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Since the entry of21st century, the economic globalization based on the liberalization among production factors, trade and finance is becoming an inevitable worldwide trend. As an economic phenomenon, transnational mergers and acquisitions is a natural result of the competition among each economic entity in the market at some degree. It is a main tool for the expansion and development of enterprises and a major means for foreign direct investment. Transnational mergers and acquisitions can bring capital to the host country on the one hand, but on the other hand, because of the size of the participating enterprises, the scale of trade and the nature of involved industries, it may also brings negative effects, which will lead to the loss of technical capability and capital, the key industries and enterprises controlled or monopolized by other countries, the impediment to the host country's economic policies, sometimes even a shock to its economic system. All of these threaten directly or indirectly the security of the nation's economy, politics, national defenses and society. To carry on the reasonable regulation of foreign capital mergers and acquisitions, and guide foreign capital mergers and acquisitions activities in the legal angle, is the essential way for the sovereign state to adjust the economic activities within its jurisdiction scope. Even those developed countries that use open investment as a long term policy hold that these production factors should be supervised to guarantee the maximization of common interests while they praise highly of free flow of cargos, service, capital and human resources. For its most advanced national safety review system on foreign capital mergers and acquisitions, America has set an example on the supervision of foreign capital mergers and acquisitions. Canada, Australia, Germany, France, Russia and other countries have recently revised their national safety review system on foreign capital mergers and acquisitions to be in accordance with their national interests.
     The national security problems caused by foreign capital mergers and acquisitions are determined by the multinational companies'special motive to monopolize extra profit and their mother countries'use of them as a policy and profit making tool to realize their national interests. In the first twenty years of the opening policy, China mainly focused on attracting foreign capital by favorable policies, so at some degree it ignored the protection on its key industries, which led to a substantial part of strategic industries and resources controlled by foreign companies. In the micro level, foreign enterprises and industries, which rely on the advantage of its technology, management and scales stifle those local enterprises at home; on a macro scale, it brings security issues to national economic coordination and sustainable development. In the legal angle to carry on the reasonable regulation of foreign capital mergers and acquisitions, and guide foreign capital mergers and acquisitions activities is an important task to defend our nation's economic right and security.
     China has initially in2011established the framework for the national safety review system on foreign capital mergers and acquisitions through the establishment of the State Council on Establishment of a Security Review System for the Merger and Acquisitions of Domestic Enterprises by Foreign Investors and the Provisions of the Ministry of Commerce on Matters Relating to the Implementation of the System of Security Review of Mergers and Acquisitions of Domestic Enterprises by Foreign Investors. But the system design is not mature and standardized. This essay tries to make some comparisons of the system factors of some developed countries' national safety review system on foreign capital mergers and acquisitions, for the purpose to provide examples to the improvement of China's legislation.
     The introduction elaborates the background and significance of this essay and puts forward the need of system supervision caused by the effect of the foreign capital mergers and acquisitions on the host country's economic security. Normally, each of those countries mainly adopts three types of legislation to control the foreign capital mergers and acquisitions:firstly, they regulate the investment industries and direction through industry policies; secondly, they standardize the market competition through anti-monopoly review; thirdly, they limit foreign capital mergers and acquisitions of some strategic or sensitive industry through security review so as to safeguard national strategic industries security and state security. To review the national economic safety of the foreign capital mergers and acquisitions should function as the last safety valve. This part illustrates the framework of the essay and major issues of M&A, and it also comments on other countries' existing documents of the national safety review system on foreign capital mergers and acquisitions, and
     Chapter one is concerned with the basic theory of the national safety review system on foreign capital mergers and acquisitions. The law system must focus on the basic value which is beyond the normal social and economic structure. The national safety review system on foreign capital mergers and acquisitions takes the national security as the logical starting point and value target. The national security has the characters of assumption, openness, multiple-angel, level, law and complication. In the economy science, the free trade theory, international investment theory and government planning theory altogether elaborate on the importance of the protection on national security especially economic security. The host country' supervision on foreign capital mergers and acquisitions within its landscape is the result of execution of its sovereign rights, which is recognized by the international treaty.
     Chapter two is on the legislation pattern and investigation organization of the national safety review system on foreign capital mergers and acquisitions. To some extent, the legislation pattern reflects the degree which the research activities on the control of foreign capital mergers and acquisitions reach on the economic theory and law level. And the legislation is the priority of the system research. American, Canada, Australia, and Russia adopt the specialized legal pattern. European countries and Japan adopt mixed legal pattern. As to investigation organization of national security on foreign capital mergers and acquisitions, in practice, it can be classified into two patterns; one is double supervising mode with investigation and decision respectively belonging to different organizations, and the other is single supervising mode with investigation and decision belonging to only one organization. The establishment of legislative pattern and supervising organization is based on the country's political background and legal environment.
     Chapter three is about the investigation scope of national security on foreign capital mergers and acquisitions. The scope of investigation is the basis of national security investigation on foreign capital mergers and acquisitions. When defining complicated foreign capital mergers and acquisitions activities, capital control standard has been introduced to justify investors'identity by more and more countries, and the definition of mergers and acquisitions has expanded from the form standard of the mergers and acquisitions of stock right and capital to the essential standard of sustainable economic interests. Different standards, such as the cognizance of the control, the nature of target companies, the identity of foreign investors, are applied to define investigation.
     Chapter four focuses on the substantial standard of national security investigation on foreign capital mergers and acquisitions. How to make a substantial evaluation on M&A transaction within the scope of national security investigation on foreign capital mergers and acquisitions in order to decide whether it threatens national security is a serious problem for national security investigation on foreign capital mergers and acquisitions. There is almost not one country having defined the concept of "national security" in law, the object and consideration set for national security are some sort of self-judgment. However, they generally regard military security, industry security, technical security, critical infrastructure and the relevance between foreign capital and foreign government as top priorities in the management of external threats. In the Empirical Analysis Method, this chapter illustrates the process of how the USA analyzed the external threats.
     Chapter five introduces the procedures of national security investigation on foreign capital mergers and acquisitions. Reasonable procedure system can have a direct influence on carrying out these substantial standards. It can be established by investor on his own initiative or by organization in charge. The review process is inevitable before the decision-making process. A mitigation agreement is a flexible way of settling potential threat rooting in foreign investment and makes the investment benefit the host country's interests. Informal consultation procedures can bring conveniences to investigation, and each country has its different ways in investigation and supervising process.
     Chapter six illustrates the international coordination of national security investigation on foreign capital mergers and acquisitions. The abuse of national safety review system on foreign capital mergers and acquisitions may lead to new investment-protectionism. This chapter will analyze in the Empirical Analysis Method how the USA goes against free-investments in a political way with respect to national safety review system on foreign capital mergers and acquisitions. How to regulate and supervise national safety review system on foreign capital mergers and acquisitions at the international level, to answer the question, OECD has put forward Non-discrimination, Transparency/predictability, Regulatory proportionality as guide principles for host countries. Among case practices of ICSID, it also requires host countries to take restrictive measures within the necessary scope.
     Chapter Seven discusses the legislation improvement of national security investigation on foreign capital mergers and acquisitions of China. Taking a look at the development of national security investigation on foreign capital mergers and acquisitions of China, this chapter puts forward how to position the function of national security investigation on foreign capital mergers and acquisitions, and after analyzing the shortcomings of the existing national security investigation on foreign capital mergers and acquisitions system, it proposes the consideration to improve this system.
1 Report of the Expert Meeting on Merges and Acquisitions:Policies Aimed at Maximizing the Positive and Minimizing the Possible Negative Impact of International Investment, UNCTAD,19 to 21 October 2000.
    2 Thomsen, Stephen:"Outward direct investment:what benefits to the home countries?", International Investment Perspectives,2006, OECD.
    3 陈曦,曾繁华:《国家经济安全的维度、实质及对策研究——基于外资并购视角的案例分析》,北京:中国经济出版社,2010年版,第53页。
    4 Thomsen, Stephen:"Economic and Other Impacts of Forcign Corporate Takeovers in OECD Countries", International Investment Perspectives,2007, OF.CD.
    5 Fukao, Kyoji, Keiko Ito, Hyeog Ug Kwon and Miho Takizawa (2006), "Cross-border acquisitions and target firms performance:Evidence from Japanese firm-level data", paper prepared for the NBER 17th Annual East Asian Seminar in Economics, "International Financial Issues around the Pacific Rim", Hawaii,22-24 June, p.1.
    6 潘爱玲:“论外资并购中的国有资产流失问题”《山东社会科学》,2001年第6期。
    7 Thomsen, Stephen:"Economic and Other Impacts of Foreign Corporate Takeovers in OECD Countries", International Investment Perspectives,2007, OECD.
