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The Historic Beacon Hill District, the oldest historic district in Massachusetts, was designated in1955by an Act of the Massachusetts Legislature. There were few studies about the formation and preservation of the district in the Academic circle by now, so the analysis and summary of the unique way of Beacon Hill preservation could give the historic preservation in China some enlightenment.
     As early as1630s, the Puritans who were suffered religious persecution came to Plymouth, Massachusetts, and then moved to the place we called Beacon Hill today. In the mid-18th century, Boston massacre and Battle of Bunker Hill outbroke, and Beacon Hill became the fort of the battles due to its predominant geological location.1795became the turn point of Beacon Hill with the construction of the new State House and the formation of the Mount Vernon Proprietors. Consisting of six prominent Boston citizens, the Mount Vernon Proprietors was one of the earliest land development operations in the country. They planned the land reclamation project in Beacon Hill and designed buildings in this area, transformed the rugged mountain area into mild slopes, and changed Shawmut from town to metropolis. One of the proprietors, Charles Bulfinch, was known as renowned architect, designed lots of famous buildings on Beacon Hill. This district was the center of abolitionists in the antislavery movement which occurred in the middle of the19th century, and African Meeting House became a pivotal center in the political fight against slavery. In the meanwhile, Beacon Hill is populated by artists, writers, poets and politicians, who laid culturally a solid foundation for the district and gained a reputation for being Beacon Hill Brahmins and Bohemians.
     In the first half of the19th century, the building industry on Beacon Hill was flourishing due to the operation and management by Mount Vernon Proprietors. Still largely residential, the structures on Beacon Hill showcase several different styles and are the work of a number of notable architects, such as the Charles Bulfinch, Asher Benjamin, and Alexander Parris. While the Greek revival and Federal styles were most popular during this period, Queen Ann, Italianate, Egyptian revival and American Gothic Revival styles could also be found. By the first half of20th century, Beacon Hill included three areas, i.e., South slope, North Slope, and the flat of the hill. All of these elements made Beacon Hill a living portrait in downtown area of Boston. With regard to the preservation of these cultural heritages, the relevant organizations of Historic Beacon Hill District have accumulated many successful experiences, also have got some painful lessons. For instance, the Hancock manor, which built in1737had been a masterpiece in architectural design, was demolished by government in1863because of the capital shortages.
     In the20th century, the public and government noticed the abundant historical and cultural resources in Beacon Hill, so the community organization, residents, government and nonprofit organization worked together to protect Beacon Hill, and gradually formed its own way of preservation which become a model and be copied by other districts, we call it "Beacon Hill preservation mode". Generally speaking, this mode is composed of three aspects which are management, public participation and architectural guidelines. Specifically, in the management aspect, the government of Boston city is responsible to review all the proposed exterior works, and the community organization mainly is in charge of daily routine; in the public participation aspect, the residents, volunteer, and non-profit organizations actively involved in the preservation activities; in the preservation principle aspect, the district government has its own architectural guidelines to maintain the district as a landmark in the history of architecture and as a tangible reminder of old Boston.
     Residents of the district are the main driving force of the preservation movement in Beacon Hill. In the second half of19th century, the pubic realized the importance of historic preservation since they lost the famous Hancock Mansion. The First Battle of the Bricks occurred in1921marked the beginning of public involvement of preservation, and it was also the origin of the founding of the community organization------Beacon Hill Civic Association (BHCA). The BHCA played a key role in preservation movement and initiating preservation legislation on the Beacon Hill Historic District. In1955, the law put south slope into historic district, set up the Beacon Hill Architectural Commission, and required property owners to obtain the Commission's permission for the exterior work. In1958, the activists expanded the district to include the flat of the hill. In the middle of20th century, the urban renewal project of West End started, and the north slope of Beacon Hill was confronted with being demolished. By1963, North Slope was also included in the district, and Beacon Hill was integrally preserved. Nowadays, BHCA and activists are still playing the key role in the district, working together to preserve the district and promoting the development of the educational, cultural, economic and general welfare.
