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     康复组采用综合康复治疗方法:A)针刺:取靳三针头皮针:智三针、四神针、颞三针及脑三针(即靳教授的弱智四项)作为基础治疗提高智力。约定病人一个星期治疗3次,每次30分钟。操作时请求父母亲陪伴并固定病患以预防挣扎而造成的损伤。针刺使用华佗牌不锈钢一次性针灸针(0.32*25mm-50mm),俗称1寸针,75%酒精皮肤常规消毒后沿皮刺,由前向后方平刺0.8寸,以捻针手法进针,之后快速捻转2-3分钟,予电针,留针期间用断续波,留针30分钟,期间无行任何手法;出针再以捻针手法捻出,出针时用干棉球按压出针,再按压一会儿防止皮下血肿或皮下出血。在证型方面的穴位加减分成三种:1)肝肾亏损症型造成发育迟缓,a)不会说话或表达不清者配舌三针和足智针;b)四肢运动障碍、小肌肉不发达及自理能力差者给予双侧手三针和足三针,针用平补平泻达到刺激作用即可。2)心脾两虚症型,造成阴虚阳盛出现多动、烦躁者,配定神针和手智针,针用补法。3)痰瘀阻滞症型,因痰气郁结,阴阳失调造成痰火上扰引发癫痫者,配痫三针和十三鬼穴,如人中、少商、风府、劳宫、曲池等)再加丰隆穴,针用泻法。B)中药方《健脑粉》组成,以醒脑开窍,补肾填精,调补肝肾为主之中药组合成。内有益智仁、五味子、党参、石菖蒲、龙骨、远志、龟板、枸杞子、酸枣仁和熟地。每日服用2g,早晚1次,每次lg。根据患者体质辨证论治,分成三种辨证配方,每个星期以四诊八钢,望闻问切辩患者的体质证型才给予辩证配方。三种辩证配方为:1)肝肾亏损症型:六味地黄汤,每日9g,早中晚各服1次,每次3g;2)心脾两虚症型:归脾汤,每日9g,早中晚各服1次,每次3g;3)痰瘀阻滞症型:二陈汤,每日9g,早中晚各服1次,每次3g。若有癫痫发作者,则辩证为肝火上扰则二陈汤配与镇肝熄风汤服之。C)康复智力训练:采用马来西亚儿童教育研究中心的康复智力训练的教案训练,亦是参考及选自儿童青少年精神教育文件之参考表格(Adolescent and Adult Psychoeducational Profile, AAPEP),主要内容包括5个大领域,即:1)注意力和记忆力训练:2)粗动作和精细动作强化训练;3)玩耍的技巧和认知能力的训练;4)口语交流能力训练;5)独立生活能力和社会交往能力训练。
     To investigate the comprehensive treatment and rehabilitation of children mental retardation so as to greater influence their functional prognosis.
     60patients under observation, which were determined to fit the standards for MR, were randomly selected to participate in30patients for rehabilitation or30patients for IQ training groups. During the course of treatment, the rehabilitation group in its initial stage underwent a course of treatment that was careful selected and analysis by giving IQ test in advance. The methods used in rehabilitation group treatment included Jin three needles, Chinese herbs prescriptions for activate the brain cells purposes and IQ training. Observation group used only IQ training courses. After one session of treatment was carried out, that was a month, total12sessions of treatments need to complete to fulfilled the whole1st trial session of treatments, after the1s trial session of treatments completed another IQ test will be applied. To evaluate the functional prognosis of the two groups a standardized brain power nerves system assessment was used. Both groups at the beginning of treatment and after the course session of12months of treatment received an evaluation, then after1st trial session of treatments a final assessment was made. Computation was conducted to assess the difference in values, and then a composite of the early and later assessment results was compiled and analyzed.