    8 王巍:“中国应尽快设立跨国并购审批机构”,《南方周末》,2005年8月4日。
    9 李孟刚:《中国产业安全报告(2010-2011)》,北京:社会科学文献出版社,2011年版,第13-14页。
    10 杨丹辉:《全球竞争——FDI与中国产业国际竞争力》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,2004年版,第227页。
    11 陈曦,曾繁华:《国家经济安全的维度、实质及对策研究——基于外资并购视角的案例分析》,北京:中国经济出版社,2010年版,第55-56页。
    12 王小琼:《西方国家外资并购国家安圈审查制度的最新发展及其启示——兼论开放经济条件下我国外资并购安全审查制度的建构》,武汉:湖北人民出版社,2010年版,第11页。
    15 刘民:“论外资并购安全审查制度的独立性”,《社会科学战线》2008年第5期。
    16 [美]E·博登海默:《法理学:法律哲学与法律方法》,邓正来译,北京:中国政法大学出版社,1998年版,“作者致中文版前言”。
    17 谢鹏程:《基本法律价值》,济南:山东人民出版社,2000年版,第18页。
    18 [日]川岛武宜:《现代化与法》,王志安等译,北京:中国政法大学出版社,1994年版,第244页.
    19 [美]卡尔·多伊奇:《国际关系分析》,周启朋等译,北京:世界知识出版社1992年版,第283页。
    20 Arnold Wolfers:National Secur ity as an Ambiguous Symbol, in Theor y and Practice of International Relations, ed. Mclcllan, Olson & Sondermann, Drentice-Hall, Inc., 1960, P.189.转引自苏长和:《从国家安全到世界安全——现实主义及其后》,《欧洲》,1997年第1期,第44页。
    21 李瑛:“多极化时代的安全观:从国家安全到世界安全”,《世界经济与政治》,1998年第5期,第42页。
    22 谢雪屏:“国家安全及若干相关概念的学术梳理”,《福建师范大学学报》2007年第5期,第1页。
    23 子杉:《国家的选择与安全:全球化进程中国家安全观的演变与重构》,上海三联书店,2005年版,第9页。
    24 王逸舟主编:《全球化时代的国际安全》,上海:上海人民出版社,1999年版,第37页。
    25 刘跃进:“论国家安全的基本含义及其产生和发展”,《华北电力大学学报》,2001年第4期,第62-63页。
    26 [俄]A.X.沙瓦耶夫著,魏世举、石陆原译:《国家安全新论》,北京:军事谊文出版社,2002年版,第24页。
    27 同前注10,第63页。
    28 陈垦:“外资并购的国家安全审查概念与实践”,《中国外资》,2011年12月下,总第255期,第10页
    29 李孟刚:《产业安全理论研究》(第二版),北京:经济科学出版社,2010年版,第35页。
    30 张江山:“试论国家安全的基本要素”,《铁道警官高等专科学校学报》,2001年第3期,第12页。
    31 刘卫东等:“论国家安全的概念及其特点”,《世界地理研究》,2002年第2期,第3页。
    32 田文英:《外资并购与国家安全》,北京:法律出版社,2011年版,第22页。
    33 Charles Wolf and C. R. Net, The Economic Dimensions of National Security, See Sheldon W. Simon,"The Many Faces of Asina Security", The National Bureau of Asina Research,2001,p.115.
    34 雷家骕:《国家经济安全:理论与分析方法》,北京:清华大学出版社,2011年版,第4页。
    35 [美]约翰·米尔斯海默:《大国政治的悲剧》,王义桅、唐小松译,上海:上海人民出版社,第91页。
    6 刘卫东:“论国家安全的概念及其特点”,《世界地理研究》,2002年第2期,第4页。
    17 [英]亚当·斯密:《国民财富的性质和原因的研究》(下卷),北京:商务印书馆,1979年版,第36页。
    18 同上注,第93页。
    39 许铭:《中国产业安全问题分析》,太原:山西经济出版社,2006年版,第3页。
    40 王培志:《经济全球化背景下中国产业安全预警机制研究》,北京:中国财政经济出版社,2006年版,第4页。
    41 同上注,第175页。
    42 曹秋菊:《开放经济下的中国产业安全》,北京:经济科学出版社,2007年版,第12页。
    43 [德]弗里德里克·李斯特:《政治经济学的国民体系》,陈万煦译,北京:商务印书馆,1996年版,第39页。
    44 李孟刚:《产业安全理论研究》(第二版),2010年版,北京:经济科学出版社,第51页。
    45 [德]弗里德里克·李斯特:《政治经济学的国民体系》,陈万煦译,北京:商务印书馆,1996年版,第118页。
    46 同上注,第156页。
    47 曹秋菊:《开放经济下的中国产业安全》,北京:经济科学出版社,2007年版,第19页。
    8 王培志:《经济全球化背景下中国产业安全预警机制研究》,北京:中国财政经济出版社,2006年版,第6页。
    9 同上注,第7页。
    1] 植草益:《微观规制经济学》,朱绍文译,北京:中国发展出版社,1992年版,第1-23页。
    51 徐泉:《国家经济主权论》,北京:人民出版社,2006年版,第11-12页。
    52 张军旗:《多边贸易关系中的国家主权问题》,北京:人民法院出版社,2006年版,第20-22页。
    53 孙效敏:《外资并购国有企业法律问题研究》,北京:北京大学出版社,2007年版,第142页。
    54 田文英:《外资并购与国家安全》,北京:法律出版社,2011年版,第44-46页。
    55 Essential Security Interests under International Investment Law International Investment Perspectives:Freedom of Investment in a Changing World, OECD,2007, p.94.
    56 OECD Codes of Liberalisation of Capital Movements and Current Invisible Operations:User's Guide, OECD,2003.
    Recommendation of the OECD Council on "Member country measures concerning National Treatment of foreign-controlled enterprises in OECD member countries and based on considerations of public order and essential security interests ", OECD, adopted at its 646th meeting on 16 July 1986.
    58 NAFTA, Article 2102.
    59 Essential Security Interests under International Investment Law International Investment Perspectives:Freedom of Investment in a Changing World, OECD,2007. p.97.
    60 The Energy Charter Treaty, Article 24.
    61 Essential Security Interests under International Investment Law International Investment Perspectives:Freedom of Investment in a Changing World, OECD,2007, p.97.
    62 GATS, Article 14.
    63 International Law Commission, Draft Articles on State Responsibility, Articles 20-25.in http:/untreaty.un.org.ilc/texts/instruments/English/commentaries/9_6_2001.pdf.
    64 International Law Commission, Draft Articles on State Responsibility, Commentary (2) to Article 25 in http:/untreaty.un.org.ilc/texts/instruments/English/commentarics/9_6_2001.pdf.
    65 J. Crawford, "Second Report on State Responsibility", UN General Assembly, International Law Commission,51st Session, Geneva,23 July 1999, A/CN.4/498/Add2, p.27-28.
    66 史建三、钱诗宇:《企业并购反垄断审查比较研究》,北京:法律出版社,2010年版,第2页。
    67 马晓河等:《开放条件下我国产业安全问题研究》,北京:中国计划出版社,2010年版,第246页。
    68 Trading with the Enemy Act, App. §5(b)(1)(B).
    69 Edward M. Graham and David Marchick, US National Security and Foreign Direct Investment, United Book Press,2006, pp.5-6.,10.
    70 例如,1920年《海运法》(Merchant Marine Act),规定由美国制造、并在美国注册由美国人拥有的船舶才能够在美国港口之间航行,美国企业的判断标准为75%的股份山美国公民持有。1926年《商业航空法》(Air Commerce Act),规定美国境内的商业飞行只能由在美国注册的飞机从事,美国企业的认定上要求美国人在其中占有多数,但外国人投票权不得超过25%。1920年颁布《矿产土地租赁法》(Mineral Lands Leasing Act),限制外资租赁美国公用土地以炼油或运输石油,除非按照对等原则这些国家允许美国投资于其石油部门,旨在让美国企业在海外获得投资机会,便于在全球范围内为美国海军提供油料。参见徐维余:《外资并购安全审查法律比较研究》,华东政法大学博士学位论文,2009年,第9-10页。
    71 Ibid, note 69, p.20.
    72 International Emergency Economic Powers Act, Pub. L. No.95-223, title Ⅱ §§202-07,91 Stat.1626 (1977) (current version at 50 U.S.C. §§1701-06(2006)),50 U.S.C. §1701(b).
    73 Patrick L. Schmidt,"The Exon-Florio Statute:How It Affects Foreign Investors and Lenders in the United States," The International Lawyer, Vol.27, No.3, Fall 1993. pp.795-806.
    74 James K. Jackson, The Exon-Florio National Security Test for Foreign Investment, CRS Report for Congress, Order Code RL33312, March 30,2011.
    75 即对来自由国务卿认定的支持恐怖活动国家、异弹扩散国家、核扩散国家、生化武器扩散国家的商业主体与在美国境内活动的商业主体进行军用物品、装备、技术交易可能带来的效应的审查:对威胁到有美国防的技术中美国的国际领先地位有威胁的交易的审查规定。
    76 规定从1993年后总统及其代表应定期向国会提交报告。报告内容包括是否有可靠证据表明一个或多个国家或公司实施协调,浅略,在美国技术处于领先地位的研发领域或关键技术领域并购美国公司,是否存在针对美国私人公司以获取关键技术秘密为目的并接受外国政府指示的工业间谍活动:对“关键技术”概念进行规定;总统可以向国会提交秘密报告,可以公开的报告应当采取使公众能够了解的措施。
    77 James K. Jackson, The Exon-Florio National Security Test for Foreign Investment, CRS Report for Congress, Order Code RL33312,March 30,2011.