     One of the important parts of "Beacon Hill preservation mode" is government management. In1955, an Act of the Massachusetts State Legislature designated Historic Beacon Hill District, and created Beacon Hill Architectural Commission (BHAC) which belongs to Boston Landmarks Commission (BLC) nowadays to supervise the preservation works in the district. Under the terms of the legislation, no buildings seen from a public way can be altered in any way without the approval of the BHAC. This management mode significantly improved the professional level of preservation, effectively solved the problem of losing historical information, and well preserved the historical and cultural character. Moreover, the Massachusetts state government created lots of programs to support the preservation projects in the state, i.e., Massachusetts Preservation Project Fund, Massachusetts Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit, etc. These projects aimed to encourage property owners to actively preserve historic buildings, and lots of residents in Beacon Hill benefited from them.
     The non-profit organizations of Beacon Hill or other areas in Boston also contribute to the preservation of Beacon Hill. As a volunteer organization, BHCA helps to preserve and enhance the quality of life on Beacon Hill, and to protect historic residential character of this district. By providing the volunteers and internship with opportunities, the BHCA keeps its focus on zoning, licensing, traffic, parking, and neighborhood cleanliness, and all of these made BHCA the main organization for the district's daily management. Besides BHCA, Historic New England also helps to promote historic preservation of the district. In1910, William Sumner Appleton founded the Society for the Preservation of New England Antiquities, known today as Historic New England (HNE). The organization is a museum of cultural history which has collected and preserved buildings, landscapes, and objects dating from the seventeenth century to the present and used them to keep history alive and to help people to develop a deeper understanding and enjoyment of New England life and appreciation for its preservation. The organization acquired the first Otis House as headquarter in1916which located at Beacon Hill Historic District, and preserved it as historic house museum. Moreover, some public education program of HNE also related to Beacon Hill, to help people to understand the history and culture of the district.
     In technological respect, the act regulated that the BHAC determine whether the proposed change is appropriate to the preservation of the district, and the commission developed Historic Beacon Hill District Architectural Guidelines on the basis of The Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties. The guidelines based on authenticity, described the specific standards to preserve a historic building, including masonry, roof structures, windows, sash, shutters, doors and entries, etc.
     All in all, the success of Beacon Hill preservation primarily benefits from the activists, after that, with the joint efforts of residents, preservationists and nonprofit organizations, the government introduced preservation laws to prevent the historic buildings in the district from destruction, established specialized agency to manage the district, and developed the architectural guidelines to protect the historic information. After fifty years of the development, Historic Beacon Hill District has formed its unique way of preservation, and provided references for other historic districts in Boston.
     But, Beacon Hill Preservation Mode has limitations also. We can see from the practices that this mode overemphasize static preservation which focus on exclusive control and protection, reduce commercial exploitation, deprives historic area of extension of conforming to urban transformation. This kind of preservation is necessary, but to keep the life vitality of sustainable development of a historic district needs positive dynamic preservation. That year after year, rich people and preservationists moved out from Beacon Hill, and lots of residents today are barely know the history and culture of the district, could easily cause decline of the district. Urban renewal is always an issue for historic cities at home and abroad. To stop the decline of historic areas in a city, the government needs to enhance the preservation consciousness of the public, adjust thinking and take necessary measures, to achieve the sustainable dynamic preservation.
    ②“梁林故居”违规拆除竹后开工复建,新京报,2012年1月29日, 《北京新闻时政》A03版。
    ① Li-Marcus, Moying, Beacon Hill, the Life and Times of a Neighborhood, Boston:Northeastern University Press. 2002.
    ② Moore, Barbara W. & Weesner, Gail., Beacon Hill, a Living Portrait. Boston:Gentry Mill Press,2008.
    ① George W. Born, The Beacon Hill Historic District:Pioneer of the 1950s with Lessons for Today. Historic New England:http://www.historicnewengland.org/preservation/regional-resources/looking-forward-symposium
    ②Kirker, Harold & James. Bulfinch's Boston:1787-1817, New York:Oxford University Press,1964.
    ③ Kirker, Harold, The Architecture of Charles Bulfinch, Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1969.
    ④Raymond W. Stanley, Mr. Charles Bulfinch's Boston, Boston:Old Colony Trust Company,1963.
    ①Holleran, Michael, Boston's "Changeful Times", Origins of Preservation and Planning in America, Baltimore: the Johns Hopkins University Press, Maryland,1998. p.4.
    ①Holleran, Michael, Boston's "Changeful Times", Origins of Preservation and Planning in America, Baltimore: the Johns Hopkins University Press, Maryland,1998. p.238.
    ②Lindgren, James M. Preserving Historic New England:Preservation, Progressivism, and the Remaking of Memory, New York:Oxford University Press,1995.
