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抑郁症(major depressive disorder, MDD)是临床上很常见的一种精神心理疾病,以持续性的情绪低落为主要特征,快感缺乏、动力低下是其主要核心症状,病程迁延,容易复发,自杀率高,严重地威胁着人们的生活质量和生命健康。抑郁症的发病机制非常复杂,到目前为止仍然不十分清楚,需要进一步深入的研究和探索。本实验采用慢性不可预见性轻度应激大鼠抑郁模型,来了解奖赏系统相关脑区在应激前后及用药不同阶段的神经生化改变,以期能为临床治疗提供新的认识和方法。
     目的:大鼠抑郁模型是抑郁症研究中最为关键的研究媒介,稳定可靠的动物模型是研究工作成果是否可靠的重要基础条件。本实验采用慢性不可预见性轻度应激(chronic unpredictable mild stress, CUMS)结合孤养的方法,以期获得稳定、可靠、重复性强的大鼠抑郁模型,为进一步的研究打下良好的基础。
     方法:选用成年雄性Sprague-Dawley大鼠,共16只,随机分为正常组和模型组各8只,采用慢性不可预见性轻度应激结合孤养的方法,制作大鼠抑郁模型,进行21天应激干预,分别于应激干预前后进行强迫游泳实验(The forced swimmingtest,FST)和液体消耗实验(Fluid consumption test)测量,并定期监测大鼠体重变化,用以上三项指标来评估大鼠快感缺乏和行为绝望的程度。模型制作结束后,应用高效液相色谱质谱连用方法(HPLC-MS)分析大鼠前额叶、海马、伏隔核各脑区单胺类神经递质及其代谢产物多巴胺(DA)、3,4-二羟基苯乙酸(DOPAC)、高香草酸(HVA)、5-羟色胺(5-HT)、5-羟吲哚乙酸(5-HIAA)在应激前后含量的变化,进一步评估大鼠抑郁模型的有效性。
     2. HPLC-MS检测结果显示,模型组在应激后大鼠前额叶、海马、伏隔核各脑区DA、DOPAC、HVA、5-HT、5-HIAA含量均比正常组有明显减少,有统计学意义。
     2. D3DR的表达在用药的早期出现一过性升高后,继之又下降,到晚期组下降显著,提示西酞普兰对D3DR受体功能存在一定程度的抑制,表现在长期用药后D3DR的表达减少,D2DR的表达虽然有所上升,但与正常组比较仍有较大差距,提示奖赏系统功能并未得到有效恢复。
Major depressive disorder(MDD) is a very common mental disease, characterizedas the continued depressed mood. The core symptoms of MDD are anhedonia and lossof motivation. The course of MDD is usually very long and easily to relapse. Thepatients of MDD have very high suicide rate. It seriously threats the people’s life healthand life quality. The pathogenesis of MDD is very complicated and remains uncoverednowadays. Therefore, it is of great significance to perform a thorough investigation onMDD. In this work, we explored the change of the neurological biochemistry in thereward system before and after taken medicine in deferent period of time.
     Part Ⅰ: Research of the dysfunction of dopaminereceptor2and dopamine receptor3in the dopamine rewardsystem
     Experiment1: establishment of chronic unpredictablemild stress rat model
     Objective: Rat model of depression is a very important means for the researchwork. A stable and reliable model is the necessary for good results. Our research usedchronic unpredictable mild stress combined with Solitary support to establish a stableand reliable model of depression to lay a solid foundation for the further research.
     Methods:16adult Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats were randomly divided into thecontrol group and the model group. We used long-term variety of chronic unpredictablemild stress combine to solitary support to establish the rat model of depression. We usedvariety of chronic unpredictable mild stress combine to solitary support for21days toestablish the rat model of depression. The fluid consumption test, the forced swimmingtest and the body weight were compared before and after the process of stress. Theseresults were used to investigate the degree of anhedonia and behavioral despair. Afterthe accomplishment of the model, we used HPLC-MS to analysis changes ofmonoamine neurotransmitter of DA, DOPAC, HVA,5-HT,5-HIAA in the prefrontallobe, hippocampus and nucleus accumbens to verify the validity of the model.
     1. The results of behavioral experiments: Compared with rats in control group, thesucrose preference index of rats after stress procedure in model group decreasedsignificantly; the swimming test static time of the model group rats extended greatly;the growth rate of rats in model group was significantly less than those in the controlgroup.
     2. The HPLC-MS analysis results showed: Significantly reduction of DA, DOPAC,HVA,5-HT,5-HIAA in the prefrontal lobe, hippocampus and nucleus accumbens wasfounded in model group.
     1. The rat model of depression of chronic unpredictable mild stress combinedwith solitary support can imitate the core symptoms of depression. Afterthe model was established, the index of anhedonia, behavioral despair andweight loss changed dramatically. The changes of monoamineneurotransmitter of DA, DOPAC, HVA,5-HT,5-HIAA were accord withthe current knowledge on the neurological biochemistry change indepression. Our rat model of depression was reliable, repeated easily, stableand prolonged enough for the further research.
