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The coal mine power network is the important premise of guaranteeing the safe production of coal mine, and also occupies the special position in each section of national economy and people's daily life. Therefore, it is an essential to analyzing of visualization load flow to the coal mine power network, doing countermeasures towards to the problem circulate in the operation, rebuilding to the circuit or redistributing to the electric network, optimizing power network, reducing wastage of the electric network, insuring the operation of safety and economy to the power system, improving economic benefits of the coal mine power company.
     This paper introduces the new visualization load flow calculation system, which on the basic of load flow calculation mathematic model and relative solving method, and the calculation method has been improved appropriately. This paper compiles load flow calculation program in MATLAB, the result we get will more correspond to reality, and the calculation will speeds up. At the same time, this paper also adopts the expert electric power system load flow simulator–PowerWorld, which is the domestic and international advanced software. This software integrates load flow calculation and visualization drawing system, and monitors the real time operation of power network also. At last as a sample, this paper visually analyses load flow in IEEE-5 power network and Shuangyashan 60kV power network.
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