    ③Page, Max, and Randall Mason, eds. Giving Preservation a History:Histories of Historic Preservation in the United States. New York:Routledge,2004.
    ① Page, Max, and Randall Mason, eds. Giving Preservation a History:Histories of Historic Preservation in the United States. New York:Routledge,2004, p.10.
    (?) Miller, Naomi and Morgan, Keith N. Boston Architecture:1975-1990. Munich:Prestel Verlag,1990.
    (?) Morgan, Keith N., Candee, Richard M., eds. Building of Massachusetts:Metropolitan Boston. Charlottesville:University of Virginia Press,2009.
    (?) Shand-Tucci, Douglass, Built in Boston:city and suburb,1800-2000, Amherst:University of Massachusetts Press,1999.
    ① Whitehill, Walter Muir and Kennedy, Lawrence W. Boston:A Topographical History, Cambridge:the Belknap Press of Harvard University Press,2000.
    ② Kennedy, Lawrence W. Planning the City upon a Hill, Boston since 1630. Amherst:the University of Massachusetts Press,1992.
    ③ Seasholes, Nancy S. Gaining Ground:A History of Land Making in Boston. Cambridge:the MIT Press,2003.
    ④ Charles B. Hosmer Jr. Presence of the Past:A History of the Preservation Movement in the United States before Williamsburg, New York:G.P. Putnam's Sons,1965.
    ⑤Charles B. Hosmer Jr. Preservation Comes of Age:From Williamsburg to the National Trust 1926-1949, Charlottesville:University Press of Virginia,1981.
    ⑥Hosmer, Charles B. Jr., Preservation Comes of Age, From Williamsburg to the National Trust,1926-1949, Volume I. Charlottesville:the University Press of Virginia.1981. p.378.
    ① James Fitch, Historic Preservation:Curatorial Management of the Built World, New York:McGraw-Hill Book Company,1982.
    ② Robert Stipe. A Richer Heritage:Historic Preservation in the Twenty-first Century. Chapel Hill and London: The University of North Carolina Press.2003.
    ③ William J. Murtagh, keeping time:The History and Theory of Preservation in America, Hoboken:John Wiley and Sons,2006.
    ④ Ned Kaufman:Place, Race and Story, Essays on the Past and Future of Historic Preservation, New York: Routledge,2009.
    ① National Trust for Historic Preservation, Landmark Yellow Pages, Washington D. C.:the Preservation Press, 1993.
    ②Gregory E. Andrews, Tax Incentives for Historic Preservation, National Trust of Historic Preservation, Washington D. C.:the Preservation Press,1980.
    ①张松: 《历史城市保护学导论——文化遗产和历史环境保护的一种整体性方法》,上海:同济大学出版社,2008年。
    ②陆地: 《建筑的生与死:历史性建筑再利用研究》,南京:东南大学出版社,2004年。
    ③李和平、王敏:美国历史街区保护的推动模式, 《新建筑》,2009年第2期。
    ④阮仪三: 《护城纪实》,北京:中国建筑工业出版社,2003年。
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    ① Barbara W. Moore, Gail Weesner, Beacon Hill, a Living Portrait, Boston:Centry Hill Press,2008, p.2.
    ② Nancy S. Seasholes, Gaining Ground:A History of Land Making in Boston, Cambridge:the MIT Press,2003, p. 2.
    ③ Lawrence W. Kennedy, Planning the City upon a Hill, Boston since 1630, Amherst:the University of Massachusetts Press,1992, p.60.
    ① Keith N. Morgan, Buildings of Massachusetts:Metropolitan Boston, Charlottesville and London:University of Virginia Press,2009, p.100.
    ①Nancy S. Seasholes, Gaining Ground A History of Land Making in Boston, Cambridge:the MIT Press,2003, p.1.
    ①Chapter 616 of the Acts of 1955 (1955年7月28日批准,1955年8月27日生效)
    ② Barbara W. Moore, Gail Weesner, Beacon Hill, a Living Portrait, Boston:Centry Hill Press,2008, p.3.
    ① Moying Li-Marcus, Beacon Hill, the Life and Times of a Neighborhood, Boston:Northeastern University Press, 2002, pp.3-4.
    ② Barbara W. Moore, Gail Weesner, Beacon Hill, a Living Portrait, Boston:Centry Hill Press,2008, pp.4-8.
