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彗星实验(comet assay)又称单细胞凝胶电泳(single cell gel electrophoresis,SCGE),以电泳后细胞核DNA显示的显微镜荧光图像特征而得名,是用来定量分析和测定细胞核中DNA损伤程度的实验方法。可在单细胞水平上检测单链/双链DNA断裂,DNA分子中碱性不稳定位点,DNA链中不完全切除修复位点和DNA分子内及分子间交联等损伤与修复的的方法,具有敏感、稳定、快速的优点。在国外已得到了广泛应用,在我国SCGE主要被用于对环境毒理学、离子射线损伤、自由基损伤、癌症放疗、生物监测等领域。对植物的研究报道甚少。
     本实验设计是建立在前期所做的植物不对称体细胞杂交实验基础之上。实验发现柴胡、盐芥的原生质体分别经UV(380μW/cm~2)照射2min,5min后再分别与不同植物的原生质体融合,在所得的相应的体细胞杂种细胞中观察到柴胡和盐芥具有使异源染色质消减与渐渗的现象。该结果与本实验室所作的大量有关小麦的体细胞杂交实验和国内外其它已报道的其它植物体细胞杂交实验的结果相反。为了进一步探讨柴胡、盐芥为什么可使受体染色质消减与渐渗,本实验拟以六种不同植物的原生质体(单、双子叶植物各三种)为研究对象,对经UV辐照后导致细胞中DNA损伤测定的SCGE方法进行不同实验条件优;利用CASP分析软件(comet assay software projiect)对所得数据进行分析;综合评价不同UV照射剂量下各植物DNA损伤程度的差异;对UV辐照前后与DNA损伤修复相关的抗氧酶及生物大分子合物的变情况进行测定分析。选取的双子叶植物:柴胡(Bupleurm scorzonerifolium Willd.),盐芥(Thellungiella salsuginea),拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)。单子叶植物:小麦(Triticum aestivum L.),中间偃麦草(Thinopyrum intermedium(Hest)Nevski),簇毛麦(Dasypyrum villosum)。
     1)利用CASP软件对SCGE测定的细胞损伤量(Olive Tail Moment,OTM值)进行分析
Comet assay as also called the single cell gel electrophoresis(SCGE)is a sensitive,reliable,and rapid method which can detect double or single DNA breaks and alkal-labile sites in eukaryotic individual cells.In this study,this method was applied to measure DNA damage of several plant protoplasts,which induced by UV. An improvement method that is used for detecting different plant DNA damages.
     In our previous asymmetric somatic hybridization of plants,some asymmetry hybrids were obtained by UV irridiated protoplasts of Bupleurm scorzonerifolium (380μW/cm~2,5min)and Thellungiella salsuginea(380μW/cm~2,2min)before asymmetric somatic hybridization between Arabidopsis thaliana/B,scorzonerifolium and A.thaliana/T,salsuginea.The chromotins of receptor eliminated and introgressed into genomes of donors were investgated in these somatic hybrids.On the contrary., many results showed that the chromosomes of donor fragmented,translocted or introgressed into the genomes of receptor in the somatic hybridization in which Triticum aestivum as one partners and heterologous genus grasses were UV-irradiated before fusion.Since ionization and excitation could be induced by primary UV-radiation led to the production of new chemical species in donor and hybrid cell, such as hydroxyl radicals,hydrogen radicals,and solvated electrons produced have a finite probability of interacting with DNA sites.To investigate the relationship between the dosages of UV-radiation on the protoplasts of donor and the chromosomes elimination/introgression of receptors or donors in the somatic hybrids. we use SCGE to evaluate UV damage at DNA level on six plant protopasts(B. scorzonerifolium,T.salsuginea,T.aestivum L.,Hasypyrum villosum and Thinopyrum intermedium(Hest)Nevski.)and using CASP(Comet assay software project) software to accurately analyze the images.The related physiological indicators produced by UV- radiation on plant materials were also detected and analyzed.
     The following experiments were operated in this research:
     The values of OTM(value of damage on cells)could reflect the response for different dosages of UV-irradiation on six plant protoplasts.We found that the value of OTM of B.scorzonerifolium,A.thaliana,T.salsuginea,T.aestivum and S,villosum don't have obvious images of DNA smearing(DNA migration length)at the low doses of UV-irradiation.While the value of OTM of H.villosum is the highest in these plant materials.The images of SCGE had the longest DNA smearing after UV irradiated its protoplasts for 1 min.The OTM values of the other five protoplastes varied greatly during the medium doses of UV(380μW/cm~2)irradiatied for 2-5min. The OTM values of B.scorzonerifolium and T.salsuginea are lower than that A.thaliana,T.aestivum and T.intermedium,accordingly,the images of SCGE have longer DNA smearing in A.thaliana,7.aestivum and 7.intermedium as compared to B.scorzonerifolium and T.salsuginea with increase in UV exposure time.The DNA damage level of 7.salsuginea rises sharply with increase in UV exposure time (380μW/cm~2 for 5-10min)using SCGE analysis;while the OTM values of B. scorzonerifolium rises gently.Just about 20%of DNA damages can be detected in the cells of B.scorzonerifloium,the other DNA samples all diffused in the gel to be detected with UV exposure time rised to(380μW/cm~2)12.5min.According to above data,the OTM value of B.scorzoneriflium is the lowest and H,villosum,is the highest, respectively.UV-resistant order of six plant materials arranged descending roughly:B. scorzonerifolium>T.salsuginea>T.aestivum>A.thaliana>T.intermedium>H. villosum.
