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  • 英文题名:Some Aspects of the Wave Behavior in Piles
  • 作者:许进军
  • 论文级别:博士
  • 学科专业名称:岩土工程
  • 学位年度:2001
  • 导师:曾国熙
  • 学科代码:081401
  • 学位授予单位:浙江大学
  • 论文提交日期:2001-03-01
Guideci wave propagatjon in an infinitely long cylindrical pile embedded
     in soil is developed from dynamic equations ot?elasticity. Considering
     axisymmetric motion in the pile, the frequency equation for longitudinal
     modes is derived herein. The frequency equation represents a transcendental
     relationship between the non梔imensional frequency, Q, and non梔imensional
     wave number, Ja .The solution of the frequency equation is satisfied by an
     infinite number of modes that form branches in Q梸a plane. The first five
     branches of the longitudinal family of modes in a concrete pile embedded in
     sottjloose and hard dense soils were numerically evaluated respectively.
     Sensitivity analyses show that the real branches in the Q梸tplane are
     essentially independent of the shear modulus and density of the surrounding
     soil, and correspond closely to the branches of longitudinal modes in a
     free梥tanding?pile. However, the imaginary components of the branches in
     the Q梸~ plane are higher for soils with increased shear modulus and
     The attenuation of the longitudinal guided wave modes is represented
     directly by the imaginary part of the wave number, in nepers per length. The
     phase and group velocities vary with the frequency or wave number, contrary
     to the assumptions made in the theory of the one梔imensional approach. The
     power and displacement profiles of a given guided wave mode generally become
     more oscillatory as the order o~ the branch increases and as the frequency
     increases. For non梔imensional frequencies less than 2, the L (0, 1) modes
     display the lowest attenuation and are easily induced in a pile, as evidenced
     by the popularity of the impulse response test in practice. Modes on the
     L(0,2)hranch have the least attenuation compared to all other modes for
     non梔imensional frequencies above 12, and their relative simple mode shapes
     suggest that they are likely to be induced in practice.
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