    ① Barbara W. Moore, Gail Weesner, Beacon Hill, a Living Portrait, Boston:Centry Hill Press,2008, pp.8-9.
    ② Raymond W. Stanley, Mr. Charles Bulfinch's Boston, Boston:Old Colony Trust Company,1963, pp.15-16.
    ①Barbara W. Moore, Gail Weesner, Beacon Hill, a Living Portrait, Boston:Centry Hill Press,2008, p.10.
    ②Harold Kirker, the Architecture of Charles Bulfinch, Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1969, pp.1-4.
    ③Talbot Hamlin, Greek Revival Architecture in America, New York:Oxford University Press,1944, p.91.
    ④Talbot Hamlin, Greek Revival Architecture in America, New York:Oxford University Press,1944, p.90.
    ①Raymond W. Stanley, Mr. Charles Buljinch's Boston, Boston:Old Colony Trust Company,1963, p.10.
    ②参见波士顿市政府宣传册:Beacon Hill and Bay Village, exploring Boston's Neighborhoods.
    ②Justin Winsor, the Memorial History of Boston, in Four Volumes, The Revolutionary Period, Vol. Ⅲ, Boston: James R. Osgood and Company,1882, pp.369-376.
    ① http://www.beacon-hill-boston.com/History
    ② Barbara W. Moore, Gail Weesner, Beacon Hill, a Living Portrait, Boston:Centry Hill Press,2008, p. 18.
    ① Moying Li-Marcus, Beacon Hill, the Life and Times of a Neighborhood, Boston:Northeastern University Press, 2002, pp.39-41.
    ②Moying Li-Marcus, Beacon Hill, the Life and Times of a Neighborhood, Boston:Northeastern University Press, 2002, pp.69-72.
    ③ Harold Kirker. the Architecture of Charles Bulfinch, Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1969, p.118.
    ① Barbara W. Moore, Gail Weesner, Beacon Hill, a Living Portrait, Boston:Centry Hill Press,2008, pp.15-17.
    ① Moying Li-Marcus, Beacon Hill, the Life and Times of a Neighborhood, Boston:Northeastern University Press, 2002, pp.7-9.
    ② James M. Lindgren, Preserving Historic New England:Preservation, Progressivism, and the Remaking of Memory, New York:Oxford University Press,1995, p.50.
    ③ Barbara W. Moore, Gail Weesner, Beacon Hill, a Living Portrait, Boston:Centry Hill Press,2008, p.19.
    ① Talbot Hamlin, Greek Revival Architecture in America, New York:Oxford University Press,1944, p. 92.
    ② M. A. DeWolfe Howe, Boston Landmarks, New York:Hastings House,1947, p3.
    ① Ronald Story, Class and Culture in Boston:The Athenaeum,1807-1860, American Quarterly,27 (May 1975):178-199.
    ①BHAC档案资料,非洲人会堂(African Meeting House).乔伊衔46号(46 Joy Street)Introduction-History.
    ① Walter Muir Whitehill, Lawrence W. Kennedy, Boston:A Topographical History, Cambridge:the Belknap Press of Harvard University Press,2000, p.236.
    ① National Trust for Historic Preservation, Landmark Yellow Pages, Washington D. C.:the Preservation Press, 1993, p.4.
    ② Historic New England website:Architectural Style Guide: http://www.historicnewengland.org/preservation/your-older-or-historic-home/architectural-sty le-guide#federal-ada m-1780-1820
    ①美国阿肯色州建筑保护教育项目:历史建筑风格(Arkansas Historic Preservation Program) (PDF文件)www.arkansaspreservation.com
    ② National Trust for Historic Preservation, Landmark Yellow Pages. Washington D. C.:the Preservation Press, 1993, p.4.
    ③ Norman Tyler, Historic Preservation:An Introduction to Its History, Principles, and Practice, New York:W. W. Norton & Company,2009, p.70.
    ①蔡定剑: 《公众参与:奉献社会的制度建设》,北京:法律出版社,2009年,第3-6页;下周户:《公众参与的理论与实践》,北京:法律出版社,2011年,第2页。
    ① Charles B. Hosmer, Jr., Presence of the Past:A History of the Preservation Movement in the United States before Williamsburg, New York:G. P. Putnam's Sons,1965, p.302.
    ②Norman Tyler, Historic Preservation:An Introduction to Its History, Principles, and Practice, New York:W. W. Norton & Company,2009, p.29.