    78 中国贸易救济信息网:“加拿大外资并购国家产业安全审查法律制度”,《中国贸易救济》,2007年第9期http://www.cacs.gov.cn/cacs/webzine/wcbzinedetails.aspx?webzineid=183.
    79 国家工商行政管理总局:“发达国家外资政策与外资立法(二)”,http://www.saic.gov.cn/wzj/nbtz/nbtz/201005/t20100527_85802.html.
    80 中国贸易救济信息网:“加拿大外资并购国家产业安全审查法律制度”,《中国贸易救济》,2007年第9期http://www.cacs.gov.cn/cacs/webzine/webzinedctails.aspx?webzineid=183.
    81 Foreign Acquisitions and Takcovers Act1975, http://www.comlaw.gov.au/Series/C2004A01402.分别在1980年6月、1991年11月、1994年4月、1994年10月、1997年4月、1999年6月、2000年12月、2001年12月、2004年8月、2005年1月、2008年7月、2008年12月和2010年2月作出了余次修改完善。
    82 Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Regulations 1989, http://www.comlaw.gov.au/Series/F1996B00559.分别在1994年3月、1996年1月、199年9月、2004年3月、2004年11月、2005年1月、2006年11月、2006年12月、2009年3月、200年6月、2009年9月、2010年3月、2010年5月、2011年10月修改完善。
    83 Foreign Investment:Laws and Policies Regulating Foreign Investment in 10 Countries, United States Government Accountability Office GAO-08-320. February 2008, p.85.
    84 例如:如根据俄罗斯联邦电力法,75%的电网公司和系统管理公司必须为国家所有;根据俄罗斯联邦天然气供应法,国家所有制在天然气工业公司注册资本中的比重为50+1股;根据俄罗斯联邦铁路运输所有权管理分配特点,俄铁路运输公司必须100%归国家所有。此外,对外资参股以下行业和部门的股份上限为:飞机制造业不得高于25%,航空公司不得高于49%,保险业不得高于20%参见李建民、“俄限制外资进入战略性产业法出台的背景、内容及影响”,《俄罗斯中亚东欧市场》,2008年第10期,第1-2页。
    85 李建民:“俄限制外资进入战略性产业法出台的背景、内容及影响”,《俄罗斯中亚东欧市场》,2008年第10期,第1页。
    86 Annual Address to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, President of Russia Official Web Portal, April 25. 2005, http://archive.kremlin.ru/eng/specches/2005/04/25/2031_type70029type82912_87086.shtml.
    87 《外国投资者并购境内企业暂行规定》第19条。
    88 The EC Treaty,Aricles 43,48,56,57.
    89 The French Monetary and Financial Code,Article L.151-3,
    90 Foreign Investment:Foreign Laws and Policies Addressing National Security Concerns, United States Government Accountability Office, GAO/NSIAD-96-61, April 1996, p.27.
    91 Foreign Investment:Laws and Policies Regulating Foreign Investment in 10 Countries, United States Government Accountability Office, GAO-08-320, February 2008, p.53.
    92 卢炯星:《中国外商投资法问题研究》,北京:法律出版社,2001年版,第169页。
    93 新华网:“美欲借德国船厂对台出售潜艇 德国击碎美国迷梦”,2003年3月7日,http://ncws.xinhuanet.com/newscenter/2003-03/07/content 763056.htm.美国对台军售的名单中包括8艘常规动力潜艇,而40年来美国的军工厂只能生产核动力潜艇,隶属HDW的基尔潜艇制造厂以生产高精尖的商用船及各种军舰而闻名于世,HDW公司当时正由于债务缠身而举步维艰,于是美OEP投资公司趁机以1亿欧元收购了基尔潜艇制造厂,并接收了该厂5.24亿欧元的债务,这相当于购买了HDW公司75%的股份;美国军火商诺斯劳普-格鲁曼公司(Northrop Grumman)立即明确表示要与HDW合作,将HDW公司生产的“U31”潜艇卖给台湾。
    94 Foreign Investment:Laws and Policies Regulating Foreign Investment in 10 Countries, United States Government Accountability Office, GAO-08-320, February 2008, pp.60-61.
    95 Foreign Investment:Foreign Laws and Policies Addressing National Security Concerns, United States Government Accountability Office, GAO/NSIAD-96-61,April 1996, pp.20-21. Also Foreign Investment:Laws and Policies Regulating Foreign Investment in 10 Countries, United States Govcrnment Accountability Office GAO-08-320, February 2008, pp.73-74.
    96 史建三、钱诗宇:《企业并购反垄断市查比较研究》,北京:法律出版社,2010年版,第4页。
    97 所谓“交叉持股”,即不同公司相互持有对方的股份;“企业集团关系”指附属企业之间互相持有对方的股份,以及相互之间具有金融(如银行贷款)关系或制造商——供应商,或经销商的关系。 See Foreign Investment:Laws and Policies Regulating Foreign Investment in 10 Countries, United States Government Accountability Office,GAO-08-320, February 2008, pp.74-75.
    98 王冠、谭异云:“中日外资并购法律监管制度比较分析”,《时代经贸》,2008年9月,第6卷第114期,第45页。
    99 史建三、钱诗宇:《企业并购反垄断审查比较研究》,北京:法律出版社,2010年版,第1页。
    100 Executive Order 11858(b),May 7,1975,40 F.R.20263.
    101 Order No.13456. Sec.3 (b).73 FR 4677.
    102 Raymond A Gauge reds, US National Economic Security in a Global Market, Ft. Belvoir:Defense Technical Information Center,1990, p. x.
    103 The Foreign Investment and National Security Act of 2007, Section 6,.
    2012年三一集团旗下的Ralls公司收购了4个风电场项目,这4个风能电场的兴建地点位于美国俄勒冈州一个军事基地的限制空域范围之内,美国海军在这个地区进行轰炸、电子战训练演习,并开发无人驾驶飞机。Ralls公司发表声明,对奥巴马的禁令表示遗憾,这些项目不会对美国国家安全构成任何威胁,总统的命令没有正当的理由,实际上已经有许多其他的风电项目已经在那个区域运作。参见中国广播网:“奥巴马禁止三一集团收购风电场 中国公司起诉美国政府”,2012年10月1日,http://news.ifeng.com/world/detail 201210/01/18028624 O.shtml.
    105 135 CONG. REc.11902 (daily ed. Apr.3,1989) (statement of Rep. Wolf).
    106 David Zaring, CFIUS as a Congressional Notification Service, S. Cal. L. Rev.2009-2010, p.93.
    107 R.S.,1985,c.28(1st Supp.),s.3:1993,c.35,s.1;1995,c.1,s.45;1996,c. 31,s.88;2001,c.27,s.259;2009, c.2,s.446.
    108 钱学凯:“警惕国家安全审查的泛化风险——加拿大矿业投资政策面面观”,《中国国土资源报》,2010年6月。
    109 Foreign Investment Review Board Annual Report 2009-10, The Department of the Treasury,25 January 2011, p.3.
    110 Foreign Investment Review Board Annual Report 2009-10, The Department of the Treasury,25 January 2011, p.6.
    111 李锋:“俄罗斯国家安全审查制度研究”,《国际经济合作》,2012年第7期,第62页。
    112 国家发展改革委外事司:“俄外资审批制度新动态”,《中国经贸导刊》,2008年第16期,第33页。
    113 同上注。
    114 《俄罗斯联邦关于外资进入对保障国防和国家安全只有战略意义商业组织程序法》第10条第1-3款。
    115 《俄罗斯联邦关于外资进入对保障国防和国家安全具有战旅意义商业组织程序法》第10条第4款。
    116 孙效敏:《外资并购国有企业法律问题研究》,北京:北京大学出版社,2007年版,第10页。
    117 Ibid.
    118 (日本)《外汇与外贸法》第27条。
    119 张薇:“澳大利亚外资审查法律制度及应对建议”,《国际经济合作》,2011年第2期,第83页。
    120 李锋:“俄罗斯国家安全审查制度研究”,《国际经济合作》,2012年第7期,第62页。
    121 史建三、钱诗宇:《企业并购反垄断审查比较研究》,北京:法律出版社,2010年版,第42页。
    122 31C.F.R.§800.215(2008).
    123 31C.F.R.§800.226(2008)."美国国民”指的是,美国公民,或即便不是美国公民、但对美国永远忠诚的个人。
    124 R.S.,1985,c.28(1st Supp.),s.3;1993,c.35,s.1;1995,c.1,s.45;1996,c.31,s.88;2001,c.27,s.259.如果某人是加拿大公民或者某人是加拿大永久居民,且在首次具备加拿大公民申请资格后惯常居住在加拿大的时间不超过一年(永久居民在加拿大居住三年以上可以申请成为加拿大公民),则该人即“加拿大人”
    125 Foreian Acquisitions and Takeovers Act 1975, Section 4(3).
    126 《俄联邦外国投资法》第2条。外国投资者是…按照国籍所在国法律确定民事权利能力和行为能力并根据该国法律有权在俄联邦境内进行投资的外国公民:按照永久居住地所在国法律确定民事权利能力和行为能力并根据该国法律有权在俄联邦境内进行投资的长期居住在俄联邦境外的无国籍人员.
