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Undergraduates are in the period of physical and mental development, also they are forming philosophy of life and world views, so they often don't know how to cope with society life stress events and result in mental disorder. Some investigated data show that undergraduates' mental problems are mainly revealed in stress life events and coping characteristics. Negative life events, important frustration and ineffective coping result in mental problems. Many kinds of mental problems appear among undergraduates after S ARS event, so it is an urgent thing for college mental health education how to use effective coping strategies to decrease the negative influence after traumas into the lowest degree, and it is a need to improve undergraduates' abilities of adaptability and development. We make systematic studies on undergraduates' stress disorder, coping strategies and their influence factors after SARS event in order to provide scientifical theory bases to improve undergraduates' mental quality and mental healt
    h level, and enrich the theory of college mental health education.
    Based on document analysis and open questionnaire investigation, and consulting relative scales at home and abroad, we compile the Undergraduates' Stress Disorder and Coping Strategies Qestionnaires after Serious Society Life Events mainly by factor-analysis approach. We also measure undergraduates in different epidemic areas using Eysenck Personality Questionnaire, Perceived Social Support Scale and Spheres of Control in order to explore the characteristics of undergraduates' stress disorder, coping strategies and the influence of all factors. The concisions show that:
    1. The self-compiled Undergraduates' Stress Disorder Questionnaire after Serious Society Life Events has satisfying reliability and validity. By factor analysis, we get five factors: physical abnormality, behavioral excess, depression, sensitivity and phobia, and credulity.
    2. The self-compiled Undergraduates' Coping Strategies Qestionnaire after Serious Society Life Events has satisfying reliability and validity. By factor analysis, we obtain five factors: complain and fancy, positive action, endure for oneself, wait, and transfer. The five factors are divided into three dimensionalities: joined coping, maintained coping, avoided coping.
    3. With respect to stress disorder, there is significant difference of school epidemic areas and family epidemic areas between more serious epidemic areas and other areas. Significant difference also exists between male and female, among the types of major. There is no significant difference between different painful experience, and among different health.
    4. With respect to coping strategies, there is significant difference of school epidemic areas and family epidemic areas between more serious epidemic areas and the most serious epidemic areas. There is also significant difference between science, engineering and arts, medicine, between different separate states, and different painful experience. But there is no significant difference between male and female, and among different health.
    5. Personality characteristics have effect on stress disorder. The interpretative ratio in order is: neuroticism, psychoticism, intraversion-extraversion.
    6. Three dimensionalities of personality characteristics have different effect on coping strategies. Joined coping strategies are mainly affected by psychoticism, intraversion-extraversion, and the highest interpretative ratio is psychoticism. Avoided coping strategies are mainly affected by neuroticism. Maintained coping strategies are affected by neuroticism, psychoticism, intraversion-extraversion. And the interpretative ratio in order is: neuroticism, intraversion-extraversion, psychoticism.
    7. As a buffer, social support especially from friends can decrease stress disorder. The amount of social support also affects choosing coping strategies.
    8. Coping strategies, social support, personality characteristics, the sense of control and situational factors have direct effect on str
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