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     第一章概述跨国办学的历史演变并分析其发展趋势。本研究按照历史的逻辑,结合跨国办学这一高等教育事物发展的特殊性,将其发展过程分为萌芽、初创和大发展三个阶段。对每个阶段的发展进行论述并归纳其发展特点,在对历史发展研究的基础上,讨论跨国办学发展的新趋势:传统高等教育机构与专门化培训机构的融合;跨国办学的多样化发展;营利性机构的数量不断增长;“外国”和“本土” 高等教育机构之间的界限模糊。
Under the development of globalization and internationalization of higher education, higher education now is taking the main task to meet the need from society not only in national context but also in international context. With the transnational activities rising, many institutions, organizations and scholars are doing more and more researches in this area, which contains school running of transnational higher education.This paper is comprised of six chapters.Chapter 1 shows a historical review of transnational school running of higher institutions. In the historical context, the development of transnational schooling running of higher institutions is classified as three periods with their features highlighted respectively. On the basis of the historical discussion, the new face of transnational school running of higher institutions is concerned. First, the correspondence between educational institutions and specific kinds of studies is no longer clear-cut: educational institutions no longer confine themselves to degree-granting education or private educational providers to professional training. Second, transnational school running of higher institutions has led to the multiplication of partnerships, both traditional academic partnerships and new types. Third, the number of for-profit provision and partnerships has grown significantly. Fourthly, the growing importance of partnerships in transnational school running of higher institutions puts the very notions of "foreign" and "domestic" in a haze.Chapter 2 discusses the rationales of the driven factors of transnational school running of higher institutions at four levels: international, regional, national and the university. The outside driven forces for transnational school running of higher education come from the development of economic globalization and information, the push from national development, and the promotion from the international organization such as UNESCO and OECD. The inside force results from the pressure of higher institutions themselves. In order to get advantages in the competitive education market, they must take pains to get experiences of transnational providing.Chapter 3 concentrates on the theoretical review of development of transnational school running of higher institutions based on chapter 2. WTO and GATS moved higher education to their framework, which promoted the advancement of school running of higher institutions. This section defines the theoretical foundation of transnational school running of higher institutions from the theory of trade educational service and market entry mode. For higher education is a special trade service, it can use two modes to compete. That is neighboring area mode and alien mode.Chapter 4 explores the main forms of transnational school running of higher
    institutions presently. Four main forms are discussed in this section, which are twinning programme, branch campus, franchising and on-line learning. The same characters of these forms are transnational, diversity, mobility and internet-provided. Among the above forms, branch campus, corporate university and virtual university have gained rapidly improvement around the world. This section tries to show their development and features with detailed case studies in order to examine their experiences especially the benefits and drawbacks.Chapter 5 points to some policies, especially the regulations, laws and quality assurance that may help reap the benefits of transnational school running of higher institutions while minimizing its risks. It firstly analyses the problems faced with transnational providers, which are concerned about the recognition, the quality assurance, diploma recognition, credits transfer, as well as the cultural adaptability. Secondly, it discusses the international standard for higher education lay out by UNESCO, the leading international organization in education provision. Meanwhile, some regulations or laws promulgated by some sending or receiving countries are presented. Lastly, this chapter does the further discussions on quality as
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