    ③ Michael Holleran, Boston's "Changeful Times":Origins of Preservation and Planning in America, Baltimore: the Johns Hopkins University Press, Maryland,1998, p.85.
    ①Michael Holleran, Boston's "Changeful Times ":Origins of Preservation and Planning in America, Baltimore: the Johns Hopkins University Press, Maryland,1998, pp.91-92.
    ①Michael Holleran, Boston's "Changeful Times":Origins of Preservation and Planning in America, Baltimore: the Johns Hopkins University Press, Maryland,1998, pp.219-221.
    ②Michael Holleran, Boston's "Changeful Times":Origins of Preservation and Planning in America, Baltimore: the Johns Hopkins University Press, Maryland,1998, p.226.
    ③Moying Li-Marcus, Beacon Hill, the Life and Times of a Neighborhood, Boston:Northeastern University Press, 2002, pp.47-48.
    ① Max Page, Randall Mason, eds.. Giving Preservation a History:Histories of Historic Preservation in the United States, New York:Routledge,2004, pp.108-109.
    ②Moying l.i-Marcus, Beacon Hill, the Life and Times of a Neighborhood, Boston:Northeastern University Press, 2002, pp.54-55.
    ③ Michael Holleran, Boston's "Changeful Times":Origins of Preservation and Planning in America, Baltimore: the Johns Hopkins University Press, Maryland,1998,p.264. Moying Li-Marcus. Beacon Hill, the Life and Times of a Neighborhood, Boston:Northeastern University Press,2002, pp.45-47.
    ④Moying Li-Marcus. Beacon Hill, the Life and Times of a Neighborhood, Boston:Northeastern University Press, 2002, p.57.
    ①Jane Jacobs, The Death and Life of Great American cities, New York:Vintage,1992, p.272.
    ① Thomas H. O'Connor, Building a New Boston, Politics and Urban Renewal 1950-1970, Boston:Northeastern University Press,1993. pp.124-137.
    ②Moying Li-Marcus, Beacon Hill, the Life and Times of a Neighborhood, Boston:Northeastern University Press, 2002, p.103.
    ③Herbert J. Gans, Urban Villager:Group and Class in the Life of Italian Americans, New York:the Free Press, 1982, p.134.
    ④Moying Li-Marcus, Beacon Hill, the Life and Times of a Neighborhood, Boston:Northeastern University Press. 2002, pp.106-109.
    ⑤ Moying Li-Marcus, Beacon Hill, the Life and Times of a Neighborhood, Boston:Northeastern University Press, 2002, p.107.
    ①Moying Li-Marcus, Beacon Hill, the Life and Times of a Neighborhood, Boston:Northeastern University Press, 2002, pp.106-109.
    ②Moying Li-Marcus, Beacon Hill, the Life and Times of a Neighborhood, Boston:Northeastern University Press, 2002, p.116
    ③ Moying Li-Marcus, Beacon Hill, the Life and Times of a Neighborhood, Boston:Northeastern University Press, 2002, pp.117-118.
    ① Moying Li-Marcus, Beacon Hill, the Life and Times of a Neighborhood, Boston:Northeastern University Press, 2002, pp.131-132.
    ② Nathan Weinberg, Preservation in American Towns and Cities, Boulder:Westview Press,1979, pp.122-123.
    ①Beacon Hill Architectural Commission Archives,141 Cambridge Street, Beacon Hill.
    ①Application material, Beacon Hill Architectural Commission Archives,141 Cambridge Street,2010.
    ① Congressional Charter of the National Trust for Historic Preservation in the United States (PDF), http://www.preservationnation.org/who-we-are/annual-report-and-tax-returns/NTHP_Charter_1.pdf
    ② Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP):The National Historic Preservation Act (PDF), http://www.achp.gov/nhpa.html
    ① National Trust for Historic Preservation:Field Guide to Local Preservationist.
    ② National Trust for Historic Preservation:Field Guide to Local Preservationist.
    ①王周户: 《公众参与的理论与实践》,北京:法律出版社,2011年,第3-6页。
    ③朱红:天津有个建筑遗产保护志愿者团队一直在文保路上奔跑, 《人民日报》,2012年7月31日。
    ①刘淑妍: 《公众参与导向的城市治理——利益相关者分析视角》,上海:同济大学出版社,2010年,第9页。
    ①Charles B. Hosmer, Jr., Presence of the Past, A History of the Preservation Movement in the United States before Williamsburg, New York:G. P. Putnam's Sons,1965, p.120.
