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With the changing Market and progress of technology, the natural limitation of traditional telecommunication network mainly based on circuit exchange is gradually exposed, and it hasn’t already fit new status and need being changed and developed. The NGN cored on softswitch technology has become the focus of telecommunication manufacturers and telecommunication business enterprises around the world. In this background, the article conducts research and application on softswitch and related technolgies from real requirements of business enterprises.
     CTItecnology is traceable of disposal of voice on PC in early 1980s.with penetration of technology of media diaposal and network technology, CTI technology developes vigorously ,the scope of media which it deals with enlarges continuely and application domain develop more and more widely. With evovement of network systemic structure and development of broad band technology, development from traditional network to next generation network is inudant. next generation network is more wider scope of operation. The main aim of it is support real-time mutilmedia operation, decrease time which it takes to service is delivered to maeket, support mutil-mode of connection and mutil connection terminal and support mobility to ensure evolvement flatnessly of existing network and economic and prolate network structure.
     The first part of the article introduce development process of telecommunication network and all kinds of technologies including intelligence technology, computered telephone integration technolgy,
     NGN and softswitch technology. Intelligence network technology and computered telephone integration technology are put forward in order to offer faster increment technology in traditional telecommunication networking, and the performance of traditional telecommunication networking is also deveoped to some extent. NGN is kind of Grouping Exchange Network which is open, business-driverd, and based on union protocol, and it provides voice, data and video business etc. and relizes combination of all kinds networks. Softswitch is core technology of NGN, aslo core of NGN call and control.
     With faster development of telecommunication business in our country, telephone communication is becoming necessary part in people’s ordinary life, and the public people need higher requirements to varities and qualities of services offered by telecommunication networking. At the same time, some limitations existing in telephone telecommunication are becoming clear day by day, such as low receiving efficiency, huge routine loading. Firstly, customers are not satisfied because of low receiving efficiency, on the other hand, telecommunication business departments are not satisfied for not getting requied fee even though more resources are occupied and routine load is increased faster.
     Analysis shows that receiving efficiency of telephone is about 40 percent, and other 60 percent calling fee is not gotton.
     In this situation, telephone business departments consider voice mailbox opened as a resonsible method in order to increase receiving efficiency of telecommunication networking and offer a new increase business to telephone customers. This is conducted on the way. Just in this background, the article put forward and realize voice mailbox system based on softswitch and related technologies from real requirements of business enterprises.
     Call not receiving can be transfered to voice mailbox system automatically, and system provides“asynchronous communication”with customers. Voice mailbox system can increase portable communication efficincy from 40 percent to 100 percent, thus, PSTN can get two times incomes before. On the other hand, calling users may directly put messages in called user’s voice mailbox, and system may inform called and resigned phone number, called user can directly enter voice mailbox system and get messages above or enjoy other services offered by system.
     Seen from calling users and mail box customer, time difference is introduced in voice mailbox system, that is to say, it is not necessary to communicate at the same time both sides, and receiving message service may store message into buffer which is fetched by called users at convenience, called“asynchronous communication”. As a new telecommunication mode in faster changed times, it is believed to have wide and bright future.
     Voice mailbox is system which offers storage, fetch voice message and other functions, and voice mailbox corresponding to users is marked by mailbox number which is corresponding to a phone number. This number can be transferred to voice mailbox system when it is busy, not calling or no condition. Anyone who knows called mailbox number may leave message via dialing called number.
     After the host of the Voice mailbox apply to open a voice leave word function, all user can enter the voice mail box system by dial input number as guests, and with the tutorship of the voice mailbox system tutor word, leave word to the host of the mailbox follow the stated operation methods; also can go to mail box to leave word if dial mail box host fail. Only mail box host can take out the guest leave word information in mail box. The host of the mail box also can set theindividual inform tone, and play the host’s regard or leave word when the other guests enter (leave word clew contacted by the other manner or leave word to the host etc.)
     The last part of the article introduces voice mailbox system based on softswitch platform, design idea and architecture and design and realization of voice mailbox system as well. Voice mailbox system based on IPSWITCH softswitch telecommunication increasment platform refers idea of NGN and softswitch technologies decomposition. Whole platform is composed of absolute parts, including calling control, media transfer, authentication/grant/calling server and database server. Each function parts work using flow control and provides voice mailbox business with end-users.
     The article is devided five chapters. The first chapter is exordium which put forward research background; the second chapter computered telephone integration technologies which analizs background of these two technology and signification of telecommunication network development process; NGN analizes architecture and the process of network evolution; the third chpater is whole design and requirements; the fourth chapter is design and realization of voice mailbox system which describes software and hardware architecture of IP Switch system; the last is tag, reference etc.
     The author is busy with development and support of telecommunication business for long time, and take part in the design and realization of large-scale voice mailbox. The system has run for two years with stable status, also has brought considerable income.
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