    127 World Investment Report 2000:Cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions and Development, UNCTD, New York and Geneva,2000, p.109.
    128 31C.F.R.§800.216(2008).
    129 31C.F.R.§800.216(2008).例一、A公司在某外国政府的法律下组织成立,并且只在美国以外做生意。X公司拥有A公司全部股份,控制A公司的运作。X公司在美国成立,由美国国民全资所有且拥有控制权。如果没有其他相关事实,尽管A公司在美国之外组织并运作,A公司不是外国法人。例二、事实同例一第一句。A公司在外国政府法律下组织成立,外国政府通过政府干预者对A公司实施控制权。A公司是外国法人。例三、A公司在美国组织建立,在美国从事州际商务,由X公司控制。X公司在外国政府法律下组织成立,50%股份有外国国民持有,50%股份有美国国民持有。A公司和X公司都是外国法人。A公司同时也是美国企业。例四、A公司在外国政府法律下组织成立,由外国国民全资所有并控制。通过一个分支机构,A公司在美国从事州际商务。A公司(包括其分支机构)是外国法人。该分支机构也是美国企业。例五、A公司在外国政府法律下组织成立。A公司55%的投票权被若干无关联的外国投资者均等持有,任何单个外国投资者都不具有控制权。对于A公司,外国投资者没有正式或者非正式安排与其他具有投票权的股东一起采取一致行动。A公司其余投票权由美国投资者持有。假设没有其他相关事实,A公司不是外国人。例六、除外国投资者拥有A公司55%的投票权外,情况同例5。假设没有其它相关事实,A公司是一个外国实体,即外国法人。
    130 R.S.,1985,c.28(1st Supp.),s.3;1993,c.35,s.1;1995,c.1,s.45;1996,c.31,s.88:2001,c.27,s.259.
    131 《俄联邦外国投资法》第三条。外国投资者是指按照所在国法律确定民事权利能力并根据该国法律有权在俄联邦境内进行投资的外国法人;按照所在国法律确定民事权利能力并根据该国法律有权在俄联邦境内进行投资的外国非法人组织:…根据俄联邦的国际协议有权在俄联邦进行投资的国际组织;按照俄联邦法律规定程序行事的外国。
    132 《俄联邦外资进入对保障国防和国家安全具有战略意义商业组织程序法》第三条。外国投资者还指外国投资者控制的机构,包括其在俄联邦领土建认的组织。
    133 2009年《对外经济法》第4a条。在必要的情况下为了实现立法目的,对于非设立于本法管辖范围内的组织所拥有的分支机构不视为居民企业,即外国投资者在欧共体境内的分支机构在本法中视为外资。若一个欧共体居民公司(作为并购者)由欧共体非居民拥有共25%以上投票权,则其视为欧共体非居民。如果并购方与第三方签有投票权协议,则该第三方所持投票权股份将被列入并购方所持投票权股份数额之内一起计算。
    134 Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Act 1975(Act No.92 of 1975 as amended),Section 26....由非澳大利亚常驻居民的自然人或外国公司持有控股权益的公司:由两人或多人合计持有控股权益而且其中每一人或者为非澳大利亚常驻居民的自然人,或者为外国公司的公司,由非澳大利亚常驻居民的自然人或外国公司持有重大权益的信托财产的受托人:或者由两人或多人合计持有重大权益而且其中每一人或者为非澳大利亚常驻居民的自然人或者为外国公司的信托财产的受托人。
    135 最高人民法院《关于贯彻执行<中华人民共和国民法通则>若干问题的意见(试行)》第184条第1款规定:“外国法人以其注册登记地国家的法律为其本国法,法人的民事行为能力依其本国法确定。“2005年《公司法》第192条规定:“本法所称外国公司是指依然外国法律在中国境外设立的公司。
    136 潘勇辉:《外资并购的风险识别、测度及调控机制研究——基于动机与风险对应论》,北京:经济科学出版社,2008年版,第13页。
    137 The French Monetery and Financial Code,ArticlesR153-1 and R153-3.
    139 31C.F.R.§800.224(2008).
    139 Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Act 1975, Subsection 9(1).
    140 《俄联邦外资进入对保障国防和国家安全具有战略意义商业组织程序法》第7条。
    143 31C.F.R.§800.227(2008).例一、A公司在外国政府法律下组织建立、由外国国民全权所有并控制。该公司通过某分支机构或子公司在美国从事跨州商业活动。A公司的分公司或子公司为美国企业。出于收购美国企业的目的,其分公司或子公司也是一个外国法人。例二、情况如例一中的第一句。但是A公司在美国没有分支办公室、子公司或固定经价场所。A公司出口并向美国的无关联公司发放技术许可证。假设没有其他相关事实,A公司不是美国企业。例三、A公司在外国政府的法律下组织成立,A公司全权所有并控制X公司。X公司在美国组织建众、由美国公民全权所有并控制。A公司司在美国没有分支办公室、子公司或固定经营场所。A公司出口产品给X公司和其他无关联的美国公司。建设没有其他相关事实,A公司不是美国企业。
    144 R.S.,1985,c.28(1 st Supp.).s.3:1993,c.35,s.1;1995,c.1,s.45;1996,c.31,s.88;2001,c.27,s.259.
    145 徐维余:《外资并购安全审查法律比较研究》,华东政法大学博士论文,2010年,第153页。
    146 World Investment Report 2000:Cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions and Development, UNCTD, New York and Geneva,2000, p.110.
    147 史建三、钱诗宇:《企业并购反垄断审查比较研究》,北京:法律出版社,2010年版,第61-62页。
    148 31 C.F.R. §800.204(a).(2008).
    149 漆彤:“美国外资并购安全审查制度的最新发展及其借鉴一,《河南省政法管理干部学院学报》,2009年第2期(总第113期),第156页。
    150 22USC Sec.3102, International Investment And Trade In Service Survey.
    151 31 C.F.R, §800.302(b).(2008).
    152 方之寅:“析美国对外资并购的审查和限制”,《东方法学》,2011年第2期,第138页。
    153 Foreign Investment:Foreign Laws and Policies Addressing National Security Concerns, United States Government Accountability Office, GAO/NSIAD-96-61(April 1996), p.28.
    154 Foreign Investment Review Board Annual Report 2009-10. The Department of the Treasury,25 January 2011. nn.41-43.
    15 Australia's Foreign Investment Policy, The Department of the Treasury. January 2012.
    156 Florian Stork:"A Practical Approach to the New German Foreign Investment Regime-Lessons to be Learned from Merger Control", German Law Journal, Volume 11 (2010).
    157 陈明:“俄对外资进入其战略性行业的国家安全审查制度”,《中国石油经济》,2009年第4期,第62-63页
    158 国务院办公厅《关于建立外国投资者并购境内企业安全审查制度的通知(国办发(2011)6号)》
    159 Guidance Concerning the National Security Review Conducted by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States,Department of the Treasury, p.12.
    160 Guidance Concerning the National Security Review Conducted by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, Department of the Treasury, p.13.
    161 Foreign Investment and Trade Policy Division, Australia's Foreign Investment Police, January 2012, p.3.
    162 《俄联邦外资进入对保障国防和国家安全具有战略意义商业组织程序法》第6条。
    163 Foreign Investment:Laws and Policies Regulating Foreign Investment in 10 Countries, United States Government Accountability Office,GAO-08-320, February 2008, p.54.
    164 Ibid, p.55.
    5 国务院办公厅关于建立外国投资者并购境内企业安全审查制度的通知(国办发[2011]6号)
    6 徐维予:“外资并购安全审查法律比较研究”,华东政法大学博士学位论文,2010年,第110页。
    167 Guidance Concerning the National Security Review Conducted by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, Department of the Treasury, p.16.
    168 指外国的各级政府:外国政府,外国政府机构或相关实体合计拥有15%以上权益的公司或其它实体:或者由外国政府,外国政府机构或相关实体通过其它方式控制的公司或实体。
    169 《俄罗斯联邦关于外资进入对保障国防和国家安全具有战略意义商业组织程序法》第7条第1次。
    170 Foreign Investment and Trade Policy Division, Australia's Foreign Investment Police, January 2012, p.2.该数额每年在1月1日按照指数调整。2011年该数额为2.31亿元。
    171 Australia's Foreign Investment Policy, Foreign Investment and Trade Policy Division, January 2012, p.3.该数额每年在1月1日按照指数调整。2011年该数额分别为2.31亿元和10.05亿元。
    172 (德国)《对外经济法》第53条。
    173 Investment Canada Act,ss.14-14.1
    174 Lexique de termes juridiques Dalloz, Paris,1985.
    175 Concurring opinion of Judge Hand Moore v. Mitchell,30 F.2d 600,604 (CA2 1929) (L. Hand, J., concurring.
    176 Supreme Court decision; United Paper Workers International Union v. Nisco, Inc.,484 U.S.29,108 S. Ct.364,373,98 L. Ed.2d 286.