    ① Walter Muir Whitehill, Lawrence W. Kennedy, Boston:A Topographical History, Cambridge:the Delknap Press of Harvard University Press,2000, p.236.
    ②City of Boston, Building Department, Beacon Hill Architectural Commission. Created by Chapter 616of the Act of 1955, Establishing the Historic Beacon Hill District.
    ①Beacon Hill Architectural Commission Enabling Legislation, p.4.
    ①Norman Tyler, Historic Preservation:An Introduction to Its History, Principles, and Practice, New York:W. W. Norton & Company,2009, p.40.
    ② William J. Murtagh, keeping time:The History and Theory of Preservation in America, I loboken:John Wiley and Sons,2006, pp.172-173.; Wikipedia:Historic Site Act:http://en.wikipedia.Org/wiki/Historic_Sites_Act
    ①Norman Tyler, Historic Preservation:An Introduction to Its History, Principles, and Practice, New York:W. W. Norton & Company,2009, pp.46-47.; William J. Murtagh, keeping time:The History and Theory of Preservation in America, Hoboken:John Wiley and Sons. pp.175-177, Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACI-IP):The National Historic Preservation Act (PDF), http://www.achp.gov/nhpa.html
    ① Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP):National Register Evaluation Criteria, http://www.achp.gov/nrcriteria.html
    ①Robert E. Stipe, A Richer Heritage:Historic Preservation in the Twenty-first Century, Chapel Hill and London: The University of North Carolina Press,2003, p.50.
    ① National Register of Historic Places Listings in Northern Boston, Massachusetts, Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National Register of Historic Places listings in northern Boston, Massachusetts
    ②Norman Tyler, Historic Preservation:An Introduction to Its History, Principles, and Practice, New York:W. W. Norton & Company,2009, p.156.
    ① Robert E. Stipe, A Richer Heritage:Historic Preservation in the Twenty-first Century, Chapel Hill and London: The University of North Carolina Press,2003, p.117.
    ① By-Law of the Boston Landmarks Commission (PDF)
    ① Boston Redevelopment Authority: http://www.bostonredevelopmentauthority.org/HomePageUtils/About_Us.asp 2-25-2013.
    ①笔者曾于2012年6月3日在波士顿市政府805房间对BHAC主任Caitlin Greeley进行访谈,资料来源于此次访谈记录。
    ①资料来源于笔者对BHAC主任Caitlin Greeley的访谈。
    ② Robert E. Stipe, A Richer Heritage:Historic Preservation in the Twenty-first Century, Chapel Hill and London: The University of North Carolina Press,2003, p.81.
    ③ Norman Tyler, Historic Preservation:An Introduction to Its History, Principles, and Practice, New York:W. W. Norton & Company,2009, p.52.
    ①Massachusetts State Historic Preservation Plan 2011-2015, p.10.
    ① Massachusetts Historic Commission, Massachusetts Preservation Projects Fund: http://www.sec.state.ma.us/mhc/mhcmppf/mppfidx.htm
    ① Massachusetts Historic Commission, The Massachusetts Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Program (PDF):http://www.sec.state.ma.us/mhc/mhctax/taxidx.htm
    ① Department of Conservation and Recreation:http://www.mass.gov/dcr/aboutDCR.htm
    ② Community Preservation Coalition:http://www.communitypreservation.org/
    ①William J. Murtagh, keeping time:The History and Theory of Preservation in America, Hoboken:John Wiley and Sons,2006, p.45.
    ①[芬]尤嘎·尤基莱托著,郭旃译: 《建筑保护史》,北京:中华书局,2011年,第372页。
    ① Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, About the ACHP:General Information: http://www.achp.gov/aboutachp.html (最后浏览时间:2013年2月13日)
    ② Robert E. Stipe, A Richer Heritage:Historic Preservation in the Twenty-first Century, Chapel Hill and London: The University of North Carolina Press,2003, p.40.
    ① Service Learning:http://www.servicelearning.org/service-learning-amp-historic-preservation/introduction(最后浏览日期:2013年2月14日)
    ②Milford Wayne Donaldson, Get Youth Involved, to Build a Better Preservation Ethic-and Nation, The Alliance Review,2011, May-June, pp.6-9.
