerized, we would learn the significance of bytes, chips, cursors, databases, mice and software. We could format and access to computers, fluent in ASCII, BASIC, and Cobol. And for our leisure moments, there were computer games. In 1970s, the computer continued its march towards the center of our lives, bringing amounts of new terminology: floppy disk and hard disk, microprocessors and window and the dreaded virus. We acquired personal computers or word processors and to print results of our labors, the dot matrix, the daisy wheel, and later the laser printer. We could communicate via the Ethernet and have barely heard of hacking and the need of data protection. In the 1980s, cyberspace infiltrated the interstices of the everyday world. Computer
    technology leaped ahead, enriching the English language. Only an ageing minority were not, it seemed, computerate, and able to cope with booting, down loading, and dragging. It was the decade which saw the beginning of the Internet and information highway, of e-mail,of domains and newsgroups.。In 1990s cybernauts and netties surfed the WWW, to be in the swim you had to have your own website or homepage , you would hope to avoid the spam and mail bombs , but the main fear is millennium bug.
    From the historical review we can see how computer changes our lives and our language.
    I. Introduction.
    The introduction consists of three parts. The first briefly reviews the theory of language and language study, pointing out the aim of this study.
    The second give the definition of computer English words in three aspects: strings of letters and words used in programming and processing, technical terms, and casual expressions used by computer enthusiasts.
    The third describes the language change under the effect of computer technology. The computer technology has swept into the English vocabulary and given birth to a wide array of new words and phrases – computer English words.
    II Word Formation of Computer English Words
    Computer English employs different word formation devices to form large amount of computer English words. By studying these morphological rules of word formation, the characteristics of computer English words can be realized. The major methods of word formation in computer English words include compounding, affixation, conversion, blending, acronyms, clipping and eponyms.
    III Characteristics Analysis of Computer English Words
    The Computer English words surely should belong to the category of EST (English for Science and Technology) words. While keeping some general features of EST words they still maintain some striking features, which distinguish themselves from EST words. Brevity, popularity, and vividness are their characteristics.
    Shortened words take a large proportion of computer English words, and enormous floods of shorted words are used in computer English. So computer English words possess features of brevity. Three motivations for the use of shortening are social and historical motivation, psychological motivation and technological motivation.
    Computer English words, which differ from general EST words, do not use many highly technical words but a large member of sub-technical words. Computer English borrows from general English a great amount of everyday words, and applies technical meanings to them, ther
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