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With the growing popularity of computer and network, database technologies are widely used in various industries, furthermore, a lot of data information is saved. These data are mostly application-oriented, low-level which is difficult for business executives to get knowledge because they usually face a mass of data and it is difficult for them to extract the knowledge they want, so they have to deal with large amounts of data. Business Intelligence is the effective way to solve this problem, since it can effectively handle large amounts of data information and obtain relevant knowledge.
     In this thesis, we base on Microsoft SQL Server business intelligence, with the comprehensive research of their working mechanism, we developed a business intelligence application platform, and meanwhile, we analyze date warehouse, OLAP, the use of data mining algorithms and its application in financial auditing. Finally, we discuss the way of custom data mining algorithms to expand the capabilities of business intelligence.
     This paper has some practical significance and reference value for the construction of more powerful data mining application platform and its further research. Its innovation is mainly embodied as following,
     (1) The innovation on the theory frame. This text compromises business intelligence theory and finance audit theory to form a kind of new and revoluting audit theory and method. In view of that the business intelligence audit method is a kind of newness in the information-based environment, this text applies academics cross and different modes of thinking to study the questions of different levels and sides and set up the basic theory frame based on business intelligence audit, and proposes the general pattern of business intelligence, and furthermore, establishes the total structure of the audit system.
     (2) The innovation of study method. This text proposes and designs the frame of audit analysis system and provides a new approach for audit techniques research. In this paper, we analyze the problems which needs solving and set up the business intelligence audit analysis system of high cost performance, simple-used and no need of more expertise, which frees the auditors from complicated operations and makes them focus on the research of audit theory and method.
     (3) The effectiveness of study theory. In this paper, we study the application of the algorithms of outlier detection mining in business intelligence audit and use the algorithms of outlier detection to find the problems of audit. We analyze the relationship between the outlier detection mining audits, and set up the pattern of the outlier detection mining, build the track discovery pattern of the outlier detection mining audit and have done some pattern experiments, which prove the effectiveness of method. We build audit pattern of cost and revenue matching with more experiments, which prove the effectiveness of pattern.
     (4) The study of the scientificity, visuality and operability of the business intelligence performance. We reveal some important index data, audit analysis result and doubt data in the forms of lists, pattern and instruments panel, etc. and provide analysis monitoring survey with the research of more angles study such as establishment and index levels, which makes the viewpoint of this paper more reliable and prove the operability and practicability of guidance in normal practices.
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