    ③ BHAC档案资料,非裔会堂(African Meeting I louse),乔伊街46号(46 Joy Street) Note from the superintendent.
    ①Barbara W. Moore, Gail Weesner, Beacon Hill, a Living Portrait, Boston:Centry Hill Press,2008, pp.20-21.
    ②Beacon Hill Civic Association, structure:http://www.bhcivic.org/about/structure.htm
    ①Beacon Hill Civic Association, membership:http://www.bhcivic.org/membership/membership.htm
    ①Nathan Weinberg, Preservation in American Towns and Cities, Boulder:Westview Press,1979, pp.125-126.
    ①Michael Holleran, Boston's "Changeful Times":Origins of Preservation and Planning in America, Baltimore:the Johns Hopkins University Press, Maryland,1998, pp.218-226.
    ② James M. Lindgren, Preserving Historic New England:Preservation, Progressivism, and the Remaking of Memory, New York:Oxford University Press,1995, p.20.
    ①Charles B. Hosmer. Jr.. Preservation Comes of Age. From Williamsburg to the National Trust,1926-1949, Volume I, Charlottesville:the University Press of Virginia,1981. p.133.
    ② Steven W. Semes, The Future of the Past, New York:W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.,2009, p.130.
    ①Max Page, and Randall Mason, eds. Giving Preservation a History:Histories of Historic Preservation in the United States, New York:Routledge,2004, p.99.
    ② Historic New England:http://www.historicnewengland.org/preservation/copy_of_preservation-philosophy
    ① James Fitch, Historic Preservation:Curatorial Management of the Built World, New York:McGraw-Hill Book Company,1982, p.43.
    ②James Fitch, Historic Preservation:Curatorial Management of the Built World, New York:McGraw-Hill Book Company,1982, p.44.
    ③Charles B. Hosmer, Jr., Presence of the Past:A History of the Preservation Movement in the United States before Williamsburg, New York:G. P. Putnam's Sons,1965, p.302.
    ①Ormond H. Loomis, Cultural Conservation, The Protection of Cultural Heritage in the United States, Washington:Library of Congress,1983. p.60.
    ② Norman Tyler, Historic Preservation:An Introduction to Its History, Principles, and Practice, New York:W. W. Norton & Company,2009, p.43.
    ① National Trust for Historic Preservation, five principles for successful and sustainable heritage tourism: http://www.preservationnation.org/information-center/economics-of-revitalization/heritage-tourism/basics/the-five-principles.html 2-26-2013
    ②Elizabeth D. Mulloy, The History of the National Trust for Historic Preservation:1963-1973, Washington, D. C.:the Preservation Press,1976, p.37.
    ③ Norman Tyler, Historic Preservation:An Introduction to Its History, Principles, and Practice, New York:W. W. Norton & Company,2009, p.47.
    ① National Park Service, Four Approaches to the Treatment of Historic Properties: http://www.nps.gov/tps/standards.htm
    Kay D. Weeks and Anne E. Grimmer, The Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties with Guidelines for Preserving, Rehabilitating, Restoring & Reconstructing, Washington D. C.:Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data,1995, p.1.
    ① Historic Beacon Hill District Architectural Guidelines, specific guidelines, masonry, City of Boston Environment Department.
    ①Donald W. Insall, The Care of Old Buildings Today, a Practical Guide, London:the Architectural Press,1972, p. 93.
    ② Historic Beacon Hill District Architectural Guidelines, specific guidelines, roof and roof structures, City of Boston Environment Department.
    ① Donald W. Insall, The Care of Old Buildings Today, a Practical Guide, London:the Architectural Press,1972, pp.150-151.
    ② Historic Beacon Hill District Architectural Guidelines
    ①Beacon Hill Architectural Commission, Archives,60 Beacon Street.
    ②胡同菊香(下), 《北京日报》,A20版,2011年11月22日。
    ①张松: 《城市文化遗产保护国际宪章与国内法规选编》,上海:同济大学出版社,第27页。
    ③潘雷:爱重庆就记下她,文物保护志愿者在行动, 《重庆商报》,2012年9月10日。
    ①National Trust for Historic Preservation:Preservation:Toward an Ethic in the 1980s, Washington, D. C.:the Preservation Press,1980, p.217.
    ①Steven W. Semes, The Future of the Past. New York:W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.,2009, p.159.
