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The HIV/AIDS epidemic is spreading so rapidly in the world that very few countries can keep it out. The ruined effect of HIV/AIDS on individual, family, society, and even the whole world is far more serious than that of any other plague or war in human history. The present situation of HIV/AIDS epidemic is very grim in China, too. If China don't take more efforts to prevent and thus keep it under control as early as possible, it will be most likely that the number of people living with AIDS in China is the globally highest in the near future.
    Till now, no medicine and vaccine can eradicate AIDS, therefore prevention is the only effective strategy. Delivering AIDS education to let people acquire scientific and systematic knowledge and information about AIDS, and to direct people to adopt a healthy lifestyle and refuse to be contaminated by evil influence, is perhaps the most fundamental measure of prevention.
    This dissertation consists of the following four parts:
    In the first part, the relationship between education and HIV/AIDS is explored to reveal that educational system should be and is able to play an important role in fighting against AIDS epidemic, instead of staying aloof from the fight.
    In the second part, the situation of AIDS epidemic in the United State of America, Uganda and Thailand and their practices and experience in delivering AIDS education are introduced and analyzed. The reason why these three countries are selected is that: the United States is the country where the world's first AIDS case was reported and that delivered AIDS prevention education pretty early and has made great progress, representing the experience from developed countries in AIDS education; Uganda located in Sub-Sahara Africa was once among the countries where the situations of AIDS epidemic were the most serious yet the nation has made great progress in AIDS education after endless efforts; Thailand that lies in Southeast Asia is one of the countries where the situation of AIDS epidemic is the most serious in Asia and has made remarkable success in fight against AIDS, thereby setting a good example for Asian countries. Because the latter two countries are both representatives of developing countries, there is
     much of their experience that China can learn and make use of.
    In the third part, the present situation of AIDS epidemic in China is introduced, and Chinese efforts in AIDS education are summarized and reviewed.
    Finally, in view of the main problems in Chinese AIDS education and referring to the practices and experience from foreign countries, some countermeasures for China to promote AIDS education are provided for reference.
1. AIDS Epidemic Update:2003,联合国艾滋病规划署网站(UNAIDS):http//www.unaids.org/wad/2003/Epiupdate2003_en/EpiUpdate2003_en.pdf
    2. The Encounter Between HIV/AIDS and Education,联合国教科文组织网站(UNESCO):http://www.unesco.org/education/educprog/pead/GB/AIDSGB/AIDSGBtx/ImpEduc/Impact.pdf
    3. Education and HIV/AIDS: A Window of Hope,联合国教科文组织网站(UNESCO): http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0012/001286/128657e.pdf
    4. HIV/AIDS and Education: A Strategic Approach,世界银行网站(World Bank): http://wwwl.worldbank.org/education/pdf/Ed%20&%20HIV_AIDS%20cover%20print.pdf
    5. Evolution of The Epidemic And Response In Uganda,乌干达艾滋病委员会(UAC)网站:http://www.aidsuganda.org/20%20years%20of%20HIV.pdf
    6. Uganda Epidemiological Fact Sheet on HIV/AIDS and sexually Transmitted Infections 2002 Update,联合国预防艾滋病组织(UNAIDS)网站:http://www.unaids.org/hivaidsinfo/statistics/fact__sheets/pd fsFLlganda__en. pdf
