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The stylized facts of economic growth in the developed countries show that urbanization and economic growth are connected inevitably, as industrialization promotes the development of the unbanization, and urbanization promotes economic growth. However, different from the modernization development of the rest of the world, new-founded China implements the preferential industrialization strategy while suppressing the urbanization development in order to build a modern industrial system and overtake the developed country as soon as possible which leads to a seriously lagged Chinese urbanization after industrialization, with a large number of rural surplus labor force difficult to flow to the city where the non-agricultural sectors have greater labor productivity and higher income, while the affected overall consumption capacity hindered the domestic economic growth. After the reform and opening up, foreign investments were introduced. Export oriented economic growth mode were actively and gradually formed with the use of two resources and two markets and greatly promoted China's economic growth, but it also led to China's macroeconomic imbalances, with international trade friction aggravated. Especially in the context of the international financial crisis, foreign market demand continued to drop implying that export oriented economic growth mode is hardly sustainable and China urgently needs to return to the domestic demand-led economic growth model. Industrialization creates a supply while urbanization creates demand. Urbanization means that farmers flow from agriculture sector which has low income and low production efficiency to the non-agricultural industries with higher income and higher production efficiency. Higher income at the same time increases effective demands and expands domestic market. By2011, China had50.05%of the population living in rural. If the urbanization ratio is to reache70%in China, there are nearly300millions of the rural population to gradually migrate into the modern city. Such an urbanization process will turn the potential demand into effective demand which promotes economic growth. Therefore, from the view of demand-led growth effect, the urbanization itself constitutes a growth factor. From the perspective of expanding domestic demand, the so far lagged reform field of urbanization will surely become China's new economic growth engine. The process of urbanization can effectively promote the expansion of domestic demand and drive non-farm employment growth as well as to enhance industrial competitiveness of the national economy through the optimization of the industrial structure.
     This dissertation is based on the demand growth effect of urbanization process, combined with theoretical and empirical methods to analyze the domestic demand effect and economic growth effect of urbanization and its conditions. It especially takes the analysis of the impact of farmers'land property income on the influence of urbanization and corresponding policy adjustment.
     The main contents are as follows:
     The first chapter expounds the background of the dissertation. Secondly, by means of literature review, it investigates the domestic and international research results of the relationship between urbanization and economy growth. The research perspective and research method of this thesis is presented. The last part of this chapter presents the research frame, with the technical route, structure arrangement and theory innovation and research deficiency.
     The second chapter is the background research about the stylized facts analysis of China's economic growth, pointing out that the export oriented economic growth model is challenged by difficulties highlighting importance and realistic meaning of urbanization relative to domestic demand-led economic growth.
     The third chapter builds a model of two sectors in urban and rural areas, in which demand factors of urbanization and output are anlyzed. Then based on the demand gap between urban and rural, the endogenous demand growth effect of urbanization is analyzed followed by theory mechanism analysis using the chain of causation.
     The fourth chapter is based on the mechanism research of last chapter about the demand effect of urbanization. It puts forward the theory of propositions followed by the empirical test. Gray correlation analysis of the relationship between urbanization development and economic growth finds out the main influencing factors of the two. Secondly, VEC model is employed to analyze potential consumption demand and investment demand in the urbanization process with the Granger causality test pointing out the economic growth contribution of either. Final is an empirical analysis of the contribution of rural labor force flow to economic growth.
     The fifth chapter is the analysis of implementation conditions for the domestic demand growth effects of urbanization. Export, government spending and the farmers' land property income are the essential conditions to start domestic demand dominated economy growth. If there are no external demand factors like export demand or government spending, farmers wouldn't have jobs in the cities. If farmers have no income from land property, the farmers lack the capital to live lives in cities and domestic demand is difficult to have effect on urbanization.
     Chapter sixth, is policy analysis which propose basis and direction of policy adjustment.
     Research methods are mainly based on the economic analysis throughout this paper. First of all, according to China's actual situation, we will use the normative and empirical analysis together with the focus on the latter one. In the study, based on the assumptions necessary to establish the basic model of analysis, the mechanisms of urbanization to promote economic growth is analyzed which is an important part of the theoretical innovation. According to the focus of this study with the use of statistical and economitrica methods, we draw conclusions which are more credible. Secondly, with the combination of empirical and theoretical reasoning method, the paper takes theoretical thinking on the results of empirical research, presenting a generalized theory that reflects China's urbanization and domestic demand-led economic growth.
     The main innovation of this paper are asv follows:first is the innovation of research perspective. The past literature about urbanization effects on economic growth mostly focused on the effects of clustering and diffusion on economic growth, while this paper for the first time is from the point of view of demand studying the consumption growth effect, income growth effect, capital replacement effects and demand introduced effects which are four aspects of the contribution of domestic demand on economic growth. Second is the theoretical innovation of economic growth. The general theory of urban economics analyzed the impact of urbanization on economic growth elements of labor, technological progress and capital to explore the role of urbanization on economic growth, while this paper takes the perspective of urban and rural demand gap (the demand potential energy) to analyze impact and contribution of the urbanization on domestic demand-led economic growth, and for the first time put forward the point that intrinsic demand potential underlying in urbanization process makes urbanization itself element of economic growth. Third is the concept innovation, and for the first time, the government investment is divided into the endogenous investment demand and urbanization exogenous investment demand.The endogenous investment demand has effect on economy growth in long-term;The exogenous investment demand has effect on economy growth in short-term but in turn may hinder domestic demand economy growth in long-term.
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