    177 Security-Related Terms in International Investment Law and in National Security Strategies,OECD, May 2009, p.10.
    178 Foreign Investment Review Board Annual Report 2009-10, The Department of the Treasury,25 January 2011. p.7.
    179 权睿学:“澳大利亚外国投资审查制度和法律框架概述”,《国际经济合作》,2011年第7期,第79页。
    180 Foreign Investment:Laws and Policies Regulating Foreign Investment in 10 Countries, United States Government Accountability Office,GAO-08-320, February 2008. p.54.
    181 The Regulatory part of the French Monetary and Financial Code, Article R.153-1.
    183 James K. Jackson:Foreign Investment and National Security: Economic Considerations, CRS Report for Congress, June 27,2008
    185 31 C.F.R§00.214. (2008).
    186 Guidance Concerning the National Security Review Conducted by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, Department of the Treasury, p.16.
    187 Australia's Foreign Investment Police, Foreign Investment and Trade Policy Division, September 2009, pp.12-13.
    188 Michael Holden:The Foreign Direct Investment Review Process in Canada and Other Countries, Parliamentary Information and Research Service, PRB 07-13E,19 September 2007.
    189 Foreign Investment Review Board Annual Report 2009-10, The Department of the Treasury,25 January 2011, p.7.
    190 Australia's Foreign Investment Policy, Foreign Investment and Trade Policy Division, January 2012, p.6.
    191 C. Fred Bergsten and Marcus Noland. Reconcilable Differences? United States-Japan Economic Conflict. Peterson Institute for International Economics, June.1993. P.141.
    192 Theodore H. Moran,Foreing Acouisitions and National Security:What are Genuine Threats? What are Implausible Worries? OECD Global Forum on International Investment, P.6.
    193 US General Accounting Office,US Business Access to Certain Foreign State-of-the-Art Technologv. Washington:US General Accounting Office.1991.September.p.3.
    194 Theodore H Moran, Three Threats:An Analytical Framework for the CFIUS Process, Washington DC:Peterson Institute for International Economics,2009, p.8.
    195 Theodore H Moran, Three Threats:An Analytical Framework for the CFIUS Process, Washington DC:Peterson Institute for International Economics,2009,p.8.
    196 中国现代国际关系研究院经济安全研究中心:《国家经济安全》,北京:时事出版社,2005年版,第206页。
    197 Theodore H Moran, Three Threats:An Analytical Framework for the CFIUS Process, Washington DC:Peterson Institute for International Economics,2009,p.16.
    198 Theodore H. Moran,Foreing Acouisitions and National Security:What are Genuine Threats? What are Implausible Worries? OECD Global Forum on International Investment P.7.
    199 Press statements on CNOOC s proposed acquisition of Unocal by Representatives, Joe Barton (R-TX) and Duncan Hunter (R-CA). See Stephanie I. Cohen,"Lawmakers Rip CNOOC's Unocal Bid," July 13,2005, available at www.marketwatch.com.
    200 Theodore H. Moran,Foreing Acouisitions and National Security:What are Genuine Threats? What are Implausible Worries? OECD Global Forum on International Investment P.5.
    201 Bill Gertz,"Intelligence Report Hits China Deal," Washington Times, November 30,2007, A-1.
    202 "Is 3Com Selling Out the U.S. to Chinese Spies?" Reactions to blog posted by Heidi N. Moore on the Wall Street Journal's WSJ Blog, Deal Journal, March 4,2008, http://blogs.wsj.com/deals.
    203 Ibid
    204 "3Com Vaults to in China for Enterprise Stackable Switches and Routers,"press release, April 9,2008, available at www.3Com.com (accessed on June 16,2009).
    205 Theodore H Moran, Three Threats:An Analytical Framework for the CFIUS Process, Washington DC:Peterson Institute for International Economics,2009, p.34.
    206 Ibid, p.35
    207 Brander, James A., and Barbara J. Spencer. Tariffs and the Extraction of Foreign Monopoly Rents and Potential Entry. Canadian Journal of Economics 14, no.3,August,1981,pp.71-89.
    208 Tyson, Laura D'Andrea, Who's Bashing Whom? Trade Conflict in High-Technology Industries, Washington:Institute for International Economics.1992.
    209 US DOD (Department of Defense), Annual Industrial Capabilities Reports to Congress, Washington:Government Printing Office,2005.
    210 Leon Greenfield and Benjamin Powell, "The Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States:The Significant Role of National Security Reviews in Foreign Transactions", Competition Law International January,2012, pp.8-9
    211 王小琼:《西方国家外资并购国家安全审查制度的最新发展及其启示——兼论开放经济条件卜我国外资并购安全审查制度的建构》,武汉:湖北人民出版社,2010年版,第199页。
    212 31 C.F.R.§800.403
    213 Australia's Foreign Investment Policy, The Department of the Treasury. January 2012.
    214 The Foreign Acquisitions and Takeovers Act 1975(Act No.92 of 1975 as amended).Section 25(IC),26(2)(b).
    215 具体参见《俄罗斯联邦关于外资进入对保障国防和国家安全具有战意义商业组织程序法》第8条
    216 《俄罗斯联邦关于外资进入对保障国防和国家安个具有战略意义商业组织程序法》第15条。
    217 Michael Holden:The Foreign Direct Investment Review Process in Canada and Other Countries, Parliamentary
    Information and Research Service, PRB 07-13E,19 September 2007.
    219 《商务部实施外国投资者并购境内企业审查制度规定》第1条。
    220 (德国)《对外经济条例》(2009),第53条。
    221 31 C.F.R.§800.401(b)
    222 31 C.F.R.§800.401(c)(d)
    223 王小琼:《西方国家外资并购国家安全审查制度的最新发展及其启示——兼论开放经济条件下我国外资并购安全审查制度的建构》,武汉:湖北人民出版社,2010年版,第192页。
    224 Investment Canada Act, s.25.2
    225 Investment Canada Act, s.25.3.
    226 Investment Canada Act, s.25.4.
    227 《商务部实施外国投资者并购境内企业审查制度规定》第3条。
    228 Davies, Ward, Phillips & Vineberg, "Amendments to the Investment Canada Act:What Do They Mean For You?" 13 March 2009, online:www.dwpv.com/en/17620_23425.aspx
    229 50 U.S.C. app. § 2170(a).(2007).
    230 Guidance Concerning the National Security Review Conducted by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, Federal Register/Vol.73, No.236/Monday. December 8,2008/Notices,74567-74572.
    231 50 U.S.C. app. § 2170(a).(2007).
    232 胡盛涛:“寻求投资开放与国家安全的新平衡”,《国际经济法学刊》,第14卷第1期,第23页。
    234 《俄罗斯联邦关于外资进入对保障国防和国家安全具有战略意义商业组织程序法》第10条第1款。
    235 同上注,第3、4、5、6款。
    236 李锋:“俄罗斯国家安全审查制度研究”,《国际经济合作》,2012年第7期,第63页。
    237 Foreign Investment Review Board Annual Report 2009-10, The Department of the Treasury,25 January 2011, p.6.
    238 Explanatory Memorandum to Amendment of the Foreign Trade and Payments and the Foreign Trade and Payments Regunation, The Germany Federal Government,2009, p.8.
    239 国务院办公厅关于建立外国投资者并购境内企业安全审查制度的通知(国办发[2011]6号)
    240 The Regulatory part of the French Monetary and Financial Code, Article R.153-8.
    241 Patrick L. Schmidt,"The Exon-Florio Statute:How It Affects Foreign Investors and Lenders in the United States,"The International Lawyer, Vol.27. No.3, Fall1993, pp.795-806
    242 See 50 U.S.C.S. app. §2170(1) (1)(A) (LexisNexis 2009).
    243 Foreign Investment:Laws and Policies Regulating Foreign Investment in 10 Countries, United States Government Accountability Office, GAO-08-320, February 2008. p.22.
    244 Australia's Foreign Investment Policy, The Department of the Treasury, January 2012.
    245 《俄罗斯联邦关于外资进入对保障国防和国家安全具有战略意义商业组织程序法》第12条。
    246 James F. F. Carroll, "Back to the Future:Redefining the Foreign Investment and National Security Act's Conception of National Security", Emory International Law Review 2009, p.171.
    247 50App. U.S.C.A.§2170(1)(1).(2007).
    248 Guidance Concerning the National Security Review Conducted by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, Department of the Treasury. Federal Register/Vol.73, No.236/Monday. December 8,2008/Notices 74567-74572
    249 CFIUS Annual Report Final Public,2011.
    250 Ibid.
    251 胡盛涛:《寻求投资开房与国家安全的新平衡》,国际经济法学刊,第14卷第1期。
    252 James K. Jackson, The Exon-Florio National Security Test for Foreign Investment, CRS Report for Congress, Order Code RL33312,March 30,2011.
    253 胡盛涛:《寻求投资开放与国家安全的新平衡》,国际经济法学刊,第14卷第1期,第25页。
    254 David Zaring,"CFIUS as a Congressional Notification Service", Cal. L. Rev.2009-2010, p.119.
    255 Exec. Order No.13.456.73 Fed. Reg.4677 (25Jan.2008)
    256 Thomas E. Crocker,'What Banks Need to Know About the Coming Debate over CFIUS, Foreign Direct Investment, and Sovereign Wealth Funds". Banking L.J.,2008, pp.457,458.