    7. HIV/AIDS and Education in Uganda: a Window of Opportunity?世界银行网站:http://www.worldbank.org/children/uganda%20Report.pdf
    9. HIV/AIDS Projections for Thailand: 2000—2020 Executive summary,曼谷市政府(BMA)艾滋病中心网站:http://www.bmaaidscenter.or.th/aids/thai-en.htm
    10. 2002 Thailand Country Profile: HIV/AIDS Situation in Thailand and National Response to the Epidemic,联合国艾滋病规划署(UNAIDS)网站:http://www.unaids.org
    11. Regional Framework for Introducing Lifeskills Education to Promote the Health of Adolescents,世界卫生组织网站:http://whqlibdoc.who.int/searo/2001/SEA__HE__182.pdf
    12. Epidemiological Fact Sheets on HIV/AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infections: China.2002 Update,世界卫生组织网站:http://www.who.int/emc-hiv/fact__sheets/pdfs/china__en.pdf
    15. HIV/AIDS and Education: A Strategic Approach, 世界银行网站http://wwwl.worldbank.org/education/pdf/Ed%20&%20HIV_AIDS%20cover%20print.pdf
    16. Regional Framework for Introducing Lifeskills Education to Promote the Health of Adolescents, 世界卫生组织网站:http://whqlibdoc.who.int/searo/2001/SEA_HE_182.pdf
    17. Peer Education and HIV/AIDS Concepts, Uses and Challenges, 联合国艾滋病规划署(UNAIDS)网站: http://www.unaids.org/publications/documents/care/general/peer.pdf
    18. Peer Education and HIV/AIDS: Past Experience, Future Directions, 人口委员会网站:http://www.popcouncil.org/pdfs/peer__ed.pdf
    19. HIV and Sexual Health Education in primary and secondary schools, 澳大利亚新南威尔士大学国家艾滋病社会研究中心网站:http://nchsr.arts.unsw.edu.au/pdf%20reports/asian_pacific.pdf
    20. Standing Education on its head: Aspects of Schooling in a World with H/V/AIDS, 美国哥伦比亚大学师范学院网站:http://www.tc.columbia.edu/cice/articles/mjk131.pdf
    21. Education and HIV/AIDS: A Sourcebook of HIV/AIDS Prevention Programs, 国际学校卫生网网站(英国): http://www.schoolsandhealth.org/Sourcebook/Sec01.1-contents.pdf
    22. World Education Forum (Dakar, Senegal 26-28 April 2000): Overcoming the effects of HIV/AIDS on basic education, 联合国教科文组织网站:http://www.unesco.org/education/efa/wef_2000/strategy_sessions/session_Ⅱ-1.shtml
    23. Life Skills and HIV Education Curricula in Africa: Methods and Evaluations, 美国成长经验信息交流中心网站{The Development Experience Clearinghouse}: http://www.dec.org/pdf_docs/PNACT985.pdf
    24. The Impact of HIV/AIDS on Education: a review of literature and experience, 联合国教科文组织网站:http://portal.unesco.org/en/file_download.php/88b0375c67aaa2c21 fcd60cbd62190 c0impactoneducation.pdf
    25. Final Report of the UNESCO Asian Planning Seminar on AIDS and Education within the School System, 联合国教科文组织网站:http://www.unesco.org/edueation/pdf/335_42.pdf
    26. A Joint Assessment of HIV/AIDS Prevention, Treatment and Care in China, 中国艾滋病综览网(美国): http://www.casy.org/engdocs/new_joint_en.pdf
    27. Country Profile: China Contents, 澳大利亚新南威尔士大学国家艾滋病社会研究中心:http://nchsr.arts.unsw.edu.au/pdf%20reports/china.pdf
    28. In Turning the Tide Against HIV/AIDS, Education is Key, 联合国教科文组织网站:http://portal.unesco.org/en/ev.php@URL_ID=7053 &URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html
    29. An Implementation Package for HIV/AIDS Policy in New York State School Districts, 纽约州教育部网站: http://www.emsc.nysed.gov/rscs/chaps/HIV/Policy_Implementation_Package.html
    30. Guidelines for Effective School Health Education to Prevent the Spread of AIDS, 美国疾病控制与预防中心网站: http://www.cdc.gov/nccdphp/dash/sexualbehaviors/guidelines/guidelines.htm#planning
    31. Commissioner's Regulations Subchapter G Part 135 Health, Physical Education and Recreation, 纽约州教育部网站:http://www.emsc.nysed.gov/rscs/chaps/Hiv/Hiv_135_Regulations.htm#Elementary HIV/AIDS
    32. HIV/AIDS Education Prevention Curriculum, 美国朗伍德大学网站:http://www.longwood.Edu/vchetrc/hivintroduction.pdf
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