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Financial diversion payment system is an important part of dis-taxation in the financial system, which aims to promote the equalization of public service level of areas. Since opening up more than twenty years, we have come into a new stage that the average personal income is over 1000 dollars per year, it is also a period that social conflicts break out excessively. The issue of agriculture development, peasant living condition and village advancement, the problem about areas disparity and industry structure etc has become more and more serious. In order to settle these social conflicts effectively, maintenance the social stability, facilitate the sustainable development of economy and society, we have to set up the reasonable financial diversion payment system. However, there are still some weak points in our actual financial diversion payment system, it must be changed.
     The paper from the vision of economic law, I have synthesize many subject theories such as politics economics jurisprudence and demonstrate the ideas by various investigation techniques as comparative analysis, demonstration analysis and historical analysis, put forward a lot of suggestions about the improvement of financial diversion payment system. The paper divided into seven parts and about fifty thousand words totally.
     The first part is the general analysis of financial diversion payment system, mainly about the conception, necessity and inevitability. It also makes a brief introduction about the investigation status, investigation techniques in our country, in order to provide a theoretic precondition for further research.
     The second part is the embedded anatomy about the theory foundation of financial diversion payment system. From politics, the financial diversion payment system has a close relationship with national essence, national function, and nationality policy; from economics, the financial diversion payment system related to the non-equilibrium of area economy, economic exterior and economic consumption theory; from jurisprudence, equity and benefit is the immanence merit of financial diversion payment system.
     The third part is the comparison of financial diversion payment system in foreign countries. Today, the most market economy countries have set up the consummate financial diversion payment system in the world, through comparative investigation of
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