    ①John Ruskin, The Seven Lamps of Architecture, London:Smith, Klder, and Co.,1849, p.172.
    ②Steven W. Semes, The Future of the Past, New York:W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.,2009, p.159.
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    22、John Freely, Boston and Cambridge, New York:W. W. Norton & Company Inc. 1984.
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    24、John Ruskin, The Seven Lamps of Architecture, London:Smith, Elder, and Co., 1849.
    25、Justin Winsor, the Memorial History of Boston, in Four Volumes, The Revolutionary Period, Boston:James R. Osgood and Company,1882.
    26、Julie Zagars, National Trust for Historic Preservation, Preservation Yellow Pages, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,1997.
    27、Kay D. Weeks and Anne E. Grimmer, The Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties with Guidelines for Preserving, Rehabilitating, Restoring & Reconstructing, Washington D. C.:Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data,1995.
    28、Keith N. Morgan, Buildings of Massachusetts:Metropolitan Boston, Charlottesville and London:University of Virginia Press,2009.
    29、Lawrence W. Kennedy, Planning the City upon a Hill, Boston since 1630, Amherst:the University of Massachusetts Press,1992.
    30、Laurance Vail Coleman, Historic House Museums, Washington, D. C.:The Amervan Association of Museums,1993.
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    35、Michael Holleran, Boston's "Changeful Times":Origins of Preservation and Planning in America, Baltimore:the Johns Hopkins University Press, Maryland, 1998.
    36、Moying Li-Marcus, Beacon Hill, the Life and Times of a Neighborhood, Boston: Northeastern University Press,2002.
    37、Nancy S. Seasholes, Gaining Ground:A History of Land Making in Boston, Cambridge:the MIT Press,2003.
    38、Nathan Weinberg, Preservation in American Towns and Cities, Boulder: Westview Press,1979.
    39、National Trust for Historic Preservation, Landmark Yellow Pages, Washington D. C.:the Preservation Press,1993.
    40、National Trust for Historic Preservation, Preservation:Toward an Ethic in the 1980s, Washington, D. C.:the Preservation Press,1980.
    41、Ned Kaufman:Place, Race and Story, Essays on the Past and Future of Historic Preservation, New York:Routledge,2009.
    42、Norman Tyler, Historic Preservation:An Introduction to Its History, Principles, and Practice, New York:W. W. Norton & Company,2009.
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    44、Ormond H. Loomis, Cultural Conservation, The Protection of Cultural Heritage in the United States, Washington:Library of Congress,1983.
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    51、Santosh Ghosh, Architectural and Urban Conservation, Berkeley:Center for the Built Environment,1996.
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    53、Sinclair H. Hitchings & Catherine H. Farlow, A New Guide to the Massachusetts State House, John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company,1964.
    54、Steven W. Semes, The Future of the Past, New York:W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.,2009.
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    56、Susan and Michael Southworth, AIA Guide to Boston, Guilford:the Globe Pequot Press,2008.
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    62、W. Dennis Keating, Norman Krumholz and Philip Star, Revitalizing Urban Neighborhoods, Lawrence:University Press of Kansas,1996.
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    1、National Park Service:http://www.nps.gov
    2、National Trust for Historic Preservation:http://www.preservationnation.org/
    3、Massachusetts Historic Commission:http://www.sec.state.ma.us/mhc/
    4、Department of Conservation and Recreation: http://www.mass.gov/dcr/aboutDCR.htm
    5、Community Preservation:http://www.communitypreservation.org/
    6、Boston Landmarks Commission:http://www.cityofboston.gov
    7、Boston Redevelopment Authority:http://www.bostonredevelopmentauthority.org
    8、Beacon Hill Architectural Commission: http://www.cityofboston.gov/landmarks/historic/beaconhill.asp
    9、Historic New England:http://www.historicnewengland.org
    10、Beacon Hill Civic Association:http://www.bhcivic.org
    11、Boston By Foot:http://www.walkboston.org/
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    14、Arkansas Historic Preservation Program (PDF):www.arkansaspreservation.com
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    2、Beacon Hill Architectural Commission Enabling Legislation
    3、Congressional Charter of the National Trust for Historic Preservation in the United States
    4、Chapter 616 of the Acts of 1955
    5、Historic Beacon Hill District Architectural Guidelines
    6、Massachusetts State Historic Preservation Plan 2011-2015
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