    257 31C.F.R.§800.401(1),(g).(2008).
    258 Foreign Investment Review Board Annual Report 2009-10, The Department of the Treasury,25 January 2011, p.10.
    259 《商务部实施外国投资者并购境内企业审查制度规定》第4条。
    260 Kirchgaessner. Stephanie, "US Blocks China Fibre Optics Deal Over Security", Financial Times, June 30,2010.
    261 50App.U.S.C.A.§2170(g)(1).(2007).
    262 《俄联邦外资进入对保障国防和国家安全具有战略意义商业组织程序法》第10条第7款。
    262 (日本)《外汇外贸法》,第56条
    4 史建三、钱诗宇:《企业并购反垄断审查比较研究》,北京:法律出版社,2010年版,第270-271页。
    5 同上注,第288页。
    6 张薇:“澳大利亚外资审查法律制度及应对建议”,《国际经济合作》,2011年第2期,第84页。
    267 叶渠茂、蒋红军:“中海油并购优尼科的政治经济学分析”,《理论月刊》,2006年第8期,第128页。
    268 Joshua W. Casselman, China's Latest 'Threat' to the United States:The Failcd CNOOC-Unocal Merger and Its Implications for Exon-Florio and CFIUS,17 IND. INT'L & COMP. L. REv.155,161-62 (2007).
    269 Ibid.p.163.
    270 Ibid.p.162.
    271 Edward M. Graham and David Marchick, US National Security and Foreign Direct Investment, Institute for International Economics,2006, p.130.
    272 Ibid.
    273 Ibid.p128.
    274 S. Richard Shelby, Forcing Investment and National Security Act of 2006, S. REP. No.109-264 (2d Sess.2006).
    275 Edward M. Graham and David Marchick, US National Security and Foreign Direct Investment. United Book Press,2006, p.137.
    276 Ibid.
    277 Ibid.
    278 Ibid, p.139.
    279 S.2380,109th Cong, (as referred to Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, Mar.7,2006).
    280 Jack L. Goldsmith & Eric A. Posner, the Limits of International Law, Oxford University Press,2005,pp.3,13.
    281 Bill Newman, "Does Firstgold Really Mean That CFIUS Has Gone Hostile?, "USA Inbound Acquisitions & Investment Blog(Jan.26,2010),.
    282 Margaret L. Merrill,"Overcoming CFIUS Jitters:a Practical Guide for Understanding the Committee on Foreing Investment in the United States', Quinnipiac Law Review, Vol.30,2011-2012.p.32.
    283 Eric Lipton, Chinese Withdraw Offer for Nevada Gold Concern, N. Y. TIMES, Dec.21,2009, at B3.
    284 周逸:“公共选择理论对我国政府失灵矫正的启示”,《济宁学院学报》,第33卷第1期,第91页。
    285 彼得斯曼著,何志鹏、孙璐、王彦志译,《国际经济法的宪法功能与宪法问题》,高等教育出版社,2004年版,第155页。
    288 Essential Security Interests under International Investment Law International Investment Perspectives:Freedom of Invesment in a Changing World, OECD 2007
    289 王小琼:《西方国家外资并购国家安全审查制度的最新发展及其启示——兼论开放经济条件下我国外资并购安全审查制度的建构》,武汉:湖北人民出版社,2010年版,第45页。
    290 Taking Stock of Regulatory Reform:A Multidisciplinary Synthesis, OECD,2005.
    291 Public Sector Transparency and the International Investor,OECD,2003.
    292 Transparency and Predictability for Investment Policies Addressing National Security Concerns:a Survey of Practices,OECD, May,2008.
    293 王小琼:《西方国家外资并购国家安全审查制度的最新发展及其启示——兼论开放经济条件下我国外资并购安全审查制度的建构》,武汉:湖北人民出版社,2010年版,第48页。
    294 Guidelines for Recipient Country Investment Policies Relating to National Security, Recommendation adopted by the OECD Council on 25 May 2009.
    295 Transparency and Predictability for Investment Policies Addressing National Security Concerns:a Survey of Practices,OECD, May,2008.
    296 Proportionality of Security Related Investment Instruments,OECD,May,2008.
    297 Guidelines for Recipient Country Investment Policies Relating to National Security, Rccommendation adopted by the OECD Council on 25 May 2009.
    298 International Law Commission, Draft Articles on Responsibility of States for In ternationally Wrongful Acts with Commentaries at 43. U. N. GAOR.56th Scss, Supp.No.10, U. N. Doc. A/56/10 (Dec.12,2001), pp.195-200.
    299 Ibid.
    300 A. D. Me Nair(ed.), International Law Opinions, Cambridge University Press,1956, vol Ⅱ, p.232.
    301 Gabcikovo-Nagymaros Project Case (H ung. v. Slovk.),1997 I. C. J.92 (S ept.25)
    302 Russian Indemnity Case (Russ.v. Turk), Hague Ct. Rep. (Scott) 297 (Perm. Ct. A rb.1912)
    303 A. I). Me Nair(ed.), International Law Opinions, Cambridge University Press,1956, vol Ⅱ, p.232.
    304 The Oscar Chinn Case (Gr. Brit. v.Bclg.),1934 P. C.1. J. (ser. A/B) No.63, at 7 (M ay 1)
    305 William W. Bruke-White & Andreas Von Staden. "Investment Protection in Extrodinary Times:The implication and Application of Non-Preclude Measures Provisions in Bilateral Investment Treaties", Virginia Journal of International Law, 2008, Vol.48:2, p.313.
    306 刘京莲:“根本安全例外条款探析”,中国经济经济法学会2009年年会论文。
    307 CMS Gas Transmission Co. v. Argentine Republic, (ICSID Case No.ARB/01/8), Award of the Tribuna,1 May 12,2005, para.200.
    Document of the Thirty-Second Session,1980 2 Year Book of International Law Commission 14, UN Doc. A/CN.4 /SER. A/1980/Add. 1,part 1.
    309 CMS Gas Transmission Co. v. Argentine Republic, (ICSID Case No.ARB/01/8), Award of the Tribuna,1 May 12,2005, para.373.
    310 Ibid, para.319.
    311 Ibid, para.320.
    312 LG & E Energy Corp. v.Argentinc Republic,(ICSID Case No.Arb/02/1),Decision on Liability(Oct.3,2006),paras. 251-252.
    313 Ibid,para.233-234.
    314 Ibid,para.234-235.
    315 CMS Gas Transmission Co.v.Argentine Republic,(ICSID Case No.ARB/01/8),Award of the Tribuna,1 May 12.2005. para.238.257.
    316 CMS Gas Transmission Co. v. Argentine Republic, (ICSID Case No.ARB/01/8), Award of the Tribuna,1 May 12,2005, para.340.
    317 王楠:“危急倩况之习惯国际法与投资条约中的不排除措施条款——兼论CMS案和LG&E案”,《比较法研究》,2010年第1期,第120页。
    318 孙效敏:《外资并购境内企业监管研究》,北京:北京大学出版社,2010年版,第1-15页。
    319 田文英:《外资并购与国家安全》,北京:法律出版社,2011年,第56页。
    320 丁丁、潘方方:“对我国的外资并购国家安全审查制度的分析及建议”,《当代法学》,2012年第3期,第133页。
    325 丁丁、潘方方:“对我国的外资并购国家安全审查制度的分析及建议”,《当代法学》,2012年第3期,第134页。
    326 彭岳,《中国外资并购国家安全审查制度的演进》,《中国社会科学报》,2011年08月。
    329 宁宣凤、单立宁、郑孜青:“中国国家安全审查制度初探”,《中国法律期刊》,金杜律师事务所,2012年2月,第2页。
    330 孔晓冬:“外资并购国家安全审查制度研究——美国完善‘审查标准’方面的经验及对我国借鉴”,对外经济贸易大学法律硕士专业学位论文,2011年,第18-20页。
    1 丁丁、潘方方:“对我国的外资并购国家安全审查制度的分析及建议”,《当代法学》,2012年第3期,第135页。
    2 缪心毫、余柔:“中国外资并购安全审查新规的审视与完善”,《天津财经大学学报》,2011年第6期,第124页。
    3 CFIUS Annual Report Final Public,2011.
    4 孙效敏:《外资并购境内企业监管研究》,北京:北京大学出版社,2010年版第251-252页。
    5 缪心毫、余柔:“中国外资并购安全审查新规的审视与完善”,《天津财经大学学报》,2011年第6期,第129页。
    25 I二祥修:《WTO机制下利用外资研究》,北京:中国文史出版社,2005年I饭。
    91孙南申:" WTO体制下国际投资法的趋势与发展”,《当代法学》,2005年第1期。
    112刘卫:“完善外资并购法律政策 保障国家产业安全”,《中国管理信息化》,2007年第9期。
    135王楠:“危急情况之习惯国际法与投资条约中的不排除措施条款—兼论 CMS案和LG&E案”,《比较法研究》,2010年第1期。
    152王露:“跨国并购审查制度研究”,大连海事大学 2010年硕士学位论文。
    159 Amos A. Jordan, William J. Taylor, Jr., Michael J. Meese, Suzanne C. Nielsen, James Schlesinger, American National Security:policy and process, The Johns Hopkins University Press,2009.