     1)The concentration of flavonoids in all six kinds of plant cells was measured using AI(NO3)3-NaNO2-NaOH method before and after UV-irradiation.Before and after UV irradiation,the concentration of flavonoids in B.scorzonerifolium was the highest. and the concentration of flavonoids in A.thaliana and T.salsuginea are the lowestin all other plant materials mensurated by ultraviolet spectroscopy.Accompaned by the rise of UV dosage,the content of flavonoids in all six kinds of plant materials are all gradually increased and then decreased after reaching a peak.The concentration of flavonoids in B.scorzonerifolium cells reached the maximum at UV-5min,while in T. salsuginea cells reached the maximum at UV-15min.The concentration of flavonoids in A.thaliana,T.intermedium and H,villosum reached the peak at UV-10min.
     2)The concentration of phenolic compounds in B.scorzonerifolium,T.salsuginea, A.thaliana,T.intermedium,H.villosum and T.aestivum were measured after UV-irradiation using Prussian Blue(PB)method as compared to untreat sample.The concentration of polyphenols in B.scorzonerifolium is the highest in six plant materials.A sharp increase in the level of polyphenols was observed in six kinds of plant materials with increase in the time of exposure of samples to UV-radiation.A significant change in the content of polyphenols was observed in calli of B.scorzonerifolium till it reached the maximum level when added the UV irradiation for 5 min,and the production of polyphenols enhanced with increase the UV exposure for 10 min in all other five samples.
     Above results lead us to believe that UV radiation induced secondary metabolites accumulation have an important role in protection B.scorzonerifolium cells against UV radiation promoted flavonoids paths processes.
     3)The activities of POD in B.scorzonerifolium,T.salsuginea,Arabidopsis thaliana, H.villosum,T.intermediumand T.aestivum were detected before and after UV-irradiation.No significant regularity of POD content was observed in all six samples.Compared to other samples,the activity of POD in B.scorzonerifolium calli was the lowest in the control.Calli of B.scorzonerifolium had higher potential to accumulate POD in response to UV irradiation for 5 min,and then decreased sharply to the lowest level.Almost the same level of POD activity of B.scorzonerifolium. T.aestivum,T.salsugmea,and H.villosum was detected in the time of exposure of samples to UV-radiation for 20 min.The results suggested that UV could induce the activity of POD in plants.
     4)The concentration of Pro in B.scorzonerifolium,T.salsuginea,A.thaliana,H. villosum,T.intermedium and T.aestivum were measured before and after UV exposure by acidic-ninhydrin method.The content of Pro was the highest in A. thaliana,and was the lowest in T.salsuginea in control samples.Calli of six kinds of sample exposed to UV radiation showed a time dependent increase in the level of Proline.No significant Pro accumulation was show in the calli of B.scorzonerifolium with increase in duration of UV exposure in its all five samples.Calli of T.salsuginea had higher potential to accumulate Pro in response to UV irradiation more than 10 min.Besides Proline accumulation in T.salsuginea during UV-exposure might be one of the modes to counteract UV radiation promoted ROS generation.
     5)The activities of O_2~(?)in B.scorzonerifolium,T.salsuginea,A.thaliana,H. villosum,T.intermedium and T.aestivum were measured before and after UV-irradiation by hydroxylammoniumchloride autoxidation method.The activities of O_2~(?)in the calli of B.scorzonerifolium and T.aestivum were the lowest in the six plants in controls.A sharp increase in the level of O_2~(?)was observed in T.salsuginea upon exposure to UV-radiation,and no significant change was observed in calli of B.scorzonerifolium.O_2~(?)generation is one of the initial cytochemical responses of plants exposed to UV radiation.
     To sum up,Secondary metabolite,such as flavonoids and polyphenols accumulation is the most frequent metabolic responses exhibited by B.scorzonerifolium exposed to UV stresses.POD and Pro accumulation in other plant samples during UV-exposure might be one of the modes to counteract UV radiation promoted ROS generation.
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