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    化的关联方式、当代中外“继承与创新” 的比较等问题进行了研究,最后,对
There were many kinds of the methods about modern architecture innovation.
    But our architects must combine human traditional culture with advantage technology
    so that we can possess the profound innovative basis and innovate incessantly in
    theory and practice
     This article began with the concept and connotation of culture, tradition,
    inheritance and innovation. The correlative mode between invention of Chinese
    modern architecture and foreign traditional culture as well as the comparison about
    inheritance and innovation between china and foreign countries were researched by
    means of illustration and analysis about Chinese traditional culture, mental course in
    architecture invention of modern china as well as the influence and effect coming
    from west traditional. Finally, the approaches and methods about inheritance and
    innovation in the future were explored primarily.
     There were analysis, assimilation and modification about modern architecture
    culture of china and foreign countries, architecture practice, part of typical architects
    and architectural instances in the article, meanwhile, their advantages and
    disadvantages were distinguished. The interconnection between traditional culture and
    modern architecture innovation were studied from all the aspects, levels and points of
    view of philosophy, taste, culture society psychology, architecture space and form.
    The connotation on inheritance and innovation between architecture and human
    traditional culture was summed and modified again. The connotation on inheritance
    and innovation was explained again from the theory and practice. A solution to the
    problem of traditional culture and architecture innovation has been found. The new
    way of traditional culture and architecture has been explored. So this article
    contributed a lot to modern architecture theory and practice.
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