    160 C. S. Eliot Kang, U. S. Politics and Greater Regulation of Inward Foreign Direct Investment, 1997 Int'l Org.
    161 D. Heleniak & T. Farrell, Developments in the Law of Mergers and Acquisition:Cross Border Transactions, Corp. Law & Practice Course Handbook Series No.620,1988.
    162 Don Wallace, Robert B. Shanks, David Adrian Levy, Model foreign investment law:with annotations, International Law Institute,1996.
    163 Earl H. Fry, The Politics of International Investment, McGraw-Hill Book Co.,1983.
    164 Edward M. Graham and David Marchick, US National Security and Foreign Direct Investment, United Book Press,2006.
    165 Gus Van Harten, HHA Van Harten, Investment treaty arbitration and public law, Oxford University Press,2007.
    166 James Dull, The politics of American Foreign Policy, Prentice-Hall,1985.
    167 James F. F. Carroll, "Back to the Future:Redefining the Foreign Investment and National Security Act's Conception of National Security", Emory International Law Review 2009.
    168 Louis Fisher, Constitutional Conflicts Between Congress and the P resident,University Press of Kansas,1997.
    169 M. Sornarajah, The international law on foreign investment, Cambridge University Press,2004.
    170 M. Kent Bolton, U.S. national security and foreign policymaking after 9/11:present at the re-creation, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers,2008.
    171 M. Tolchin & S. Tolchin, Buying into America:How Foreign Money is Changing the Face of Our Nation, Times Books,1988.
    172 Marcel De Haas, Russia's Foreign Security Policy in the 21st Century:Putin, Medvedev and Beyond, Taylor & Francis,2010.
    173 Matthew R. Byrne, Protecting National Security and Promoting Foreign Investment:Maintaining the Exon-Florio Balance, Ohio St. L.J.2006.
    174 N. Glickman & D. Woodward, The New Competitors:How Foreign Investors are Changing the U.S. Economy, Basic Books,1989.
    175 Paul E. Comeaux, N. Stephan Kinsella, Protecting foreign investment under international law: legal aspects of political risk, Oceana Publications,1997.
    176 Robert A. Pastor, Congress and the politics of U.S. foreign economic policy,1929-1976, University of California Press,1980.
    177 Robert H Bork, Antitrust Paradox-A policy at war with itself, the Free Press,2ed.,1993.
    178 Rudolf Dolzer, Christoph Schreuer, Principles of international investment law, Oxford University Press,2008.
    179 Raymond A Gauge reds., US National Economic Security in a Global Market, Ft. Belvoir Defense Technical Information Center,1990.
    180 Servan-Schreiber, Jean Jacques, The American challenge, New York:Atheneum,1968.
    181 Sara L. Gordon & Francis A. Lees, Foreign Multinational Investment in the United States, Quorum Books,1986.
    182 Stephen K. Wegren, Russia's policy challenges:security, stability, and development, New York M.E. Sharpe,2003.
    183 Stephen Dycus, Arthur L. Berney, William C. Banks, National security law,Aspen Publishers, 2007.
    184 Suryaprasada Suvedi, International investment law:reconciling policy and principle, Oxford Hart,2008.
    185 Theodore H. Moran, American economic policy and national security, Council on Foreign Relations Press,1993.
    186 Theodore H Moran, Three Threats:An Analytical Framework for the CFIUS Process, Washington DC:Peterson Institute for International Economics,2009,
    187 UNCTAD, World Investment Report:Cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions and Development, 2000.
    188 William H. Meyer, Security, economics, and morality in American foreign policy:contemporary issues in historical context, Prentice Hall,2003.
    189 Wilkins, Mira, The History of Foreign Investment in the United States 1914-1945, Harvard University Press,2004.
    190 William Elliott Butler, Russian foreign relations and investment law, Oxford University Press, 2006.
    191 Zachary Douglas, The international law of investment claims, Cambridge University Press,2009.
    192 Anthony Michael Sabino, "Transactions That Imperil National Security---A Look at the Government's Power to Say "No"", New York State Bar Journal, November/December,2005.
    193 Andrews, Gregory E., "An Evaluation of the Need for Further Statutory Controls on Foreign Direct Investment in the United States", Vand Journal of International Law,1974.
    194 Barbara Franklin, " Lapse in Exon-Florio:Uncertainty Affects Deals Involving Foreigners", The New York Law Journal 5,1991.
    195 Bernard Kishoiyian, "The Utility Of Bilateral Investment Treaties In The Formulation Of Customary International Law", Northwestern Journal of International Law and Business, Winter 1994.
    196 Cecelia M. Waldeck, "Proposals for Limiting Foreign Investment Risk Under The Exon-Florio Amendment", Hastings Law Journal, April 1991.
    197 Christopher F. Corr, "A Survey of United States Controls on Foreign Investment and Operations: How Much Is Enough? ", American University Journal of International Law and Policy, Winter 1994.
    198 Christopher R. Fenton, "U.S. Policy Towards Foreign Direct Investment Post-September 11: Exon-Florio in the Age of Transnational Security",41 Columbia Journal of Transnational Law,2002.
    199 Catherine H. Gibson, "Frankfurter's Gloss Theory, Separation Of Powers, And Foreign Investment", Northern Kentucky Law Review,2009.
    200 Christopher M. Weimer, "Foreign Direct Investment And National Security Post-Finsa 2007" Texas Law Review, February 2009.
    201 Chris Lalonde, "Dubai Or Not Dubai:A Review Of Foreign Investment And Acquisition Laws In The U.S. And Canada", Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law, November 2008.
    202 David A. Menard, "The Flexibility Of Exon-Florio Amendment And The Expansion Of Telecommunications Into The Global Economy", Public Contract Law Journal, Winter 2002.
    203 Deborah M. Mostaghel, "Dubai Ports World Under Exon-Florio:A Threat To National Security Or A Tempest In A Seaport? ", Albany Law Review,2007.
    204 Destiny Duron Deas, "The Costs Of Perceived Hypocrisy:The Impact Of U.S.Treatment Of Foreign Acquisitions Of Domestic Enterprises", Duke Law Journal, April 2008.
    205 Frederick P. Waite, M. Roy Goldberg, "National Security Review Of Foreign Investment In The United States:An Update On Exon-Florio And The Final Regulations Which Implement It", Florida Journal of International Law, Spring 1991.
    206 George Stephanov Georgiev, "The Reformed Cfius Regulatory Framework:Mediating Between Continued Openness To Foreign Investment And National Security", Yale Journal on Regulation, Winter 2008.
    207 Gaurav Sud, "From Fretting Takeovers To Vetting Cfius:Finding A Balance In U.S. Policy Regarding Foreign Acquisitions Of Domestic Assets", Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law, October 2006.
    208 Harry L. Clark & Sanchitha Jayaram, "Intensified International Trade and Security Policies Can Present Challenges for Corporate Transactions", Cornell International Law Journal,2005.
    209 Jose E. Alvarez, "Political Protectionism and United States International Investment Obligations in Conflict:The Hazards of Exon-Florio", Virginia Journal of International Law, Fall 1989.
    210 Joel F. Brenner, "Exon-Florio Provision:Presidential Authority To Suspend Or Prohibit Acquisitions, Mergers, Or Takeovers By Foreign Persons", West Publishing Company, August 1990.
    211 Jim Mendenhall, "United States:Executive Authority To Divest Acquisitions Under The Exon-Florio Amendment--The Mamco Divestiture", Harvard International Law Journal, Winter 1991.
    212 Jacqueline J. Ferber, "The U.S. Foreign Direct Investment Policy:The Quest For Uniformity", Marquette Law Review, Summer 1993.
    213 Jason E. Friedrich, "Thinkable Mergers:The FCC's Evolving Public Interest Standard", CommLaw Conspectus, Summer 1998.
    214 James F. F. Carroll, "Back To The Future:Redefining The Foreign Investment And National Security Act's Conception Of National Security", Emory International Law Review,2009.
    215 Jason Cox, "Regulation Of Foreign Direct Investment After The Dubai Ports Controversy:Has The U.S. Government Finally Figured Out How To Balance Foreign Threats To National Security Without Alienating Foreign Companies? ", Journalof Corporation Law, Fall 2008.
    216 Jesse R. Heath, "Strategic Protectionism? National Security and Foreign Investment In the Russian Federation", George Washington International Law Review,Mzy 2009.
    217 James A. Lewis, "New Objectives for CFIUS:Foreign Ownership, Critical Infrastructure, and Communications Interception", Federal Communications Law Journal, May 2005.
    218 Jonathan C. Stagg, "Scrutinizing Foreign Investment:How Much Congressional Involvement Is Too Much? ", Iowa Law Review, November 2007.
    219 Joseph Mamounas, "Controlling Foreign Ownership Of U.S. Strategic Assets:The Challenge of Maintaining National Security In A Globalized and Oil Dependent World", Law and Business Review Of The Americas, Spring 2007.
    220 Joshua W. Casselman, "China's Latest Threat'To The United States:The Failed Cnooc-Unocal Merger And Its Implications For Exon-Florio And CFIUS", Indiana International And Comparative Law Review,2007.
