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From the micro perspective of relationship among business incubators, entrepreneurs, venture capital, this dissertation studies the cooperation and regulation between business incubators, entrepreneurs and venture capital. The cooperation between incubators and entrepreneurs analyses the decision-making under the certain and uncertain mode, which supports the theory to observe the business incubator and entrepreneurs’cooperation. Phased contract is on the business incubator and entrepreneurs’cooperation to avoid the moral hazard problem. The analysis of evolutionary game between business incubator and entrepreneurs’cooperation supports policies to enhance efficient cooperation between them. The cooperation among business incubators, entrepreneurs and venture capital studies the business incubator and venture capital’s common management to entrepreneurs, which the research can review the funding’lack in business incubator. In this research, the article first discovers“business incubators and venture capital management paradox”to address the phenomenon with a new perspective. Also, the dissertation studies the contractual arrangements between venture capital and entrepreneurs when business incubators and venture capital cooperation or not, which the study provide new means to solve venture capital and entrepreneurs’moral hazard means. Knowledge sharing between entrepreneurs is the first to research breakthroughs knowledge of the organization. According to business incubator organizations characteristics, the dissertation argues the entrepreneurs knowledge-sharing for the business incubators to increase the success rate of incubator. The policy factors to raise the knowledge-sharing level are analyzed, and the specific recommendations and incentives are supplied. Gray control research is on the business incubator invests again which provides the theory support on business incubator’s management control, solving the question on business incubators hardware invests excessively many, but software invests insufficient.
     This article’s innovations mainly manifest in following several aspects:
     (1) The dissertation establishes the game model between business incubators and entrepreneurs to analyze the decision-making of business incubators and entrepreneurs in identifying and uncertainty mode, discuss a phased contract in reducing the moral hazard between business incubators and entrepreneurs. The dissertation also establishes the evolutionary game model to study the evolutionary balance between business incubator and entrepreneurs and supply policy control.
     (2) The dissertation establishes a multi principals-agent model among business incubators, venture capital and entrepreneurs to analyze the business incubator and venture capital management costs under full information or not and analyze the contract arrangements between venture capital and entrepreneurs when business incubator and venture capital cooperation or not.
     (3) The dissertation establishes knowledge-sharing model between entrepreneurs to analyze the level of knowledge sharing, knowledge sharing motivation, knowledge sharing policy role and knowledge-sharing incentive programs.
     (4) The dissertation establishes the gray control model of the business incubators rejoin to study the state on business incubator inputs and provide guidelines for again investment level of business incubators.
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