     Comprehensive treatments included three parts of treatments, that is: A)Acupuncture points:The3-Points for intelligence, Four Spirit Points, The3-Points in the temporal area, The3-Occipital Points (as Prof Jin names them Mental Retardation four items) for rebuild intelligence foundation profound. Each patient makes a commitment to take3times acupuncture treatments in a week, each time took30minutes. During the treatment it is necessary to request children's parents to hold their kids for preventing them struggl ing and hurt themselves or acu-points during the treatment. Hua Tuo Brand one Lime used needles,0.32*25mm-50mm, normally called one inch needle will he used, normal standard hygiene sterilized with75%alcohol at the acupoint places and then needled perpendicular to the transverse plane subcutaneous1y along with the skull, from front towards back to a depth of0.8inch, needled with twirling the needles and then speed up for2-3minutes, then use electro-stimulation for30minutes, there are no manually stimulation take while the electro take place. Twirling the needles again while removi ng the needles, used a dry cotton to press while removing it and press harder after removed to prevent from bleeding. Syndrome differentiation divide into three:1) Development delay due to deficiency of kidney and liver essence and two symptoms show like a)speech delay can choose The3-Tongue Points and The3-Intellect Points on the foot, b) big motor skill, small motor skill and daily living activities deficiency can choose both side The3-Arm Points and The3-Leg Points moderate stimulate will do.2) Deficiency essence of heart and spleen shows lack of Yin and over level of Yang will come wi th symptoms like hyperactive, frustration choose The Stabilizing the Shen Points and The3-Intellect points on the hand with Bu manual tecnic.3) Flame and Clock congested come with symptoms imbalance of Yin and Yang and congested of Qi then at last epilepsy appears. Choose The3-Fpilepsy Points and Thirteen Ghost Points, eg Ren Zhong, Shao Shang, Feng Fu, Lao Cong and Qu Chi etc. Also add Feng Long to straighten the effectiveness. B) Brain Powder Herbs Prescription: To activate brain cells and build up foundation of kidney and liver, activate the nerves systems, choose Fructus Alpiniae Oxyphyllae, Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis, Radix Codonopsis Pilosulae, Rhizoma Acori Graminei, Os Draconis, Radix Polygalae, Plastrum Chinemys Reevesii Testudinis, Fructus Lycium Barbarum, Semen Ziziphi Spinosae, Radix Rehmanniac Glutinosa Praeparata. Take twice in a day, each time take1g, a day total will take2g. According to the symptoms of the patients divide into three syndrome differentiation, each week will use TCM diagnosis method to analysis and accompany with side prescription. Three side syndromes are:1)Development delay due to deficiency of kidney and liver essence, accompany with Liu Wei Di Huang Tang, three times in a a day, each time3g, total9g in a day.2) Deficiency essence of heart and spleen shows lack of Yin and over level of Yang, accompany with side prescription Gui Pi Tang, three times in a a day, each time3g, total9g in a day.3)Flame and Clock congested come with symptoms imbalance of Yin and Yang and congested of Qi, accompany with side prescription Er Chen Tang, three times in a a day, each time3g, total9g in a day. If occurs epilepsy and diagnosed ascendance of the heat of the liver, then Zhen Gan Xi Feng Tang it is.
     Rehabilitation IQ Training:Used C. E. Motivation Training Centre's Rehabilitation IQ Training Program, also shared by Adolescent and Adult Psychoeducational Profile, AAPEP. It has included five big range, that is1) Attention and memory traini ng,2) Big and small motor skill training,3) Analysis and cognitive skill training,4)Speech and verbal skill training,5)Daily living activities and social skill ability training.
     Comparison group only apply rehabilitation IQ training just as all western medication applied, the details has illustrate in the thesis. This treatment is3times in a week,4weeks as1session and12sessions as1course. Finally clinical observation on combination treatment of Jin3-needles with Brain Powder Presription and Rehabilitation IQ Training compare with only Rehabilitation IQ Training. All standardized diagnosis procedure and check up will apply before and after the treatment course. Results
     ①After12months treatment the IQ test of the two groups was clearly differenciate; there was a significant difference in the condition of the patient from the begi nning to the course end (P<0.05). Further the comparison of the condition between the rehabilitation and IQ training groups was even more significant (P<0.01). There was still even a significant difference between the two groups after another following up months.
     ②Before treatment Comprehensive Rehabilitation Group (CR group) average age is4.86old,27cases were boys,3cases were girls, comparison group average age is5.23old,28cases were boys,2cases were girls. General info of the patients before the treatments are likely the same (age, syntoms, IQ),no significant difference (P>0.05). The sex of the patients was a significant difference in the condition of the patient from the beginning of the course (P<0.05), boys more than girls, it can be another research for investigate whether boys DNA can affect low IQ in future.
     ③Raven International IQ test:CR group29.79±21.72before the treatment,50.95±30.92after the treatment, there was a significant difference (P<0.05) before and after treatment in CR group; comparison group28.95±20.29before the treatment,29.29±20.62after the treatment, there was no significant difference (P>0.05) before and after the treatment for comparison group.
     (4)10Observation Rates of Prof. Jin:30cases of CR group,<6rates for25cases,6-7rates5cases total before the treatment, after the treatment <6ratesl8cases,6-7rates7cases,7-8rates4cases,8-9rateslcase; comparison group score <6rates26cases,6-7rates4cases before the treatment and after the treatment were <6rates25cases,6-7rates5cases. Two groups shows a significant difference (P<0.05).
     ①Combi nat ion Jin'3-needle, Brain Powder and Rehabili tat ion IQ training has proof more sufficient and significant effect to help mental retardation children compare with only Rehabilitation IQ training.
     ②The use of comprehensive rehabilitative treatment is the most newest and effective method to facilitate greater brain power, raise the level of the nerves system connection and help the patient to return to primary education system and social.
     ③The primary mechanism of treatment is to increase the blood supply through promotion of blood circulation and strengthen the rehabilitation of the nerves system especially in the area of the brain cells that dysfunctional but it has to have commitment from the parents and high cooperation from the conduct rehabilitation teacher.
     ?This research also shows that Jin'3-needles is sufficient and much effective with a standardize treatment for mental retardation children.
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