    221 Krista Schwarting Rose, "Changing Frequencies:The Federal Communications Commission Globalizes the Telecommunications Industry with the Adoption of the WTO Agreement", Minnesota Journal of Global Trade,1999.
    222 Karla D. Whalen, "Exon-Florio And Open Investment:Are They At Odds In A World Where National Security No Longer Revolves Solely Around Military Might? ", Suffolk Transnational Law Review, Winter 1994.
    223 Kathleen A. Lacey et al., "International Telecommunications Mergers:U.S.National Security Threats Inherent in Foreign Government Ownership of Controlling Interests", Tulane Journal of Technology and Intellectual Property, Spring 2002.
    224 Kristy E. Young, "The Committee On Foreign Investment In The United States And The Foreign Investment And National Securities Act Of 2007:A Delicate Balancing Act That Needs Revision", U.C. Davis Journal of International Law and Policy, Fall 2008.
    225 Kevin McGill, "Selling Away Our Oil:Protectionism And The True Threat Raised By CNOOC's Attempted Acquisition Of Unocal", Georgia State University Law Review, Spring 2007.
    226 Lawrence R. Fullerton, "Exon-Florio as an Antitrust Enforcement Tool", Antitrust, Spring 1990.
    227 Lana Haworth, "Russia's Bill on Foreign Investments in Commercial Organisations that Have Strategic Importance for National Security", International Company and Commercial Law Review,2007.
    228 Linda Menghetti, "Economic Politics and National Security:A CFIUS Case Study", American Society of International Law Proceedings, April,2008.
    229 Leon Greenfield and Benjamin Powell, "The Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States:The Significant Role of National Security Reviews in Foreign Transactions", Competition Law International January,2012.
    230 Lester Davis, "Foreign Direct Investment in the U. S. and Its Impact Are Highlighted in New Commerce Department Report", Business America, Aug.23,1993.
    231 Melvin Rishe, "Foreign Ownership, Control, or Influence:The Implications For United States Companies Performing Defense Contracts", Public Contract Law Journal, Winter 1991.
    232 Marc Greidinger, "The Exon-Florio Amendment:A Solution in Search of a Problem", American University Journal of International Law and Policy, Winter 1991.
    233 Matthew D. Riven, "The Attempted Takeover Of LTV By Thomson:Should The United States Regulate Inward Investment By Foreign State-Owned Enterprises? ", Emory International Law Review, Fall 1993.
    234 Matthew R. Byrne, "Protecting National Security and Promoting Foreign Investment: Maintaining the Exon-Florio Balance", Ohio State Law Journal,2006.
    235 Michael Petrusic, "Oil And The National Security:Cnooc's Failed Bid To Purchase Unocal", North Carolina Law Review, May 2006.
    236 Paul Rose, "Sovereigns As Shareholders", North Carolina Law Review,December 2008.
    237 Patrick L. Schmidt, "The Exon-Florio Statute:How It Affects Foreign Investors and Lenders in the United States," The International Lawyer, Vol.27, No.3, Fall 1993.
    238 Robert H. Mundheim, David W. Heleniak, "American Attitudes Toward Foreign Direct Investment in The United States", Journal Of Comparative Corporate Law And Securities Regulation, 1979.
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    240 Rohit Sachdev, "Comparing The Legal Foundations Of Foreign Direct Investment In India And China:Law And The Rule Of Law in The Indian Foreign Direct Investment Context", Columbia Business Law Review,2006.
    241 Robert S. LaRussa, Lisa Raisner, Thomas B. Wilner, "New Law Heightens Scrutiny Of Foreign Acquisitions Of U.S. Companies", New York University Journal of Law & Business, Fall 2007.
    242 Susan W. Liebeler and William H. Lash Ⅲ, "Exon-Florio Harbinger of Economic Nationalism? ",The Cato Review of Business & Government,1993.
    243 Stuart Malawer, "Global Mergers and National Security", Virginia Lawyer, Vol.24, December 2006.
    244 Stuart S. Malawer, "Global Mergers and National Security", Virginia Lawyer,December 2006.
    245 Shannon M. Haley, "A Shot Across The Bow:Changing The Paradigm Of Foreign Direct Investment Review In The United States", Brooklyn Journal of International Law,2007.
    246 Thomas W. Soseman, "International Law-The Exon-Florio Amendment to the 1988 Trade Bill:A Guardian of National Security or a Protectionist Weapon? ", Journal of Corporate Law,1990.
    247 Vincent M. Paladini, "Foreign Ownership Restrictions Under Section 310(b) of the Telecommunications Act of 1996", Boston University International Law Journal, Fall 1996.
    248 Wm. Gregory Turner, "Exon-Florio:The Little Statute That Could Become a Big Headache for Foreign Investors", Transnational Lawyer, Fall 1991.
    249 57. W. Robert Shearer, "The Exon-Florio Amendment:Protectionist Legislation Susceptible to Abuse", Houston Law Review, Winter 1993.
    250 Warren G. Lavey, "Telecom Globalization And Deregulation Encounter U.S.National Security And Labor Concerns", Journal on Telecommunications & High Technology Law, Fall 2007.
    251 William W. Bruke-White & Andreas Von Staden, "Investment Protection in Extrodinary Times: The implication and Application of Non-Preclude Measures Provisions in Bilateral Investment Treaties", Virginia Journal of International Law,2008, Vol.48:2
    252 Recommendation of the OECD Council on "Member country measures concerning National Treatment of foreign-controlled enterprises in OECD member countries and based on considerations of public order and essential security interests", OECD, adopted at its 646th meeting on 16 July 1986.
    253 Foreign Direct Investment in the United States:Data Collection, Disclosure and Effects, CRS Report for Congress Rep. No.88-79E, Jan.25,1988.
    254 Report on U.S. Critical Technology Companies:Report to Congress on Foreign Acquisition of and Espionage Activities Against U.S. Critical Technology Companies, National Economic Council,1994.
    255 Foreign Investment:Foreign Laws and Policies Addressing National Security Concerns, United States Government Accountability Office, GAO/NSIAD-96-61,April 1996.
    256 Maiko Miyake & Magdolna Sass, "Recent Trends in Foreign Direct Investment", OECD,2000.
    257 OECD Codes of Liberalisation of Capital Movements and Current Invisible Operations:User's Guide, OECD,2003.
    258 The Exon-Florio National Security Test for Foreign Investment, CRS Report for Congress, July 15,2005.
    259 Enhancements to the Implementation of Exon-Florio Could Strengthen the Law's Effectiveness, GAO,2005.
    260 The European Parliament and the Economic and Social Committee:A Stronger EU-US Partnership and a More Open Market for the 21st Century, European Comm'n Directorate-General for Trade, Communication from the Commission to the Council.2005.
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    263 United States Barriers to Trade and Investment, European Common,2006.
    264 1th Roundtable "Freedom of Investment, National Security and 'Strategic'Industries", OECD, June 21,2006.
    265 Exon-Florio Foreign Investment Provision:Comparison of H.R.5337 and S.3549, CRS Report for Congress, January 24,2007.
    266 James K. Jackson, "Exon-Florio Foreign Investment Provision:Comparison of H.R.556 and S. 1610", CRS Report for Congress, August 7,2007.
    267 15High-Risk Series, GAO-07-310, January 2007
    268 Essential Security Interests under International Investment Law International Investment Perspectives:Freedom of Investment in a Changing World,OECD,2007.
    269 Michael Holden:The Foreign Direct Investment Review Process in Canada and Other Countries, Parliamentary Information and Research Service, PRB 07-13E,19 September 2007.
    270 Foreign Investment:Laws and Policies Regulating Foreign Investment in 10 Countries, United States Government Accountability Office, GAO-08-320, February 2008.
    271 Accountability For Security-Related Investment Policies, OECD,2008.
    272 Protection of 'Critical Infrastructure'and the Role of Investment Policies Relating to National Security, OECD, May,2008.
    273 Foreign Investment and National Security:Economic Considerations, CRS Report for Congress, March 30,2008.
    274 The Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), CRS Report for Congress, March 30,2011.
    275 Freedom of Investment, National Security and "Strategic" Industries, OECD, March 26,2008.
    276 Tenth Roundtable on Freedom of Investment, National Security and "Strategic" Industries, OECD, March 26,2009.
    277 Guidelines for Recipient Country Investment Policies Relating to National Security, OECD, May 25,2009.
    278 David Gaukrodger, Foreign State Immunity and Foreign Government Controlled Investors,OECD,2010.
    279 Kathryn Gordon, Identification of Foreign Investors:a Fact Finding Survey of Investment Review Procedures, OECD, May,2010.
    280 Foreign Investment Review Board Annual Report 2009-10, the Department of the Treasury, Jan 25,2011.
    281 CFIUS Annual Report Final Public, CFIUS,2011.
    282 James K. Jackson, The Exon-Florio National Security Test for Foreign Investment, CRS Report for Congress, March 30,2011.
    283 National Treatment for Foreign-Controlled Enterprises —List of Measures Prepared for Transparency, OECD,2012.
    284 Annual Address to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, President of Russia Official Web Portal, April 25,2005, http://archive.kremlin.ru/eng/speeches/2005/04/25/2031_type70029type82912_87086.shtml.

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