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In the early1980s,“the sinicization of psychological research” conduct under theconsciousness of scholars, Chinese characteristics of "face" is the key point of thesesresearches. In order to explore the structure of the face concept of the employees inorganization, we reviewed the related researches of scholars at home and abroad about faceat first, and then based on the perspective of interpersonal interaction, we defined themeaning of face concept. Combined open questionnaires and follow-up interviews, weexplored a three factors structure model and verified it. Employees’ voice and silencebehaviors are emerging issues in the field of organizational behavior, which havefar-reaching influence on organization. Take advantage of the developed scale of faceconcept, We further investigated different face concept’s effect on voice and silencebehaviors.
     Specifically, this study contains two studies. In the first study, we investigated26employees from the target group by open questionnaires and follow-up interviews,concluded employees face behavior critical events, and24items were collected. Then aquestionnaire was made up of based on this24items. After the data survey,2items weredeleted by item analysys procedure. Then, exploratory factor analysis (EFA) wasconducted with201samples, the results showed that face concept were three dimensionsconstruct. The results of confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) with the other206samplesfuther supported this construct. The face concept scale include “desire to gain face”(3items),“protect ones own face”(5items), and “protect others face”(7items) threesubscales.
     In the second study we used three subscales of the face concept studied its effect onvoice and silence behaviors, and explored organization-based self-esteem’ moderator effecton protect his own face and silence behaviors. Based on363employee-colleague matchedsamples, by hierarchical regression and moderator effect test, the results indicated that,(1) “desire to gain face” has significant positive influence on employees’ promotive voicebehavior;(2)“protect others face” has significant positive influence on employees’promotive voice behavior;(3)“protect ones own face” has significant positive influenceon employees’ silence behavior;(4) organization-based self-esteem has an moderator effecton “protect ones own face” and silence behavior, that is under the condition of higherorganization based self-esteem, the relationship between “protect ones own face” andsilence behavior is more significant.
     Combined with relevant theories we discussed the results of this research, explainedthe causes of these phenomenon, limitations and future orientations of the study werediscussed as well.
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