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With the speeding up of the process of urbanization,wastes of construction have been growing day by day.In the past fifty years. Over the past 50 years, at least 200 billion cubic meters of production of clay brick product which will mostly be converted to solid waste.Besids the charge for the jillion wastes disposal is very high,it also causes a lot of environmental problems.In addition,the large demand of concrete requests the exploritation of natural resoures--sand and stone,and so the natural resource has been on the exhausted edge for unceasing exploration.
     Then based on the thought of environmental protection and sustainable development,the technology of recycled concrete can solve this problem efficiently. Since the 1990s, urban construction waste disposal and resource is one of the strategic objectives of environmental protection and sustainable development in developed contry. Broken the demolition clay brick masonry into oarse and fine crushed bricks as regeneration aggregate in the production of cement concrete products and other building materials is the main approach.In the country (region) where the nature aggregate resource is short, the cost of utilization waste discharge is high in construction ,use value will be higher.
     This paper summarizes that recycled concrete and receycled mortar brings the influence to the environment.it’s domestic and international research status.This paper mainly studies feature and the basic application of coarse and fine crushed bricks as aggregate.Through analysis of the method that is currently used on how to gain recycled concrete aggregate and then after drawing lessons on processing manner of waste concrete from abroad,jaw crusher is used to produce recycled aggregate. This paper also discussed on the mehods of quality of demolition waste and the production style and model of recycled aggregate.
     This paper analyzed the properties of coarse and fine crushed bricks as aggregate and emphatically analyzed grain shape elements of recyecled aggregate.Through changing the additional water、different substitutive percent of fly ash and adjustment of recycled coarse aggregate gradation in concrete,the workability of fresh concret、the compressive strength and elastic modulus have been researched. The preliminary feasibility which crushed brick powder can be used to replace all of natural sand in making mortar is researched. Through screening for breaking a 4.75 mm fine aggregate made into mortar ,this paper studies the feasibility of the preliminary.
     This paper offers some references for further research on use of fully-graded coarse and fine crushed bricks as recycled aggregate.
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