     Experiment2: Slective serotonin (5-HT) reuptakeinhibitors (SSRIs) has influence on the reward system in therat model of depression
     Objective: The core symptom of depression anhedonia is a direct reflection ofdysfunction of the reward system. We used rat model of depression to explore theevidence of changes of the dopamine receptor2(D2DR) and dopamine receptor3(D3DR) in the important area of the reward sysmem. We want to estimate the exactlychanges of D2DR and D3DR after usage of antidepressant drug’s of dopamine and itmetabolites, D2DR、D3DR, to get a further understand of the act of SSRIs on the rewardsystem.
     Methods: The depressed rats made according to experiment1were randomlydivided into4groups, namely the acutely controlled saline group, the chronic controlledsaline group, the acutely citaloplam group and the chronic citalopram group. We alsoset up a control group where the rats were raised normally and the model group thatonly received stress intervention but no medicine. The fluid consumption test, theforced swimming test and the body weight were all accomplished before and after thestress interventions and the medicine interventions. HPLC-MS and Western Blottingmethod were used to analysis changes of monoamine neurotransmitter of DA, DOPAC,HVA,5-HT,5-HIAA and changes of D2DR、D3DR in the prefrontal lobe, hippocampusand nucleus accumbens to verify the act of SSRIs on the reward system after acutelyand chronic use of drugs.
     1. The chronic group showed significantly behavioral promotion with the distinctlypromoted sucrose preference index; the distinctly shortened swimming test static timeand the significantly increased growth body weight rate of rats in the chronic controlcitaloplam group. Such promotion effect was not discovered in saline group or theacutely citaloplam group.
     2. The DA in nucleus accumbens, the DOPAC in hippocampus and the5-HTincreased remarkably after the acutely use of citaloplam, but this increase was notdiscovered in the acutely saline group. The DA, DOPAC, HVA,5-HT,5-HIAA in allthree area increased remarkably after chronic use of citaoplam, but this effect was notobserved in the chronic saline group.
     3. After the stress interventions, the model rats’ D2DR、D3DR expression decreasedsignificantly compared with the control group in all areas of the prefrontal lobe,hippocampus and nucleus accumbens. There were significantly increase of D2DR、D3DR expression in all three areas in the acutely group of citaloplam. However, thisphenomenon was not observed in the saline group. The D2DR expression increasedmore in chronic use of citaloplam, but D3DR expression were decreased after chronicuse of citaloplam vs. saline. The D2DR、D3DR expression in all three area were notrecovered as controlled group.
     1. The rat model of depression had dysfunction in reward system as the decrease inthe dopamine and its metabolites and the decrease of expression of D2DR、D3DR.
     2. The expression of D3DR had a transitory increase after acutely use of citaloplam,but decreased significantly after chronic use of citaloplam, indicated that citaloplam hada kind of inhibition on the reward system. Although the expression of D2DR wereincreased, but did not reach the normal level, indicated that the reward system was notrecovery after use of drugs.
     Part Ⅱ: The Chaihu-jia-longgu-muli decoction (CJLMD)’sact as an antidepressant
     Objective: The Chinese traditional medicine is the treasure of China history. But itis not very popular in today because of its complex mechanism. We used the rat modelto explore the antidepressive act of CJLMD and the mechanism of it by comparing itseffect with those of citaloplam.
     Methods: The depressed rats made accord to experiment1were randomlydivided into6groups, namely the acutely controlled saline group, the chronic controlledsaline group, the acutely citaloplam group, the chronic citalopram group, the acutelyCJLMD group and the chronic CJLMD group. The fluid consumption test, the forcedswimming test and body weight were all accomplished before and after the medicineintervention. HPLC-MS and Western Blotting method were used to analysis change ofin concentration of monoamine neurotransmitter of DA, DOPAC, HVA,5-HT,5-HIAA and change of concentration of D2DR、D3DR in the prefrontal lobe, hippocampus andnucleus accumbens to verify the act of SSRIs on the reward system after acutely andchronic use of drugs.
     1. The CJLMD group had the same antidepressive acts as the citalopram groupafter chronic use of drugs in the changes of depressive behaviors of sucrose preferenceindex and the growth rate of body weight, and had even more distinctly shorten time inswimming test static time than the citalopram group.
     2. The concentration of DA, DOPAC, HVA,5-HT,5-HIAA of all three area in theCJLMD group increased weaker than the citaloplam group in all aspects, but increasedmore the saline group.
     3. There were same trend of changes in the expression of D2DR、D3DR as thecitaloplam group in all three area but more weaker the citaloplam group.
     1. From the point of view of the depressive behaviors change of rats, the CJLMDhad more valid antidepressive act than the citalopram group especially in the aspect ofswimming test static time. We postulated that CJLMD can cure behavioral despair andloss of motivation which are the results of damaged reward system. The resultsindicated that CJLMD had a protectable act on reward system.
     2. Comparing with citaloplam, we postulated that CJLMD had a similarantidepressive act like citaloplam, but is more weaker in the aspect of change inmonoamine neurotransmitter and D2DR、 D3DR. According to the better behaviorchange we postulated that CJLMD might had other mechanisms of antidepressive actother than SSRIs, such as protection the reward system. We will address this issue in thefuture.
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