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The research of voice behavior has been a research hotspot as the study of theorganizational citizenship behavior receives more attention. Voice behavior is achange-oriented, challenging and spontaneous decision-making behavior, which refers toimprove the organizational environment. There are a lot of researches about effects ofvoice’s factors, but lack of researches about self-regulate system. Based on the previousstudies, the paper used the way of experimental scenario to discuss the influence ofregulatory fit on voice behavior and to investigate its mechanism. The regulatory fitformed with different regulatory focus and attribute frame.
     The paper includes three parts. Study1contains preliminary experiments and formalexperiments,using a sample of250college students. The study conducted a2(regulatoryfocus: promotion vs. prevention)×2(information attribute frame: positive vs. negative)between-subjects design to explore the effect of regulatory fit on voice behavior separatelyfrom two types of regulatory focus (situational regulatory focus and chronic regulatoryfocus). The results revealed that significant interactions between regulatory focus andinformation attribute frame on voice intention. Compared with regulatory nonfit condition,regulatory fit would promote subjects to make more voice. The results were both found insituational regulatory fit and chronic regulatory fit. Based on the first study, study2tried toexplore the mechanism between regulatory fit and voice from a cognitive perspective. Thestudy was a2(regulatory focus: promotion vs. prevention)×2(information attribute frame:positive vs. negative) between-subjects design with144participants from college. Theresults of experiment2showed that the relationship between regulatory fit and voice waspartly mediated by ease of processing in situational regulatory fit condition. Meanwhile, inthe chronic regulatory fit condition, ease of processing also mediated the connectionbetween regulatory fit and voice. Aiming to discuss the moderating effect of attention shift on regulatory fit, study3kept the manipulation of regulatory fit separated from the voicesituation, and let participants make a decision after reading an unrelated situation of voice.Participants are352students from three different universities. In experiment3,participants’ attention of feeling right was drawn to its true sources prior to their receivingthe voice message. A2×2ANOVA yielded a significant interaction between regulatory fitand attention condition. Results revealed a significant difference between fit and nonfitcondition within the standard condition in situational regulatory fit, but the contrast withinthe attention to feeling right condition was not significant, and was slightly reversed. Samephenomenon was found in chronic regulatory fit. Taken together, attention conditionmoderated the effect of regulatory fit on voice intention.
     Across three studies, both the regulatory fit based on situational regulatory focus andthe regulatory fit based on chronic regulatory focus have the same influence on voice, andhave the same cognitive mechanism. In addition, the study found the condition ofregulatory fit effect. The transfer of attention could weaken the regulatory fit effect. Theresults of this research not only extend the theories of regulatory fit, but also promote theapplication of regulatory fit in the field of voice.
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