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The scientific development concept is the latest thinking outcome of the party's three generations of central collective leadership for the issue of development. It is an important guiding principle for economic and social development of the socialism with Chinese characteristics, and a major strategic principle that must be adhered to and implement. Scientific concept of development has very rich theoretical connotations; it's the outmost guide for the purpose, direction, strategy and method of development in current and future China. The scientific development concept embodies a major revolution of the concept of development. With a profound understanding of the issue of development which has both a local and a universal nature, it surpasses all the concepts of development in human history.
     The theoretical connotations and the fundamental principles of the scientific not only possess guiding value in programmatic sense for the current condition of China's economic and social development, it can also provide specific help some specific development issue. From the rich contents directly displayed and inherently contained in the scientific development concept, this paper chose its intrinsic consumption concept as a topic. It discusses the significance of the scientific concept of consumption, which is based on the scientific concept of development, for the reality of contemporary China. This reason for the exploration of the implication of consumption inside the concept of scientific development lies in that consumption as a kind of economic behavior has great value on the development and progress of society and economy. However, in general, the traditional development theories give more emphasis to the discussion about economic and social development from the perspective of production, while ignoring this discussion from the perspective of consumption. To get to the issue of development from the approach of consumption may produces for us a new understanding about the nature, purpose and method of development. The driving force of China's current modernization comes mainly from the production level. Discussions carried out by the theoretical circle about contemporary China's development undergo also along the line of production. The basic purpose for this dissertation to combine the issue of China's development with the issue of the consumption concept, is to provide a useful theoretical reference for the discovery of a path for China's modernization which takes into account production and consumption in the meantime, and follows the universal law of development while possessing spectacular Chinese characteristics.
     The first prerequisite of the scientific development concept is development; its central meaning is people-orientation; its basic requirement is comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development; its fundamental approach is balance. Considering such ideological content and theoretical principles as its foundation and resources, the scientific concept of consumption should advocate people-oriented, balanced and sustainable consumption. If we can establish the scientific consumption concept in society and let it guide people's consumption activities, it will definitely have a positive role in promoting the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics and China's modernization.
     In order to establish the scientific concept of consumption, in addition to the active study and practice of it so as to arm its basic principles into people's thinking and action, we can also do it through carrying out criticism to the "negative material" of the wrong consumption concept. Contemporary capitalist society is awash with alienated consumption behavior, which not only seriously misleads the development of Western countries, but also has negative impacts for the world and the common development of mankind as a whole. China should take the alienated consumption of the Western world as negative examples and wake up people's minds as well as provide impetus for the construction of the scientific concept of consumption with the lessons brought about by alienated consumption.
     The scientific concept of consumption is not only of great theoretical significance, but also has important practical significance. It will directly face the socio-economic realities in current China, and provide treatment for the problems in contemporary China's development. Through the observation mirrors of the concept of scientific Consumption, China's problems in the area of consumption during its economic and social development have a clear image. These problems are mainly manifested as the low consumption rate, the old and negative consumption attitudes, the unreasonable consumption structure, the huge difference between urban and rural consumption as well as the lack of pro-active consumption policy. If domestic demand is a major obstacle on the road of modern China's development, it is precisely because of these factors that serious shortage of China's domestic demands appears. Under the circumstances of the global economic downturn caused by the sub-prime crisis of the United States, the severity of the problem of insufficient domestic demand in China has been highlighted unprecedentedly. How to expand domestic demand has become a question which has the most practical significance and demands prompt solution in China today. If we can build our country's economic development on the foundation of the huge demand generated by the 1.3 billion population, it will not only means we can minimize the resistance to China's development caused by global economic recession, but also means that China will achieve a fundamental change in its approach to economic and social development. Scientific consumption concept also has much to offer in China's system design for expanding its domestic demand.
1 亚当·斯密:《国民财富的性质和原因的研究》,上卷,257-258页,商务印书馆,1972。
    2 《马克思恩格斯全集》,第42卷,人民出版社,1956,96-97页。
    1 《马克思恩格斯全集》,第42卷,人民出版社,1956,121页。
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    2 Jean Baudrillard, The Mirror of Production, trans. Mark Poster, Telos Press,1975, p.17转引自仰海峰:《生产理论与马克思哲学范式的新探索》,载《中国社会科学》,2004(4)。
    3 Jean Baudrillard, The Mirror of Production, p.17转引自仰海峰:《生产理论与马克思哲学范式的新探索》,载《中国社会科学》,2004(4)。
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    2 哈贝马斯:《重建历史唯物主义》,郭官义译,社会科学文献出版社,2000,29页。
    4 哈贝马斯:《重建历史唯物主义》,郭官义译,社会科学文献出版社,2000,33页。
    1 亚当·斯密: 《国民财富的性质和原因的研究》(下),郭大力,王亚南译,商务印书馆,1974,227页。
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    1 亚当·斯密:《国民财富的性质和原因的研究》(上),商务印书馆,1972,郭大力、王亚南译,305页。
    1 亚当·斯密:《国民财富的性质和原因的研究》(上),商务印书馆,1972,郭大力、王亚南译,308页。
    2 亚当·斯密:《国民财富的性质和原因的研究》(上),商务印书馆,1972,郭大力、王亚南译,308-309页。
    3 亚当·斯密:《国民财富的性质和原因的研究》(上),商务印书馆,1972,郭大力、王亚南译,310页。
    4 亚当·斯密:《国民财富的性质和原因的研究》(上),商务印书馆,1972,郭大力、王亚南译,310页。
    5 亚当·斯密:《国民财富的性质和原因的研究》(上),商务印书馆,1972,郭大力、王亚南译,310页。
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    1 马克斯.韦伯:《新教伦理与资本主义精神》,于晓、陈维纲等译,三联书店,1987,142页。
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    1 Henri Lefebvre:Everyday Life in the Modern World, translated by Sacha Rabinovitch, With a new Introduction by Philip Wander, Transaction Publishers, New Brunswick and London,1994, p92)转引自吴宁:《列斐伏尔日常生活批判理论评析》,载《浙江省委党校学报》,2008(11)
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